Hard At Work. Brad Saunders. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Brad Saunders
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758261007
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linger on mine as he held my cup steady.

      I watched him out of the corner of my eye, and I could see that he was checking me out when he thought I wasn’t looking. I didn’t blame him. My cheeks were ruddy, too, from a day of wine tasting. My skin was tanned from the L.A. sun, and from spending a few days roaming the wine country and enjoying the glorious weather. The fresh air had done me a world of good, and I was already in great shape from hiking and hitting the gym. Though I was more slender than he was, I still had the muscle to take him on. My straight dark brown hair contrasted sharply against my bright hazel eyes, and it was long enough almost to touch my shoulders in kind of a Euro way, but not cheesy or girly since I never tied it in a ponytail. I was a sophisticated city dweller, and I wanted to cowboy up.

      When we had tried the last wine, I gazed pensively at the last rays of sunlight emanating from the horizon, and I felt like I never wanted this moment to end, so I figured out a way to prolong it. I asked Samuel for a tour of the winery.

      “Of course!” he exclaimed, flustered. “I can’t believe I didn’t show you around before we had the wine.”

      I laid a delicate, uncalloused hand on his massive shoulder, comforting him. “We had a sunset to catch, remember?”

      “Oh yeah,” he agreed, grinning. He took my hand from his shoulder and pulled me up. “Come on,” he said, still grinning.

      Samuel gathered up the bottles and I grabbed our glasses, and we both went inside, depositing them at the bar. Samuel gave me a mischievous smile, then opened a door I had not noticed before and stepped inside a dark room. Was he leading me into his love lair?

      I stepped forward, but just as I did, he reemerged with a dusty bottle. It was about seven years old and was one of the estate’s reserve wines.

      “I don’t usually do this,” he told me, “but you really seem to appreciate our wines, and since we don’t agree on anything, I want to know what you think of it.”

      I couldn’t believe my luck. The bottle he was holding was worth several hundred dollars at least, and I was going to get to taste it!

      I kept thanking him as he carefully opened it and poured us each a new full glass. Then he led me to one corner of the winery and showed me where the grapes came in. He told me about how they treated the grapes and the methods they used to ferment them, age the juice in barrels, and then blend the barrels into their different wines. I was very interested in everything he was saying since the wine was delicious, but I found myself distracted by watching him talk animatedly about what went on in the winery.

      I wanted to kiss him so badly, especially when he grabbed my shoulder and guided me to the next point of our tour. I held back, though, waiting for the right moment. Waiting for some sure sign that my feelings were requited. I gulped down my last drop of wine, barely noticing the rich flavor that had made me so happy earlier.

      Samuel looked at me quizzically but gulped his down, too, then put both our glasses down on a counter next to one of the aging barrels.

      “Come on,” he said, taking my hand and leading me to the main barrel room. When we reached it, I was overwhelmed by the comforting, toasty smell of the oak, with just a little hint of yeast giving it some tang.

      “This is my room,” Samuel told me proudly.

      “It’s wonderful,” I breathed, taking in the sight of all the barrels and shivering a little in the cold. Wineries must stay cold to control the rate of fermentation and the aging process of wines, so they can get a little chilly.

      Samuel noticed and came to stand next to me, throwing a heavy arm over my shoulder and pulling me close into his warmth. Before I knew what I was doing, I turned my face toward his, gently grabbed his head, and guided it toward my own for the kiss we had both been waiting for.

      His lips were chapped, and his beard poked my face, but I didn’t mind either discomfort at all. It felt so good, so right, to be kissing a real man after all the pansies I came across in Los Angeles. I loved tasting the wine we had just drunk on Samuel’s lips, feeling his rough tongue scrape against mine as it probed deeper and deeper into my mouth. His thickset arms were wrapping around me, squeezing me tight so that I found it difficult to breathe all the way in, but I wouldn’t have had him loosen his hold for all the world.

      His hairy, thick forearms pulled me into a bear hug as we made out, and I felt pressed against the wall of muscle that was his torso. A few more years and he’d be a worldclass bear, but for right now, he was just a stocky, pumped young guy. I ran my hands along his broad back and felt the hard-worked muscles of his shoulders, rounded as they were from the manual labor he performed at the winery. His legs, too, I could feel, were solid as wine barrels, stretching the fabric of his work overalls. As soon as I reached down to cop a feel of his burly, juicy ass, I knew he could fuck me ’til I wouldn’t be able to walk straight.

      Samuel’s hands, meanwhile, were busy as well, feeling my entire body up and down. He especially seemed to like my well-formed pecs and the six-pack that had taken me years of crunches to achieve. Before I knew what he was doing, he had lifted me up under the legs so that I could wrap them around his waist and he could carry me over to the nearest racking barrel.

      It was a big, traditional Burgundy barrel, fully rounded in the middle, so when Samuel put me down on it, he didn’t even have to bend his knees. He started to pull back, but I held him close to me by keeping my legs tightly wrapped around him, and smiled as he leaned back in to kiss me. My face was growing warm and red from all the saliva swapping, but it was still freezing in the barrel room. I wanted to get naked with Samuel so badly, but I couldn’t imagine having sex in such a cold, dank place, no matter how hot we got.

      By this time, I could feel that both our packages were getting hard, mine beneath my jeans, and Samuel’s making a bulge beneath the denim of his overalls. I loosened my legs around him and let them drop to either side of his massive trunk while Samuel reached down and carefully undid my zipper. He didn’t have to root around for long to find my prick. It popped right out like a jack-in-the-box, and he coaxed it to maximum hardness with one of his meaty paws.

      Placing a hand on either side of my narrow hips to brace himself, Samuel bent down and began to play with the knob of my cock using just his tongue. First, he sopped up the film of clear precum that had drooled out of my urethra, smacking his lips at the salty, sticky taste. Then, he started to dip his head up and down on my champagne flute, taking more and more of it down his throat. Finally, he hoovered the whole thing, and made his cheeks and tongue undulate around it rhythmically, producing the sexiest slurping noises and giving me chills.

      The scrubby hairs on his lips and chin tickled my shaft when he took it out of his mouth to play around with his tongue. I had a hard time maintaining my balance each time his sandpaper face jolted me, but it felt so good, so manly, that I just grabbed on to his bushy hair and forced his face farther down to suck on my balls.

      The contrast between the soft, downy flesh of my nutsack and his rough-bearded face only heightened the stimulation as he sucked both my testes at once. I inhaled sharply as he mildly pulled at them with his teeth, sending volts of electricity down to my very toes.

      When my cock was perfectly hard and totally wet with his spit, Samuel pulled me off the barrel and turned me around so that I was leaning over its curve. He yanked my pants and underwear down so my ass was completely exposed to him, and I went completely limp, leaning over the barrel and ready to let him have his way with me.

      The first thing I felt was the weight of his titanic hands, one seizing each of my ass cheeks and pulling them apart to expose my sensual valley. The next thing I felt was the coarse whiskers on his face as he bent near and inhaled a huge whiff of me. Then I felt my abdomen loosen as a molten liquid warmth enveloped the entirety of my bull’s eye. His tongue worked magic on me, and before long, I was both quaking with uncontrollable tingles of ecstasy and totally loosened up and ready to be ravaged.

      Samuel’s tongue glossed over the length of my ass crack, licking each square inch of skin and sending me into an even higher state of excitement when he concentrated his efforts on my little wing nut. I reached behind me,