The property of water important to the study of lakes is its density at different temperatures; for the study of rivers, its flow downhill. This has a direct influence on organisms that live in it and a possibly more important indirect one through its effect on the substratum. Table 3 is taken from Tansley (1939) but its original source is a text-book on river and canal engineering. An engineer contrives even gradients and neatly regulated bends; Nature does not. The irregularity of a natural water-course produces a mozaic that confounds the systematic mind at the start and ensures that any scheme of classification is no more than a rough general guide. What does happen in nature? In attempting to answer that question, we shall take an imaginary river, but admit at once that our imaginations owe much to familiarity with the Lake District. The rocks there are hard, impermeable and often steep. In places water flows a long distance over a flat sheet of rock, but generally it has eroded a gulley of some kind. In this rapids generally alternate with pools in parts of which conditions are surprisingly quiet, especially if the stones and boulders are large. In the rapids large stones and boulders tend to jam in the gulley and hold up a bottom that is far more stable than might be expected on so steep a gradient. Conditions in this zone must obviously depend on the relation between the dip of the strata and the angle at which they are exposed, and on the size and form of the fragments which break off the rock. Where the gradient becomes less steep, moderate-sized stones plucked from the rocks above and washed down begin to come to rest. In the Lake District they tend to be flat and accordingly they have an inherent stability. Further breaking-up is taking place all the time and as the smaller pieces are rolled downstream their edges are rounded. This produces the unstable bottom of round stones that is often found some distance down the valley, if the gradient falls evenly. An outcrop of rock is a fresh source of flat stones, and it, or any other obstruction, produces a striking alteration of the flow pattern, confining swift current to the surface layers. Settling of gravel, sand and finer particles becomes possible, and, as these fill up the interstices between the larger stones, they produce a remarkably stable bottom. This happens also during a spell of low water. Percival and Whitehead refer to it as a ‘cemented’ bottom. It is one which occurs almost everywhere, but generally it is covered by loose stones. Occasionally some new obstruction halts the downward flow of loose stones and then the stream is floored by substratum of this type.
Table 3. Relation of current speed and nature of river bed
Flowing onward, the river generally comes to a plain, often one of its own creating, the gradient approaches nearer and nearer to the horizontal and flow decreases. First gravel, then sand and finally silt settle to the bottom and provide a substratum in which plants can take root.
Probably few except those charged with the task of dredging it realize how much material is being deposited on river beds. It is not a continuous process and varies greatly with intensity of rainfall. At intervals exceptional downpours, often restricted to a comparatively small area of the mountains, make considerable alterations to a river bed, which may remain comparatively unchanged until the next downpour. But change never wholly stops; a boulder may stabilize a stretch for many years but all the time it is being chipped away by the smaller stones washed past it until the day must come when it is no longer large enough to withstand a flood. Away it goes and a considerable section of the adjacent bottom with it until a new pattern is established.
For the biologist the important distinction is between the upland reaches, where erosion is taking place, and only plants, such as mosses, that can attach themselves to flat hard surfaces provide cover for animals, and the lowland reaches where a plain is being built (or would be if the drainage engineers permitted) and rooted vegetation grows. Dudley Stamp (1946) recognizes three zones; mountain, foothill, and plain. Butcher has proposed a classification of rivers according to which of these zones they rise in. In mountain areas with hard rocks the rivers will traverse all three zones, but where there is chalk or other pervious rock the river may spring from the foothill or the plain region. His scheme, however, has not caught on, and most workers agree that an entire river may be so diverse that it will not fit with other rivers into a category. Schemes for recognizing zones within a river have, in contrast, been popular. The best known goes back a long way and has been elaborated in recent years especially by fishery workers. It is based on the species of fish found, which appears to have a fair correlation with the slope. One drawback is that some of the fish do not have a wide geographical distribution. Dr Kathleen Carpenter (1928) has adapted it for British waters:
1. The Headstreams and Highland Brooks are small, often torrential, and without fish. Temperature conditions vary greatly. Low temperature is common, but a stream that arises from shallow soil may be warm, and a slow-flowing stretch may soon reach a high temperature on a sunny day.
2. The Troutbeck is larger and more constant than the headstream. Torrential conditions are typical and the bottom is composed of solid rock, stones, and boulders, with perhaps some gravel. The trout is the only permanent fish of the open water though the miller’s thumb (Cottus gobio) is found sheltering among stones. These first two zones together correspond roughly with Stamp’s upper or mountain course.
3. The Minnow Reach is still fairly swift and patches of silt and mud are only to be found in a few places protected from the current, but higher plants, notably the water crowfoot, Ranunculus fluitans, are able to gain a foothold. This is roughly the middle course of Stamp. It is the Thymallus (grayling) zone of the continental workers, but Carpenter rejects this name because the grayling is not a widespread species in Britain.
4. The Lowland Reach is slow and meandering, with a muddy bottom and plenty of vegetation. Coarse fish are characteristic, and on the continent of Europe it is known as the bream zone.
Tansley classifies rivers into five zones, basing his system very largely on the work of Butcher (1933).
Zone 1 is described as very rapid. Where vegetation is present at all, the important plants are mosses and liverworts; higher plants are often absent altogether and never dominant. This class includes all Carpenter’s headstreams and highland brooks and part, at least, of the troutbeck.
Zone 2 is moderately swift with a bottom of stones and boulders, but with occasional patches of finer material in which a small number of higher plants can gain a foothold. Ranunculus fluitans (or sometimes R. pseudofluitans), the water crowfoot, is the most important.
Zone 3 has a moderate current with a gravelly bed. The list of higher plants is much longer. The water crowfoot is still the most important, others are the simple bur-reed, Sparganium simplex, several species of Potamogeton, and the Canadian pond-weed, Elodea canadensis.
Zones 4 and 5 are medium to slow, and very slow or negligible respectively. The list of higher plants is long and, as it varies a good deal from river to river, confusion rather than clarification would be the result of reproducing it here; but it may be noted the water crowfoot is usually not an important constituent. It is impossible to equate this classification exactly with that of Carpenter, but Zone 2 and part, at least, of Zone 3, correspond with her minnow reach, and Zones 4 and 5 and perhaps part of Zone 3 correspond with her lowland coarse fish reach.
Against this background a few British rivers which have been studied in detail may now be examined. The Lake District, as was described earlier, is drained by rivers which radiate from the centre. Their valleys were enlarged by glaciers during the Ice Age and generally deepened in such a way that a lake was left when the