Passion. P.F. Kozak. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: P.F. Kozak
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758282538
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pushed me backward.

      I had her right where I wanted her. When I sat down beside her, I knew my last little gesture had not escaped her watchful eye. Yes, Passion, I did come here meaning to sleep with you. Why else would I have condoms in my pocket?

      I had her smoldering, in more ways than one. I lowered her onto the bed and ran my hand between her breasts. The lace on her slip barely hid her nipples. I brushed them lightly, enjoying the feel of the hard nubs against my hand. I would finish my striptease for her directly. Right now I wanted to enjoy her, to smell her, to taste her.

      I could tell she wasn’t used to this. She was usually in control. Not tonight, Redhead. I had her off balance, not being able to predict what the bloody hell I would do. She didn’t know how to respond or what I expected of her. I could feel the conflict inside her as I held her still.

      She strained against my hold, trying to regain some leverage. Capturing her mouth with my own, I kissed her, slowly, deeply. Her fingernails raked down my back as my tongue pierced her mouth. In one moment she resisted, trying to push me off her. In the next she surrendered, violating my mouth with hers. Our tongues met, our breath merged, our mouths fused. When I released her, she gasped for air.

      Her leg, wrapped in the satin slip, pressed against my cock. As I rubbed my hard-on against the smooth surface, I licked her neck. The heady scent of her skin and hair made me burn for her even more. I whispered into her ear, “You like this, don’t you?”

      “You son of a bitch!” She rasped out the curse as she took hold of my arm and squeezed, damn hard, almost puncturing my bicep with her nails. My cock liked that, it liked that very much.

      I rubbed her breasts and pinched her nipples, actually harder than I had intended. Arching her back, she twisted her teat between my fingers and shuddered.

      “Oh, God, Ivan!” she moaned as I continued to torment her pair.

      “So, Redhead, you want it a little rougher? I can handle that.”

      Bending over, I took her nipple in my mouth right through the slip. Squeezing it between my teeth, I sucked as hard as I could. My weight pinned her to the bed. She strained against me, but I didn’t let her move. I slowly ran my hand down her belly, letting it rest between her legs. “Ivan, please, I can’t stand it. I can’t move!”

      What I couldn’t manage, the slip did for me. She involuntarily tried to open her legs more to accommodate my hand. Her slip bound her legs together, sublimely so. I applied pressure to that delicious mound and released several times, while generously lavishing attention to each breast. By the time I rolled off her, she was well on her way to being delirious with desire.

      How could Ivan do this to me, how could he make me feel like this? I wanted to fight him off and submit to him at the same time. I had no recourse but to submit—he ruddy well had me immobilized!

      I knew I should stop resisting and enjoy it, but I couldn’t just passively lie there. I wanted to move, I needed to move, but he wouldn’t let me. When I tried, he wouldn’t let go of my nipple. He pinched it so hard, an electric shock shot through me and jolted my clitoris.

      Then my flipping slip wrapped around my legs, making me feel like a trussed hen. The sheer torture of his hand pressing into me and not being able to rub against it nearly made me scream. I begged him to let me move, to let me rub. My clit throbbed with wanting more pressure. The complete and utter bastard just kept torturing me!

      He finally got off me. Before I had a chance to recover my senses, he pulled me into a sitting position. I felt like a rag doll. I gasped out, “Are you off your head, you lout?”

      He peeled off my slip, saying, “What kind of language is that for someone who writes books about postmodern culture?”

      As my mind tried to register that he knew about my books, he pushed me back down on the bed. I spat at him, “Bugger off, you ignorant git!”

      “I don’t think so, madam,” he spat back as he grabbed the waistband of my hose. He pulled them off with my scanties, leaving me completely bare. “It’s time to give willie a little ride!”

      Pash lay there, quite obviously fuming. Had she not been naked, I think she would have up and walked out. Now the time had come to finish my striptease. I stood up to remove my trousers, taking her in as I did.

      The hair between her legs shone brighter red than the hair on her head. Her very fair skin had gone beyond flushed well into crimson. Her breath came in short gasps, making her breasts rise and fall seductively. I needed relief and I wanted it from her.

      I stripped to the skin in one quick movement, stepping out of both my trousers and underpants at the same time. Not taking my eyes off her, I reached down and picked up a condom, tearing it open and rolling it onto my aching cock. Pash didn’t move, lying flat on her back, right where I had left her. Almost imperceptibly, I saw her legs open a little wider.

      For a brief moment I calculated how I could get around Ivan and lock myself in the toilet. No one had ever treated me like that, like some sort of trollop. But I looked at him standing in front of me, now naked, and a realization swept through me.

      I had never been this aroused in my whole life, not with anyone and certainly not alone. There I lay, in the raw, with the most beautiful man I had ever seen about to make love to me. I watched him put on a condom and realized I wanted to know how that astonishing organ would feel inside me.

      I expected he would simply lie on top of me, but he didn’t. He lay down beside me and propped himself up on his forearm. With his erection resting against my leg, he slipped his middle finger between my legs and started rubbing. I lifted my arse off the bed, trying to press harder against his hand.

      When I did that, his finger slid inside me, making me yelp a little. He didn’t pull it out. Instead, he let me lunge against his middle finger while he used his thumb to rub me off. I humped harder and harder still, losing sight of everything except the sensation.

      I watched as Pash masturbated against my hand. Her utter abandon mesmerized me. I had never seen a woman so lost in the act, so caught up in her own arousal. She pumped against my hand with increasing strength. I tried to help her along.

      When I felt the spasms beginning, I pressed hard inside her and rubbed vigorously. She gasped and started to shake, her whole body trembling while her arse lifted off the bed. I continued to stroke her until she had quieted, her breath still coming in ragged gasps. I smiled, knowing she, too, had come prepared with some protection.

      I had my eyes closed, trying to catch my breath after the most intense orgasm I had ever had. I felt Ivan move and realized he had knelt over me. I opened my eyes to see him watching me. He held his penis, checking the condom, and then lowered himself on top of me. I opened my legs wider as I felt him press into my body. He penetrated me, stretching me with his size. He didn’t hurry, giving me time to adjust. Thankfully I had ample lubrication and he successfully slid in the whole way.

      At first, he didn’t move. He just stayed completely inside me, supporting his weight on his forearms. I found myself holding him, stroking his back and his hair. The band had come off. I had never seen his hair down, only pulled back in a ponytail. With it hanging around his shoulders and with the whiskers, he looked like he had just stepped out of another century. It seemed I had an honest-to-god Renaissance man on top of me. Ivan looked at me and whispered, “You feel so damn good.”

      I whispered back, “So do you.”

      As he started to move, I followed suit, first slowly and then building momentum. I found myself responding to him from a place beyond arousal, wanting to help him finish as he had helped me. I used my body to help him, letting him pleasure himself as he saw fit, feeling a deep satisfaction that I could do this for him. I raised my legs so that my pelvis tilted back, allowing him deeper penetration. He lifted himself up on his hands and lunged at me, burying his cock deeply into my vagina. Again and again he lunged. With my legs still up, I relaxed and rocked with his movement.

      Suddenly his body stiffened and he grimaced,