The Lady Who Saw Too Much. Thomasine Rappold. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Thomasine Rappold
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Sole Survivor Series
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616509934
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children to play but instead would watch from the sidelines. Her mother feared there was something wrong with her, but our father wouldn’t hear of it.”

      She turned from the window to face him. “Her mother?”

      Landen leaned back in the chair, impressed she’d been listening so closely. He added “keen intellect” to her growing list of attributes. “I am a product of our father’s first marriage,” he said. “My siblings—Alice and Alex—were born during his second marriage to their mother.”

      “Alice mentioned her parents were deceased.”

      “Yes,” he said. “Four years now.”

      “I’m sorry.”

      The stark sincerity in her voice took him aback. As did his reaction. He brushed off her condolences without meeting her eyes. “After they died, I sent Alice away to school, hoping a new environment might be the solution. She lasted barely one semester before she begged me to let her come home.”

      “How did she fare academically?”

      “She’s an excellent student. But each report I received contained the same assessment. Her lack of class participation and timidity concerned her instructors.” He shook his head. “Her apprehension has gotten only worse.”

      “Why do you suppose that is?” Gia asked.

      “She’s of marrying age now. I imagine the pressure of that has added to her anxiety.”


      He bristled at the accusation in her eyes. “I pressure her to get out of the house. To meet people. If she can’t manage to attend a simple dinner party, she’ll never mange to find a husband.”

      “So you’re hoping I can help you marry her off?”

      Her erroneous assumption rankled him more than her audacity. He leaned forward. “I want a husband for Alice, yes, Miss York. But I’d prefer she land a husband who cares for her. I want people to see my sister for the woman she is. The bright, caring person inside the frightened shell she presents to the world. This will not happen if she remains crippled by her fear of participating in any and all social activities.”

      She lowered her eyes.

      “I don’t want my sister to end up an old maid.”

      Her brows rose in surprise. She met his gaze, her posture stiff.

      Satisfied he’d hit his mark, he leaned back in the chair. “Mrs. Amery’s recommendation for a companion was sterling but brief. Now that I’ve met you, I’m left wondering why an attractive woman of your age would take a position as a companion when you could be—”



      “Not every woman deems marriage her ultimate accomplishment.”

      Her outspokenness was refreshing, but he didn’t believe her for a minute. The debacle of his past had taught him the extent to which some women would resort to secure their futures. The bitter memory roused his ire. He’d never again be so foolish as to step into that trap.

      “Some of us old maids remain happily unattached. Some of us enjoy traveling and meeting new people.”

      “A position with the right family would expose you to the right people.”

      She frowned, fluffing her skirts.

      He took a long breath, exhaling his anger. He was being unfair. Something about her didn’t add up, but she deserved the benefit of a doubt. Alice was a sinking ship, and he sensed this woman could help keep her afloat. Through the summer, anyway. “I’m a blunt man, Miss York. I did not intend to insult you.”

      “Yes, you did, Mr. Elmsworth.” She lifted her chin. “But you did not succeed.”

      He couldn’t help smiling. “Your impertinence may be just what Alice needs.”

      He motioned for her to refill her empty teacup, and her tense expression softened a bit as she poured. “You may address me as Landen, if you please.”

      She glanced up in surprise.

      “Formality is more lax here,” he said. “An aspect of the country most people seem to enjoy.” He glanced to Alice outside. “The season is just beginning. It’s important Alice attend as many social affairs as possible. Ensure that this happens.”

      “I imagine crowds make her anxious.”

      “That’s an understatement. Upon entering a crowded room, Alice slinks to the deepest corner, claims a seat, then remains planted for the duration of the affair.”

      “Has she no friends?”

      “None to speak of. Her timidity makes people uneasy.”

      “She seems to have no problem engaging with you.” She smiled in reference to Alice’s earlier exhibition.

      He smiled too. “No, she doesn’t. She’s different with me and my brother. Once she’s comfortable with someone, she’s free to be herself. She’s especially comfortable with Alex. He’ll join us here in a few weeks.”

      She nodded. “So the challenge will be to help build Alice’s confidence in public,” she said.

      “Yes. And a challenge it will be. The girl can be as stubborn as an ass.”

      “So I’ve seen,” she agreed.

      “You will accompany Alice to all social affairs here in Misty Lake.” He eyed her dress. “Is your wardrobe sufficient?”


      “No matter,” he said. “Alice will require several new gowns. I will set up an appointment with the dressmaker for you both. At my expense, of course,” he added. “I also would like you to familiarize yourself with the town and the people here. You and Alice will join me for dinner at the Crooked Lake House when my schedule permits. Next week, perhaps. I will make the proper introductions so you’ll know who’s who.”

      “Instead of pushing Alice into a crowded roomful of diners, might you consider easing her into society more gradually?”


      “You could host a small reception here at the house. In the garden perhaps. That way she would feel more comfortable. A familiar environment and all that.”

      He considered this, wondering how he hadn’t thought of it himself. “That might be a better idea.”

      She nodded.

      “An afternoon reception?”

      “Yes,” she said. “Something intimate.”

      “You and Alice can see to the details. My Aunt Clara arrives late next week. She can assist with the preparations.”

      “All right. In the meanwhile Alice and I can get to know each other better.”

      “Florence will arrange for your things to be brought up to your room.”

      She stood, then started for the door. The subtle sway of her hips as she walked drew notice to her curvaceous figure. Whether coming or going, the woman was alluring. As was that scent.

      “One more thing, Miss York.”

      She stopped, turning to face him.

      “Please keep in mind that you are here to help Alice.”

      Her full lips thinned as she gave a firm nod. “Of course.”

      “You are new to Misty Lake, and as such, you’ll surely receive plenty of attention this season. See to it that some of that attention trickles onto my sister.”

      Chapter 3

      Gia awoke groggy from another restless night spent tossing and turning