Scandal of The Season. Christie Kelley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christie Kelley
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Spinster Club
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420120264
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people amongst the ton know you.”

      “A few but not many,” she admitted. “Still, I do not like the idea of people assuming I am your mistress. If word of this gets out to my friends…”

      “You mean the ladies Selby, Blackburn, and Kendal?”

      After all her words discouraging them from taking a man to their bed, they would be horrified. “They must not discover what I am doing.”

      “There is no other way.” He glanced away from her. “None of your friends would associate with anyone attending this party.”

      “Are you certain?”


      “I see. If you think I will allow you any advances, you are mistaken.”

      His face tinged slightly. “I would not expect that of you. This would be strictly a business arrangement. But realize that we will share a room and likely a bed.”

      Victoria closed her eyes. Sharing a bed with him would be a difficult task. Just being in the same room with him had her heart beating erratically. But five thousand pounds would keep the children clothed, fed, and warm for a very long time.

      “I will do it.”

      “We will need to leave on Thursday.” He perused her from head to toe. “I shall pick you up tomorrow for a day of shopping.”

      Victoria looked down at the rug. Until she had that money, she could not afford to spend a farthing. “I cannot—”

      “I will pay for the dresses.”

      She nodded slowly. “I will need to hire someone to help out with the children while I’m gone.”

      “Whatever expenses you incur because of this, I will pay for them.”

      “Very well, then.” Victoria needed to leave this room. The overpowering essence of him was driving her mad. Seeing him again after all these years served to remind her of her initial feelings for him. She would have done anything for him then. And had.

      Even today, she could have rejected his proposal. He had no proof that she stole the necklace. While most people didn’t know her personally, her works of charity stood out in this sordid town. No one would believe the rake. But instead of standing her ground, she gave into him like a weak coward.

      She had to remember that her true reason for doing this had nothing to do with him. Only the children mattered. She would be able to give them a true Christmas with a few gifts and a large holiday meal. She could even bring in some sprigs of holly on Christmas Eve to make the house look more festive. All things she never had the money to do before now. But more importantly, the money from this would keep them in coal and food for a very long time.

      “I should take my leave now,” she finally said. She rose and walked toward the door.

      He caught her wrist before she could reach for the knob. “Victoria, there is one more thing.”

      She inhaled sharply and turned to face him. His blasted grip was so tight she couldn’t get him to release her.

      “Oh?” she replied.

      “While in private, I promise not to touch you. Nonetheless, during the public aspect of this party you may need to get used to me touching you to make this believable.” He dragged her closer. “I might even have need to do this.”

      He closed the distance between them and lowered his mouth so quickly she had no time to fight him. And the hot sensation of his mouth on hers made her realize that she didn’t want to fight him. She had to resist him no matter how much she wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and press her body closer to his.

      His tongue slipped across her lips as if searching for a sign of surrender. She could not give in to the desire seeping into her veins. Victoria moaned slightly. This is how everything started the last time, one simple kiss. Remembering that painful scene forced Victoria away from him.

      “As I said,” he muttered in a husky voice. “You shall have to get used to it.”

      “I do not think that is possible.”

      “You will pretend you enjoy my kisses or no one will believe us.”

      He tilted her chin up. In the pale light, his eyes were almost dark green, with no sign of hazel. And he was too handsome by far. She would need to shore up her defenses if she was to be that close to him again.

      Victoria twisted her chin out of his grip and took a step toward the door. “Don’t worry. I’m certain I can act the part of the doting mistress.”

      “Well, seeing your proficiency at lying, I wasn’t too concerned.” He moved and placed his hand on the door. Then he reached for her spectacles and removed them. Holding them up to his eyes, he laughed scornfully. “Just as I thought. Another lie.”

      She grabbed them out of his hand and placed them firmly on her nose.

      “You will leave them home. No mistress of mine is going to look like a bloody bluestocking.”

      “As you wish.” She reached for the doorknob only to have his large hand cover hers.

      “There is just one more thing,” he whispered harshly. “I despise liars. From this point on, you will only speak the truth to me.”

      She smiled. “You ask me to pretend to be your mistress yet you believe I should always tell you the truth.”

      “No, I insist on it.”

      Victoria stared down at his hand. “As you wish, my lord. But I demand the same respect.”

      “Of course.” He turned the knob and opened the door. “I shall pick you up at noon for shopping.”

      Slowly, Anthony walked to his study, wondering at his sense of melancholy. Perhaps it was the usual feeling that came over him every December. He couldn’t remember anything good ever happening in this month.

      Still, his meeting with Miss Seaton went better than expected. Although, had she given him the necklace, he would have been happier. He understood her reasoning and most likely would have done the same thing in her situation. Now she knew she had something to hold over him.

      He just prayed she didn’t realize the other thing she could use against him. If she knew the guilt he felt for his actions of ten years ago, she could use it to her advantage. He would be unable to refuse her anything. She must never discover the extent of his guilt.

      He sat down at his desk and perused the stack of unopened mail. A few invitations he might reply to but most of it was nothing he could be bothered with. He put the notes into a pile and wrote “no” on top. Huntley also served as his secretary and could respond to the invitations for him.

      “Sir,” Reese said from the doorway. “Your sister is here.”


      Reese smiled. “She is your only sister, sir.”

      Well, not quite but no one else knew about Sophie. “Send her in.”

      He stood knowing his sister would come straight into his arms. The sound of light footsteps preceded her entry.

      “Tony!” And as expected, she threw herself into his waiting arms. “I cannot believe it’s been five months. And why didn’t you come by the house to see me?”

      He detached himself from her clinging arms. “Come have a seat on the sofa.”

      “I already told Reese to bring us some tea.” Genna sat on the sofa and waited for him. “You must tell me all about your trip. How was Florence?”

      As much as he hated liars, in his position it was sometimes necessary to be one. Soon he would be done with this business and the only lies would be the secrets of his family. “It was lovely. In addition to meeting with a business partner, I was able to see a wonderful museum.”
