Every Night I'm Yours. Christie Kelley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christie Kelley
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Spinster Club
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420118247
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pushed him away and walked around the desk. Leaning over the desk, she stared at him before saying, “You took my private message and read it?”

      “Hardly private, Avis. There wasn’t even a name on it.”

      “Regardless, you shouldn’t have read my note,” she retorted. “Besides, his name wasn’t on the note. How did you know it was for Mr. Billingsworth?”

      Damn good question. How did he know? “I made the assumption and thought to save you the embarrassment of asking a newly betrothed man to meet you alone. Highly scandalous, Avis, and so unlike you.”

      He sat down in the chair by the desk. Her emerald gown shimmered in the candlelight. But it wasn’t the lovely dress that caught his attention. Her light brown hair shined with burnished gold strands, highlighting her amber eyes and heart-shaped face. His gaze moved lower, admiring the amount of snowy skin exposed to him. For a small woman she had ample curves everywhere a woman should.

      “Now what did you wish to speak with Billingsworth about? A problem with your current story? Did you need him to assist you?”

      “It is none of your concern.” She stood upright and crossed her arms over her chest.

      Slowly, Banning stood and then leaned in closer to her until only a desk kept them apart. Avis stood her ground, but her breathing increased.

      “I’m quite certain I can help you,” he whispered with a ghost of a smile.

      Her mouth dropped open. “Oh my God! Did Jennette tell you?” Her voice raised an octave. “Did she?”

      Heat crept across his cheeks. He felt like a damned schoolboy accused of cheating on his exams. His sister had told him nothing of any consequence, but he could not tell Avis about his conversation with Miss Reynard. “No. I overheard my sister and Miss Reynard talking.”

      She paused as if taking in his words. “What exactly did you hear?”

      “I believe you decided to have a love affair with Mr. Billingsworth. I’m here to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life.”

      Her face grew pallid. “This is none of your concern, Selby.”

      “I’m making it my concern.”


      Banning sighed. “Emory Billingsworth is the worst kind of man—”

      “Unlike you,” she interrupted. “You’re simply an angel, are you not?” Her eyes, normally a soft amber, hardened as she glared at him.

      “I never claimed to be an angel, Avis. But nothing I have ever done can compare to Billingsworth. He will rip your reputation to shreds. Why? Because he shall think it a great joke.”

      “I don’t believe you. I have known Mr. Billingsworth for the past three years, and he has been nothing but a gentleman to me. Unlike you.”

      Banning clenched his fists. “Avis, he is not the man you think he is.”

      “Why should I believe you?”

      “I was at Eton when he was there. I know things about him that he has been able to keep quiet—things that could ruin him if they became public.”

      “That was years ago when he was barely a man. I would be surprised to find a man who didn’t have some slight scandal to his name, even you,” she whispered the last two words.

      “Avis,” Banning said, trying to contain his frustration. “You cannot do this. At least not with him, think of Lady Hythe. She would be devastated if she discovered her betrothed with another woman.”

      She closed her eyes and stood still. After what seemed like minutes, though in truth was only a few seconds, she opened them again. “Very well then. I shall have to find another man.”

      “No!” The words tumbled out before he could stop them. “If you want someone else, choose me.”

      Damn! Where had that come from?

      He walked slowly around the desk with his fingers sliding across the smooth wood. He took two more strides and then drew her against his chest.

      “Let me go, you—”

      “Dear God, please stop calling me an oaf.”

      Her lips twitched. “I will not do this with you, Selby. And you know why.”

      His head dipped toward her ear. “That was eight years ago, Avis. And I was a fool.”

      “No. Not you,” she said with a slight catch to her voice. She pulled out of his arms, walking only a step backward before she stopped.

      “I wasn’t?” He’d felt like one back then. Kissing the Ice Maiden had been a prank, but the joke had been on him when he realized he might have lost control if she hadn’t backed away.

      She poked her finger at his chest. “Yes, you were a fool. And I was an even greater one for thinking I was anything but a wager to you. Melt the Ice Maiden and win the bet. I won’t be that foolish again.”

      “I never meant to hurt you.”

      “Well you did and on more than one occasion.” She walked toward the door. “I believe we should leave.”

      “One kiss.”

      She whirled around with a swish of green silk. “What?”

      “One kiss to convince you that I am the man you want. If after one kiss you decide not to accept me, I shall leave you in peace. And I won’t speak of your plans.”

      Her face screwed into a multitude of emotions as she contemplated his request. “That’s all it would take to be rid of you—one kiss?” she asked hesitantly.

      “That is it.” Say yes…say yes, he silently urged as he walked closer to her. He wanted her kiss like a drowning man wanted saving.

      “Very well then. Let’s get this over with.”

      Every seduction skill he had ever learned would be needed for this one moment. With exacting precision, he drew her against his chest. Slowly, he lowered his head until his lips touched hers with the briefest of contact. It took every ounce of self-control not to drag her even closer to him. Instead, he sucked her lower lip into his mouth and slid his tongue across it. She whimpered—one battle won.

      He pressed her closer to him and deepened the kiss. The light scent of her jasmine perfume infused him. He wanted her. Damn. He wanted her more now than he had eight years ago. Touching her warm skin and tasting the hint of wine on her tongue sent his pulse thrumming.

      Her whimper turned into a soft moan as she responded to him. One more battle down but the war was far from over. He skimmed his hands down her back and squeezed her derrière tightly against his rising erection. She started to draw away but he refused her. He bent his head over her mouth again and played with her tongue until she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her warm body closer to him. This time, he moaned.

      His lips trailed a path to her ear. “Say yes, Avis,” he whispered. “Say yes.”

      “One night, Selby.”

      Banning pulled his head back—one night? “A month wouldn’t be enough time to teach you everything you want to know.”

      “One week—”

      He cut off her protests with another passionate kiss. Lifting his head, he said, “Three weeks.”


      Again, he kissed her until he hoped her protests would cease.

      “Two,” she said breathlessly. “That’s my final offer.” She thrust out of his arms and walked unsteadily toward the door. “Call on me to finalize the details tomorrow,” she said with a quiver to her voice. The door shut quietly behind her.

      What the bloody hell had he done?