Moonlight and Magick. Isobael Liu. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Isobael Liu
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781616501488
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her hair, holding her in place.

      “You know more than you’re letting on.”

       Damn, damn, damn!

      “Lilian, you have to let me help you. Those men weren’t just human. How do you fit in with it all?”

      Lilian sighed. “This isn’t the place to talk about it—”

      Matthias suddenly kissed her. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in a soft gasp. His hands tilted her head a bit. His lips moved over hers and her eyes fluttered closed as she gave in to the gentle demand. Her hands moved up of their own accord, her fingers slid through his hair to his ponytail, pulling it free from the binding. One hand remained holding him by the hair, the other came up and pulled his sunglasses up and off. He growled then, and used his body to pin her to the wall. Fire exploded in her veins and she moaned as he deepened the kiss, his tongue delving into her mouth to caress her tongue.

      Matthias tasted wild, reminding her of pine forests and the earth. Lilian loved the taste of his mouth, his kisses. She squirmed against him, and he pulled her closer so that his arousal pressed against her.

      This time, when he growled, she not only heard it, but it reverberated through her. In her mind, she heard the howl of a wolf.

      “Hey, get a room, will ya?”

      Ice water couldn’t have been more effective than hearing the amused tone in Maria’s voice.

      Lilian jerked her mouth from Matthias’s, her eyes flying up to his. Gold! His eyes were a molten gold color, heated with passion and possessiveness.

      “Lily, come on! You’re gonna be late!”

      Lilian released his hair, and tried to push him back, but he was an unmovable force.

      “Please,” she whimpered.

      He laid his face against the crook of her neck and with a languid inhalation, dragged in a breath through his nose. He exhaled and stepped back.

      “I’ll be waiting for you after your shift.” He gave her a pointed look.

      Lilian nodded and rushed toward the diner door where Maria waited.

      * * * *

      Lilian wasn’t sure if her shift took forever to end, or went by way too quickly. Either way, she was very aware of Matthias’s presence—watching her. He took a seat in the outside dining area and positioned himself so he could watch her, as well as their surroundings.

      When her shift did end, she wanted to crawl into a dark corner and breathe. The butterflies in her stomach didn’t just flutter; they staged an all-out air raid. So much so, breathing became difficult, made even harder whenever he looked at her. Even with his sunglasses on, she knew when his eyes fell on her. It made her edgy and nervous. Her tray would shake, the ice in the pitchers rattled, and he’d smile.

      Those were the times she imagined his reaction if she dumped the ice water over his head. The image made her smile and put her back on track.

      But, all good things must come to an end, she told herself.

      Wait, this wasn’t good. Matthias was waiting for her.

      She sighed and clocked out. Maria, still in the kitchen, grinned whenever she looked at her, but said nothing. Of course, Maria didn’t have to say anything. Her expression said plenty. Lilian blushed and looked away.

      Matthias met her at the back door to the diner, and she tried to ignore the way her breath caught in a soft gasp at seeing him there, but wasn’t very successful.

      “Ready?” he asked.

      Lilian nodded and looked around the little lot. After the previous evening, she was a bit leery of the agents returning.

      “Your place?”

      She looked at him in surprise. Her place? No way. She wouldn’t be able to handle her emotions with him being in her home.

      “I don’t think that’d be very…”

      “Safe?” He gave her a knowing grin.

       In so many more ways than you think.

      “Someplace more neutral,” she said.

      He pondered a moment and then nodded. “All right.” He took her by the arm, walked with her out of the lot and around the corner where a rather large motorcycle was parked.

      Lilian dug her heels in and balked. “No way.”

      Matthias looked at her. “What?”

      “There’s no way I’m getting on that death trap with you.”

      He shook his head. “It’s not a death trap.”

      “Yes, it is. I’ve seen the news. There’s not enough metal around me and there’s only two wheels.”

      “Scared?” he asked.

      Lilian narrowed her eyes. “Of your motorcycle? You betcha.”

      He laughed and before she could even think about darting away, he had her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, strolling toward his bike.

      Lilian shrieked and started to struggle. “You jerk! Put me down!”

      Matthias swatted her on the butt, and leaned down to deposit her on the seat with a threat. “If you move, I’ll kiss you again.”

      She froze to ponder his words, and wondered what the downside was. He chuckled, rearranged her legs so he could swing onto his motorcycle, and straightened the bike up. Her heart dropped out of her chest. She wrapped her arms around him, and held on for dear life.

      “Lilian, you need to relax a little.”

      She heard the amusement in his voice.

      “We could just walk to the park, you know,” she suggested in a hopeful tone.

      “I have a place in mind.” He put the key into the ignition and pressed the starter button.

      The motorcycle roared to life and he revved the engine. Lilian buried her face against his back.

      She had no idea where he was taking her and knew she ought to be wary, but all thoughts went out of her brain as she inhaled his scent. A heady aroma, it reminded her of the forest on a summer evening, warm and earthy, alive. She closed her eyes as she breathed in and out, taking in his scent. It calmed her, made her almost forget she sat on a moving death trap with a man she barely knew but had made out with, going who knew where. When Lilian did remember, she jerked upright, causing the motorcycle to wobble a little. She shrieked in alarm and threw herself back against Matthias. He chuckled, patting her hands as if to reassure her.

      Like that was going to happen.

      After what seemed like an eternity, he slowed and turned off the main road. The uneven feel and crunching sound made her think it was a gravel drive of some sort. She wasn’t entirely sure, since she refused to look up. When they finally came to a stop, Matthias killed the engine.

      “You can let go, sweetheart,” he said.

      There was definitely some amusement in his tone as she released him.

      “Stop laughing at me!”

      Lilian sat upright, looked around, and gaped as she realized he’d brought her home.

      She scrambled off the motorcycle and spun around to face him, furious. “I told you no. How do you know where I live, anyway?”

      “I asked around, found your mailbox when I drove by, and figured this was your place. Anyway, we’re not in your home and I see no reason why we can’t talk out here.” He shrugged and smiled.

      “Oh! You insufferable jerk!”

      He swung himself off the bike and stood. She refused to take a step back, even if he was just a bit intimidating.
