China White. Don Pendleton. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Don Pendleton
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474000116
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the drive, relaxing in whatever vehicle he happened to be using at the moment, but if Brognola wanted Grimaldi on the new assignment that meant there would be more flying in their future, maybe international.

      No problem.

      He was up to date on his inoculations, kept himself informed on all the major hot spots of the world and could absorb whatever job-specific information might be necessary as he went along. Specifics varied, but his task remained essentially the same: apply force to some selected enemy or obstacle until said enemy or obstacle had been eliminated. Bolan rarely took prisoners, obeyed no rules beyond a code of conduct that was self-imposed and didn’t worry about finding evidence to build a case in court.

      The jobs reserved for him had gone beyond that stage of civilized behavior. Bolan’s specialty was going for the jugular and hanging on until his enemies no longer had an ounce of fight or life left in them. Whether it was sniping from a mile away or fighting hand to hand, he was a master of his craft.

      Thirty-seven minutes out, Grimaldi raised the Farm by radio and confirmed that they were cleared for touchdown at the heliport behind the rambling farmhouse that served as headquarters for the Stony Man teams. Once they were cleared, he veered away from Skyline Drive, flew over treetops and then swept across cultivated fields that marked the Farm itself.

      It was a farm, in fact, producing crops in season, but the “farm hands” were selected from elite groups of the U.S. military, Special Forces, Army Rangers, Navy SEALs and the Marine Special Operations Regiment, as well as the occasional police officer or FBI agent. They worked a short rotation under oath-bound vows of secrecy, dressed in civilian garb but never without weapons close at hand. Those assigned to watch the gates were courteous but firm with wayward travelers. And if a prowler managed to intrude, well, courtesy was no longer an issue. On occasion these farm hands, also known as blacksuits, provided backup to Bolan.

      The soldier saw the farmhouse now. It felt like coming home, but any sanctuary that he found at Stony Man was temporary. As Grimaldi hovered for his landing, Bolan wondered where his War Everlasting would take him next.

      * * *

      STEPPING FROM THE chopper in a whirl of rotor wash, Bolan saw Barbara Price, Aaron Kurtzman and Hal Brognola waiting for him on the far side of the helipad. The big Fed had begun to show his age, but kept in shape with a determined regimen he cheerfully despised. Price was drop-dead gorgeous; no change there. Kurtzman—“the Bear,” to friends—was in the wheelchair where a bullet to the spine had left him when Stony Man’s security was seriously breached.

      They all knew Bolan too well for the standard handshake ritual, reduced in Brognola’s case to a nod as Jack Grimaldi joined them after shutting down the copter. “You made good time,” he observed.

      “Tailwind,” Grimaldi offered with a crooked smile.

      “Something to eat or...?”

      “We might as well get to it,” Bolan said.

      Brognola nodded and then led the way inside. They got a “Hey, guys!” from Akira Tokaido, the youngest member of the Farm’s cybernetic team, who passed them in a hallway, doing something with a tablet.

      There was room for all five of them in the spacious elevator; it was a short ride to the basement. Kurtzman led them to the War Room, his wheelchair moving silently toward a door with a keypad. He keyed in a short sequence of numbers and gained entry.

      Inside, a conference table with a dozen seats stood waiting. Brognola went for the single chair at the far end, where a 152-inch flat-screen TV was mounted on the wall behind and above him. Bolan took the chair to the big Fed’s left, facing Price across the table, with Grimaldi at his side. Kurtzman rolled to the table’s other end, where a keyboard controlled the room’s lights and the giant TV.

      “We’ve got a problem in New York,” Brognola said by way of introduction. “There’s a drug war coming, and it has already claimed three civilian lives.”

      Bolan decided not to ask why it was their problem instead of the DEA’s or the NYPD’s. Brognola liked to set the stage, and as he spoke, the giant screen behind him came alive with news footage of bodies on a sidewalk stained with blood, two uniformed policemen grappling with a Chinese man who tried to bull his way past them, tears streaming down his face.

      “Mott Street,” Brognola said. “Manhattan’s Chinatown, two days ago. The target was a member of the Wah Ching Triad, who was carrying a key of heroin. In one shot there, you see some of it on the sidewalk.”

      Bolan saw it, like a sugar dusting on the sidewalk mixed with blood. A pastry recipe from Hell.

      “The shooters, we believe, are from an Afghan outfit that’s been growing since the DEA took down the Noorzai organization in 2008.”

      Bolan knew the basics on Haji Bashir Noorzai, the widely touted, widely hated Asian counterpart of Medellín’s late Pablo Escobar. He’d battled Russian forces in the Reagan years and then served as mayor of Kandahar while selling weapons to the Taliban regime, then switched to aid the U.S. after 9/11, handing over tons of small arms and antiaircraft missiles to the CIA. Since then he’d made a fortune smuggling heroin, largely ignored—some said protected—by America’s intelligence community. Finally convicted in 2008, he had been sentenced to life imprisonment, leaving the remnants of his empire up for grabs.

      “Who’s filling in for him?” Bolan asked.

      “It’s a whole new crew,” Brognola said. “The man on top, we understand, is one Khalil Nazari.” Cue a string of mug shots, candid photos and a strip of video that showed a swarthy, mustached man emerging from a Humvee, flanked by bodyguards. “He’s forty-five years old and everything a drug lord ought to be. We all know what’s been going on with heroin since the invasion.”

      More bad news. During the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, regional warlords had financed their guerrilla war with opium, then kept it up with CIA support as they struggled to fill the power vacuum left by Soviet withdrawal in 1989. The Taliban had dabbled in drug trafficking, producing a bumper crop of 4,500 metric tons in 1999, then collaborated with the United Nations to suppress the trade, encouraged by a $43 million “eradication reward” from Washington in early 2001. Everything changed that September, and the warlords had returned with a vengeance, pushing opium and heroin production to the point that drugs accounted for 52 percent of Afghanistan’s GDP and an estimated 80 percent of the world’s smack supply. The Golden Crescent of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan had eclipsed Southeast Asia’s Golden Triangle in drug exports, and Bolan knew the triads weren’t exactly thrilled by that development.

      In fact, it was enough to start a war.

      And now, apparently, it had.

      Brognola forged ahead, saying, “Nazari’s front man in New York, we’re pretty sure, is this guy.” Cue a younger thug on-screen. “Wasef Kamran, age thirty-one. Supposedly provided information on bin Laden to the Company, but nothing that panned out.”

      “So they’re protecting him?” Grimaldi asked.

      “I didn’t say that,” Brognola responded, “but I couldn’t rule it out, either.”


      “On the triad side,” the big Fed said, pressing ahead, “their ‘dragon head’ or ‘mountain master,’ as they like to call him, is a character called Ma Lam Chan.” More video and still shots on the giant flat screen. “Home for him is Hong Kong, where it seems he’s reached some kind of an accommodation with the PRC authorities.”

      Bolan translated in his head. The People’s Republic of China had reclaimed the teeming offshore island of Hong Kong in 1997, after something like 150 years of British colonial rule. Despite Washington’s fears that the Reds would wreak havoc on Hong Kong’s thriving capitalist economy, little had changed overall. The worst problems suffered so far had been unexpected outbreaks of disease, each claiming several hundred lives. Meanwhile, cash registers kept ringing and the drugs kept flowing to the West.

      “Chan’s guy in