The Arson. Wania Kashif. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Wania Kashif
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781649691705
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      Chapter 1

      “Help!” she screamed, jolting awake in fear.

      “Hazel honey, are you ok?” her parents asked running in.

      “I-I’m fine”, she said trying to catch her breath, “what about you guys?”

      “Why would we not be ok, sweetie?”

      “Um- Well- N-Never mind." she said biting her lips, "Sorry to disturb you guys. I’m fine. Don’t worry, go back to sleep.”

      “It was all just a dream……Just a dream” she told herself, and went back to sleep. Lately, Hazel had been having the same nightmare over and over again. She saw her home in hot blazes, and heard screams of her parents. The flames danced in front of her, mocking her, because she couldn’t do anything. In her dream, she was chained, and no matter how hard she pulled, the chains wouldn’t budge. The wailing, the screams of her parents were unbearable. And all she could was watch. She tried shouting for help……but it was like the neighborhood was abandoned. Soon, the screams died. A small part of her hoped that her parents had been rescued, but she knew what happened. They were gone. The next moment she wakes up, with her heartbeat galloping! She tried convincing herself it was JUST a dream, but it wouldn’t leave her. She was scared. Petrified. However, she needed to avoid it. A few hours later, it was morning and before she knew it, she was getting ready for school. Hazel had been looking forward to this week for the Junior Nationals competition. She was on her school’s runners’ team and was one of the most athletic girls. Hazel hopped on her bus and set off for school, waving her parents goodbye. It started of just like any other normal day. She was done with English, Science, and was stuck in her least favorite subject: Math (geometry)! No matter how hard she tried, geometry just felt like someone throwing a bunch of shapes at her. Hazel just didn’t understand why geometry was so important?! She felt something hit her head and turned around to see Annoying Mandy. Ugh! Hazel was a hundred and one percent sure she was jealous of her. They were both on the runners' team and…..well…..Mandy always had the urge to be the best. At everything. But Hazel did not wish to start anything right now. She rolled her eyes and went back to her business, which was, trying really hard not to doze off. All of a sudden there was an announcement to the class, “Hazel Miller, please report to the principal’s office immediately!” She was really puzzled and did not understand why he needed her?! Did she forget her homework? Was she in trouble for something? Or………maybe Mandy pulled another one of her silly pranks on her! But…..why did the principal sound so panicky?! Hazel had been called to the principal’s place many, many times, but he had never sounded like that. She ran as fast as she could with her heartbeat racing! Not quite sure why. Hazel took a deep breath before turning the doorknob and entered the room.“Is everything ok? Uncle Shawn?” she said confused, “What are you doing here?”

      “Hazel. Listen to me.”, he said in a shaky voice, “I-um…… you know…… I…. I can’t explain this to you!!!” he said throwing his hands upwards “I don’t know how to! Just come with me.”

      “Uncle you’re scaring me!” Hazel said half crying. She looked towards the principal but his expression was no different. What was happening?

      “Just come!”

      Hazel did as her uncle instructed and got into the car. She asked him at least 5000 times to tell her what happened. But he kept crying and tried to hide it. She had nothing to do but pray that everything was going to be alright. Hazel noticed that they were driving towards her house. But why? Why didn't her parents pick her up? They reached within 15 minutes and got out of the car. What she saw was pure horrifying! She had to fight the need of barfing, and tried to stand still. Her heart skipped a beat. The time stopped. She stopped breathing for that very minute. A lump formed in her throat. Her knees buckled. And tears rolled down her cheeks.

      “Nooooooo!” she cried, “How- Why-?!!W-Where are my parents?!", she cried looking around, "I want to see my parents!!!!!!”.

      It was unbelievable! Everything was burned down to the ground. A place that she grew up in. The only place that put the biggest smile on her face. Her home. Nothing was left of it. It was gone. All gone. Just ashes. Ashes everywhere.

      “Hazel, I’m very sorry! But we were unable to save them! We were late…..”

      “No! You’re lying! Tell me you’re lying!” she yelled crying and gasping, “I WANT MY-

      But before she could say another word, everything turned black! The next thing she knew, she was in a hospital bed with a bottle attached to her syringe.

      “Where am I? No…wait. Where are my parents?!’’

      Her uncle and Aunt Michelle were right beside her.

      “Sweetie” Michelle started, “I’m really sorry but…”

      “This can’t be happening! They’re really gone?! No….they would NEVER leave me like this! Please….” breaking into tears again.

      “I’m sorry! But it actually happened. They’re funeral will be held day after tomorrow and you will be released at 5 p.m. today.” uncle Shawn said enraged and stormed out of the room. Hazel turned on her phone to checked the time. It was 3 p.m.

      She sighed and told herself, “Get a grip Hazel! They’re not gone but rather in a much better place. They’re watching me. I know it!” But it was much harder to accept. Two people, who loved her, took care of her, raised her, were gone. She would never see them again! She wasn't sure how she would survive without them.

      “Aunt Michelle?” she asked .

      “Yes sweetie.”

      “How did the fire even start?”, she inquired with anxiety.

      “The police is still investigating.", she began, "However, they found a faint trail of oil around the house which implies-

      “A murder!” Hazel said interrupting.

      “Well yes, but they don’t have any leads. No suspects….and there is a good chance they leave this case.”

      “What! They can’t!”

      “Honey they tried. But…… They found no evidence! And if they can’t find any evidence……..Listen they interrogated everybody in the family to get a suspect, a lead, but your father or mother did not have any disputes with anyone. They had no debts either. And so, the police will leave the case. They did all they can.”

      Hazel could not believe it! She was so mad, she felt smoke coming out of her ears. She wanted to smash everything in the room and run far, far away. A place away from worries. A place away from awful and dreadful people like the unknown murderer. A place to just breathe. It was hard to believe how her world turned upside down in a few seconds. It scared her. Time…..time…..was truly unpredictable. Hazel was soon released and was offered a place in her uncle’s house. They had an extra room and did not live far away from her school. It was surely weird at first but she was grateful for having a roof above her and not having to sleeping in an orphanage. The next day she spent all her time trying to remember anyone who disliked her parents. But it was useless!

      “UUUGGHHH! FOR GOD SAKE! Who would do such a thing?!!!!!!!” she screamed frustrated. Eventually she gave up! What else could she do? That night she had another disturbing dream. It was the same flames dancing in front of her. Making fun of her. Then suddenly the setting changed. She saw her parents wave goodbye to her, for the last time before she set off for school. The scene shifted and Hazel saw a blurry picture of her dad screaming and shouting at someone with papers in his hand. It was extremely blurry and his voice seemed to trail off from time to time.

      “How is it my-!!!………..Y-Yes but………What…..You don’t u-u-understand! Wa-i-i-i-itttt……….” He said.

      Hazel immediately woke up with sweat rolling down her face.

      “Who was he talking to?” she wondered. “Maybe…the killer…..” She got out of bed to grab a glass of water and decided to look into it later. It was 4 in the morning and in a couple of hours a horrendous day was about to start. The funeral was held at 9 a.m. in the morning. It was unbearable! All the “I’m sorry” “my deepest condolences”, it made her mad! Because someone