Sins of the Undead Patriot. a.c. Mason. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: a.c. Mason
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616504113
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his day had started, he could not have imagined being in the Oval Office with the president, speaking about his erection the night she’d propositioned him over a decade ago. He had been a gentleman. “I don’t believe I’m following the conversation.”

      “You have no love slash sex life to speak of. It’s an issue. People need to see something or they assume the worst. You’re an attractive male of your kind and yet in the years since the undead came out, you haven’t been linked to anyone romantically, undead or human. Are you frequenting hookers?”

      As he sipped his drink, the smoky flavor washed over his tongue. The working girls willing to see his kind were not his type. Nor was he attracted to undead females. Human women didn’t make viable companions. Too many risk factors. Was that why the Homeland Security assignment appealed to him? A chance to be with a female probably not yet ready for intimacy would eliminate many of the barriers. He worried about women’s safety and the possibility of him hurting them–her, Leera.

      He shook his head.

      The curtains could be pushed further open to give him a better view of the area outside. He checked the door, which remained shut.

      “Good.” She nodded. “Is it men? I mean, are you into men. No one blinks an eye at such things anymore.”

      Where was this conversation going? “Not inherently.” His physical response to her stimulation should have told her as much.

      “That would have explained the night you brought me back to my room some years back. I practically threw myself at you.” She met his gaze.

      Nothing could explain his actions in terms humans would understand. “You’d consumed alcohol. It would have been untoward of me to act on your advances.” There was no hiding his interest in her physically and mentally but an affair with him would have ruined her and everything she was to become.

      “ there is a way of putting it.” A nervous laugh escaped her. “Maybe you are into the really young ones?”

      “Absolutely not.” He jumped to his feet. The idea unnerved him. “I can’t believe you’d even consider such a thing of me. I’d never.”

      “I didn’t, I’m just tossing out speculations that have come up.” She crossed her arms.

      Could people have thought such nonsense of him?

      “I can’t have some strange sex, drug, bondage or other type of scandal from you right now. This Bill is my legacy. If you can’t handle the heat, I’m giving you the chance to get out of the kitchen. We need to be squeaky clean over the next few months.” She rose.

      The last thing he wanted was to derail the Bill. “Squeaky clean.”

      “We are going to make history.” She rested her hand on his shoulder. Humans needed contact to deepen bonds. He preferred distance.

      As long as he could keep this new case with the widow out of the way, they would usher in a new era. How much trouble could the widow be? For all he knew, she wouldn’t even be interested and he could be on his merry little way.

      “I’m going to press the Pacific Northwest state senators for support, given I’m from out West. You work on New England state senators, as you’ve been making progress with the good old boys club.” She brushed back her long, wavy hair, exposing her neck. The light golden-beige hue to her flawless skin forced him to step back. He swallowed building hunger.

      The strategy worked for him. “I’ll keep on them.” His comfort level around the West Coast easy going surfer types was minimal. As hard as that might be to believe, it was factual. Not that he enjoyed lamenting about the good old days much more.

      “Perfect. I’ll get my secretary to email you with a date for us to meet again and compare notes.” She turned from him.

      He shifted away. “Thank you, Kirsten, for championing the Bill.” He set the barely touched Scotch glass down on the nook.

      “Don’t thank me just yet. If I live to see the Bill passed, I will accept your gratitude then.” A heavy breath escaped her. “I’m confident you can find your way out?”

      The threats on her life from the religious right wing grew as the countdown to the signing of the Bill approached. Why one human wanted to kill another was beyond him. They had such short life spans.

      Maybe the widow could serve them both. If he appeared to be dating, that would settle his public image.

       Chapter 5

      Music filled the grand room of the performing arts center, washing over Leera like a wave over the shore. Leera opened her eyes. Soft beige lights blanketed the dim space.

      The hall went silent, and the audience rose with thunderous applause.

      Meg and Peter smiled as she stood and clapped too.

      “I’m thirsty.” Meg pointed to the refreshment area outside the double doors, then grabbed Leera’s hand.

      One more place she could feel awkward with nothing to say.

      “I’m so happy you came tonight. Peter is worried about you.” Meg wrapped her arm around Leera and squeezed.

      If only her brother didn’t worry, she wouldn’t be in this mess with Homeland Security to keep him out of Guantanamo Bay.

      A talk about her behavior was sure to follow. Meg couldn’t help but lecture her endlessly about how hard everything she did was on Peter. Whether she responded and if she said nothing, the same was true. Peter’s recklessness with helping Rowley was now her biggest problem.

      “It feels great to be out.” She said what was needed to avoid further reprimand.

      She and Meg waited in line at the juice bar. Though she loved her sister in-law, the woman couldn’t spend a moment in her own company or keep her mouth shut. Someone had to be with her everywhere she went. That kind of behavior couldn’t possibly be healthy.

      Overhead hung flags from countries all over the world, which reminded her of the first time her father brought the family to the orchestra and the red dress her mother had insisted she wear. Peter got sick. Father was furious, and made sure Peter couldn’t sit for days.

      Peter weaved through the crowd, then he stopped to talk to a tall bald man in a long, black, buttoned-up jacket and tailored matching pants. A round collar hugged the man’s pale, blue-toned skin. An Ancient. Not a lawyer. Growing up in a house filled with them, she could spot them on sight. Peter smiled then laughed and pointed toward them.

      A striking gaze met hers. Vaihan Louchian.

      Her heart pounded. His eyes were white with black pupils, and he had no irises. Inside, her stomach quivered, from fear or the way he examined her, she couldn’t be sure. God, it was happening. So far, Barton was right about Vaihan being there.

      Meg lit up as she turned to Peter and the approaching male. “Vaihan, what a pleasant surprise, running into you here.”

      “Megan, your radiance only increases every time I see you. I’m at a loss as to how this is even possible.” Hands clasped behind his back, he bowed.

      “Motherhood agrees with me.” Meg’s cheeks grew pink.

      Peter took her hand. “Yes, it does.”

      The pit in her stomach tensed. Her hand shook.

      The pointed dot of his pupils grew larger.

      “Let me introduce Peter’s baby sister, Leera,” Meg said.

      That was Leera’s cue to force a smile to her lips. “Hello.” She’d done this a million times for her father. It was just like old times. But now she was doing it for Peter.

      The broad frame imposed over her as he stepped closer. A strange tremor moved through her core as uneasiness gripped her. Heat flushed her chest and up her neck, forcing her to step back.