When Good Things Happen To Bad Boys. Lori Foster. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lori Foster
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758282088
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briefly closed her eyes, fighting some internal battle, before searching his face in the darkness. “Everywhere?”

      His chest labored. “Yeah.” Saying it made him feel it, the texture of her flesh on his tongue, the richer scent of her in private places. His nostrils flared, his muscles clenched. “Your mouth,” he told her. “Your nipples. Your belly.” He reached out one long arm and hooked his fingers in the top of her slacks between her knees. “If you let me get your panties down, I’ll kiss you there, too, until you can’t stand it anymore.”

      Breathing hard, she allowed herself to be tugged forward.

      “You’d like that,” Axel told her in a coaxing whisper. He wrapped his arms around her ass and nuzzled her soft belly, inching his lips lower, to the front of her lace undies. “Right here.” His tongue pressed, and he could barely taste her through the lace.

      Her knees threatened to give out, which was answer enough for Axel. Almost.

      She seemed so timid that his oft nonexistent conscience prickled. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her again, long and deep until she went limp, then began clutching at him. Finally, when her reserves had been stripped away, he said, “Sorry to press you, but I need to know you’re okay with this. I need to know you won’t have regrets.”

      Her soft sigh thrilled him, as did the quiet, “No regrets,” that she murmured against his mouth.

      Heart pounding, Axel looked at her body curled on his lap. Her breasts were entirely bare. Her belly trembled with each shallow, fast breath. And when he slipped his hand into her panties, her thighs opened without his instruction.

      Soft, springy curls tangled around his fingers. He simply cupped her, not moving, giving her time to get used to that. She turned her face into his chest and tenderness rolled over him, taking him by surprise.

      It suddenly dawned on him that she could be risking her job with the catering company, that she could end up humiliated if they got caught.

      He glanced up at the house, and presumed they weren’t missed. No one hovered on the deck, searching through the darkness for them. Through the glass doors and windows, he watched people milling around and he could hear the drone of conversation mingled with music. She’d only lit a few torches before he’d distracted her, leaving the grounds dark enough to conceal them.

      He kissed the top of her head, down to her ear. “Give me your mouth.”

      She lifted her face and he covered her lips in a long, soft, deep, eating kiss. She clung to him, kissing him back, taking his tongue and sucking on it. And when her hips lifted, silently urging him on, he parted her gently and pressed one finger in, encountering wet heat that sent his heart into a race.

      Growling, he deepened the kiss even more. Insane, wanting a woman so much when he didn’t even know her name. But now wasn’t the time to ask. No way in hell would he interrupt the moment.

      She was so damn small and tight, squeezing his finger while little purring sounds escaped her and she squirmed on his lap.

      Axel pulled out, then inserted another finger, amazed that he was actually stretching her and that she groaned in excitement even as she stilled in discomfort.

      “Easy,” he whispered, a little awed, a little overwhelmed. “Am I hurting you?”

      “Don’t talk,” she said. “Please.”

      He should have been offended, but at the moment he just didn’t give a damn. He kissed her ear, dipping his tongue inside, then licking her throat, and finally down to her breasts, suckling while gently fingering her, thrusting, teasing, taking her higher and higher.

      He gauged her reaction, registering each shudder, each heated sound, the way she tautened, more and more and more…

      Raising his face to watch her, he put his thumb to her clitoris. Her eyes squeezed shut and her teeth locked. He circled, rubbed, again and again.

      “Oh God.” Her thighs stiffened, her back arched, her face contorted, unself-conscious and real, and then she cried out, one hand knotted in the front of his shirt, the other fisted against his back.

      Quickly, Axel covered her mouth with his own to muffle the sound of her unrestrained pleasure. Hips moving against his hand, body drowning in heat, she rode out the climax until finally she went utterly lax against him. If he hadn’t kept a tight hold on her, she’d have poured right off his lap to the leaf-covered ground.

      Axel cradled her close, hugging her, kissing her throat. He always enjoyed a woman’s pleasure, but somehow this seemed different. She was so honest in her climax, so open, that he felt…moved.

      “Very nice,” he said, shaking off the odd sensation, anxious to get inside her.

      “Yeah. Nice.” Then she giggled.

      Smiling, Axel lifted his head. “It’s funny?”

      “Astounding.” She drew a deep breath and let it out, dropping her head back with a groan. “Man, I had no idea. You make it seem so easy.”

      Somewhat lost, Axel said, “It?”

      She sat up a little and smiled, touched his face. “The whole sex thing. Especially the satisfaction part.”

      More confused by the second, he tilted his head. “I’m not following you.”

      She grinned, gave him a smooching kiss, and said, “That was my first. Orgasm, I mean.”

      Oh. Well…Pride swelled his chest. “You must have been out with some bozos, then.”

      Shaking her head, she said, “No, actually, I meant…well, I shouldn’t admit this. It’s sort of embarrassing.”

      No way in hell would he let her get away with not telling him now. “It’s dark. It’s just us.” He smoothed back her hair, cradled her cheek. “No secrets.”

      She hesitated, then finally said, “I’ve never been with a guy.”

      Oh shit.

      His stomach bottomed out and his heartbeat went into double time. Like every guy everywhere, some really awesome woman-on-woman sex scenes crowded his already turned-on brain. “You mean you’re a…?”

      “No!” She laughed, swatted at him. “I’m not gay. I meant that I’m a virgin.”

      His blood ran cold. No, hell no. He pulled back, appalled. “Tell me you’re making that up.”

      “Of course I’m not.” Then, with a chilling frown and a stiffened spine: “Is that a problem?”

      “Uh…” Hell yes, it was a problem. He avoided virgins almost as much as he avoided associates. Rather than answer, he asked another question. “How old are you?”


      Dear God, he was robbing the cradle. He had sweatshirts older than her. Hell, he might even have underwear older than her.

      As if she’d turned red-hot, he jerked his hands back and held them up. “I didn’t realize. That is, you look older.”

      “What difference does it make?” She sat straight, perched on his lap, her breasts still bare, her pants still around her knees.

      Oh God, oh God. “Could you, maybe…” Talk about awkward. “Get up?” He groaned. “And get dressed.”

      Clearly affronted, her chin tucked in. “You’re kidding, right?”

      “I wish.” He couldn’t believe that he, Axel Dean, sexual addict, known hedonist, had given such an order. Especially with his boner still prodding her sweet behind. His brother would laugh his ass off. Cary, his best friend, would faint from shock. But he absolutely could not do this.

      The little darling on his lap didn’t budge. “If this is because I’m a virgin—”

      “And a baby.”
