Hardhearted: It's Better to Be Feared than Loved. Sherrod Tunstall. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherrod Tunstall
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781645561088
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      * * *

      Swag and Blood walked down the long hallway and headed toward the elevator. Swag looked back at Josie’s door. He didn’t mean to raise his voice at her, but he’d be damned if he was going to look like a punk in front of any female. Hell, in his mind, he was still fearless and savage at heart. The only thing on his mind, at the moment, however, was to crack Blood’s skull in half and get that ass when he was off guard.

      Blood turned his head back around and made himself clear. “No, not for you. Josephine is off-limits.”

      “What you mean about off-limits, playa?”

      Blood grabbed Swag’s arm and twisted it before pushing the up button on the elevator. “Listen, I’m only going to say this once. Don’t look, say, or do anything to Josephine. She’s King’s child, and no man is to touch her. So, as a fair warning, don’t touch her. Understand?”

      The elevator door opened, and Blood pushed Swag inside and made him hit the stainless steel wall hard, causing Swag to fall to the ground. Blood joined him inside and pulled Swag up by his collar. “I said, do you understand? Don’t touch Josephine!”

      “I heard you, man. Do you have to keep saying it?” Swag said, giving Blood cold eyes and twisting his lips.

      “You better put a smile on that face, pretty boy.”

      Swag ignored him.

      “Trust and believe, playboy, we goin’ have our time,” Blood pointed in Swag’s face.

      I’m looking forward to it, Swag thought and smiled at him wickedly.

      Chapter 10

      Home Sweet Home

      Swag and Blood arrived on the twelfth floor and kept going back and forth with each other. That was, until they saw King leaning against one of the three golden doors with a frown on her face.

      “Stop all the nonsense,” she said. “We have work to do.”

      “You lucky I listen to the boss,” Blood said as he backed out of Swag’s space.

      After Swag moved away from him, he looked at King, who had changed her look a little. She was now only wearing a bra and a white lace skirt. She took off her heels, and her long hair flowed down her back. Swag thought she could be a Victoria Secret’s model the way she looked.

      “Solomon, come to me.” She held out her hands.

      Swag was skeptical about King’s unpredictable ass. First, the girl cuts Travis’s finger off, sliced his hand open, and even drank his blood. He still couldn’t get that sick shit out of his mind, and he wondered where Travis and Tyler were. Like Brad, he didn’t know if he would see them again.

      As Swag approached King, she put her arms around him and licked his neck as if it were ice cream and bit his earlobe.

      In a weird way, what King did to him turned him on. She stopped hugging him and looked at his rough face and hand. She also looked at a bruise on his face where Blood had hit him. “My, my, my poor boy. I’ma get my peoples up here to take better care of that hand. The last thing you need is to get your hand infected.” She took his hand and sucked on every finger. Mainly, his middle finger that she eased in and out of her mouth. She also pecked the bruise on his face. “I’m sorry Blood played rough with you.”

      Swag didn’t believe her.

      “But when I say come, you need to come. Got it?” King ordered.

      “Got it,” Swag said dryly.

      King laughed, knowing she was now dealing with a hardheaded dude. But for now, she was going to let his dry-ass remark slide. In her mind, he was going to learn that she was nothing to fuck with. She ran Costa Rica, and what she said goes.

      “Now, this is your room.” She turned around and opened the door wide.

      They walked into the room, and Swag looked around at how nice it was. It was spacious and had a black and gold Victorian bed with white, Egyptian cotton sheets, and beautiful throw pillows on top. The walls were painted an eggshell color, and the carpet was a plush white. All of the furniture in the room, from the nightstands, lamps, and chairs, were black and gold—Versace inspired.

      “Solomon!” King shouted to get his attention. She then snapped her fingers. “Swag!”

      Swag responded, knowing she didn’t like to wait to be answered. After what he had been through today, he knew he was dealing with an even crazier motherfucker than he was used to. Swag was willing to do anything to stay in her good graces.

      “I’m sorry, King. I was just lost in the dopeness of this room.”

      “I’m glad that it meets your approval.” She stood behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, then started to rub his back.

      Again, Swag was both scared and turned on at the same time. He even started to get another woody in his pants, but unfortunately, he didn’t know if she intended to hurt him or use him for sexual pleasure.

      King loved the way Swag’s body felt next to hers, even though he was wearing his clothes. But the one thing she hated was he smelled like the ship they’d been on. King was so tired of seeing him in the same clothes. If it were up to her, Swag would be walking around butt-ass naked. She smiled at that thought, but she thought about her horny younger-men-loving mother. King loved her mother to death, but she would be damned if her mother messed with this gem. King didn’t know what between Swag and Josie was driving her crazy inside, but she wanted them both. Yes, she wanted her child sexually, but she was now focused on Swag, as well.

      “I love my men in nothing but the best.” She pointed to a golden closet. “There are clothes in there. I suggest you bathe because you smell. Also, I’ll have someone come in and take a look at your hand and face. Dinner is in two-and-a-half hours in the great room, and your attendance is required.” She kissed him on his cheek and then whispered in his ear. “Two-and-a-half hours. Not a minute later.” She smacked him on his butt, but before she headed to the door, Swag asked her a question.

      “Will my friends be joining us for dinner too? I’ve been wondering if they’re okay, and where they’re at.”

      “No worries,” King said. “They’re fine. As for you, I’ll see you later, sweet cheeks.” She blew him a kiss before leaving the room. Then she walked out, closing the door behind her.

      Swag didn’t like her answer, but he went over to the door and locked it. He took off his shirt and smelled it. It was sweaty and stinky. He tossed it on a chair, and needing to relax, he wished he’d had a blunt or some of that good old Brazilian cocaine. For now, his best bet was the Xanax in his pocket and a nap. He reached into his pocket to get a pill. After that, he sighed and flopped down on the bed. It felt so good, and the sheets were soft as clouds. He pulled one over his head, grabbed a pillow, and let the Xanax take effect.

      Chapter 11

      Paco’s New Plot

      When arriving at Escazú, a second canton in the province in San José, to a beautiful white mansion in an Exquisite Escazu Residence, everyone except for Paco was in awe. They’d never seen fly shit like this except in rap videos with a lot of video girls dancing around. Once the limousine was parked, Paco, Travis, Ike, Rock, Landon, Miguel, and Nash got out of the limo. The estate on the outside had a well-manicured lawn and beautiful white roses everywhere. The butler, a big dude looking like Lurch from the Addams Family, stood in the doorway and waved for everyone to come inside. It was almost identical to King’s Palace but on a much smaller scale. Paco was the only one who didn’t seem impressed. He was still bitter about what had happened to him.

      He remembered having his first meeting with King and their possible partnership to take down his father and the Hernandez Cartel. He also remembered the steamy sexy nights he and King had in the mansion. Those were the good days, but now, he had nothing to