Naughtier Bedtime Stories. Joan Elizabeth Lloyd. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758282675
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walked, I watched. She was a moderately pretty young woman, in her early twenties, I’d guess, with soft brown hair curling to her shoulders, large blue eyes, and a small, tight body. In her jeans and tank top, she looked like she was in good shape, but not overly muscled.

      She saw me, looked at me for a moment, then turned away, blushing. Now I’m not at all bad to look at—tall, with black hair, deep brown eyes, and a body my pets call hunky. I smile at one woman’s term for me. She refers to me as a major babe. As someone who prides himself on being very male, being a babe isn’t my idea of a compliment, but she means it as such so I assume that women like what they see.

      I think the young woman beside me did, too. “Good afternoon,” I said softly. “I’m Clint.”

      When she remained silent, I said, “It’s really okay to talk to strangers. My mother always said you never meet anyone truly exciting unless you occasionally take a chance.”

      I heard her soft chuckle. “I’m Gwen.”

      “Your first time here?” I asked.

      “I used to come here a lot, but it’s been a long time. I’m just looking.”

      Never one for much subtlety, I asked, “Did your boyfriend send you out to buy something special?”

      “Oh no. We broke up two months ago. It was really bad. I guess that I’m just trying to feel feminine again.” She didn’t realize that she was stroking the smooth fabric of a tightly boned, midnight blue silk corset.

      “I’m sorry that you two broke up, but it’s probably for the best. I don’t think he understood you.”

      “Excuse me?” Without realizing it, she continued to run her fingers over the stays, rigid and constricting.

      “I think you want to feel something like that corset you’re caressing on your body, the laces being drawn tighter and tighter.”

      She dropped her hand as if the corset had suddenly grown tentacles. “I beg your pardon?”

      “That’s a restraining garment. It gives the wearer the feeling of being tightly bound.” I lifted the hanger from the rack and showed Gwen several small loops of fabric. “There are also places for bindings to be attached.”

      Gwen stared as I slowly inserted one finger into a loop, then withdrew it. Slowly, in and out, my finger fucked the loop. Her eyes never left my hand. I took an educated guess. “Your boyfriend didn’t understand your needs, did he? Maybe he was pretty straight?”

      “Very,” she whispered.

      “So why don’t you try this on? There’s a fitting room in the back.”

      “I’m sorry,” she said, her voice trembling. “I think you have the wrong idea.”

      “I’m seldom wrong. I understand your hesitation, but it’s really silly to deny something so obvious, and something that could give us both so much pleasure. I’d love to see you in that. Close your eyes and think about yourself in that corset, with me beside you. Give yourself the opportunity to have some fun and remember how good it used to be before your boyfriend loused it all up.”

      “But it’s kinky.”

      Without overly pressuring her, I said, “And what’s wrong with kinky, if it gives pleasure? Please.”

      She looked from the garment to my face, then back again.

      “You’ll be in a public place, and nothing can happen that you don’t want. The clerk’s an old friend of mine, and he will leave us alone. But if you call out, he’ll be on me real quick. He won’t jeopardize a customer, ever. I’m in here a lot, and I would endanger his friendly attitude if I got the least bit out of line.” I paused, then whispered, “Please.”

      Without another word she nodded, took the corset from my hand, and walked toward the curtained-off rear of the store. I waited several minutes, then made eye contact with Brandon, the store’s owner and clerk. He nodded, and I walked into the back.

      In the corner of the storage area there was a large area separated from the rest of the room by heavy drapes. “Gwen?” I whispered.

      “Yes,” I heard from behind the drapes.

      “May I see how that looks?” I wanted her full agreement.

      “I can’t get it fastened,” she said. “I guess I could use some help.”

      I slipped through the drapes and just gazed at her. She had removed all her clothes and was almost wearing the blue corset. It had a line of hooks up the back, and she had closed only the bottom half. “Here,” I said, “let me help you.” I pulled the corset and fastened the remaining hooks, then looked into her eyes in the full-length mirror that covered two walls. “It’s not nearly tight enough. Shall I show you?”

      She stared at me, then nodded.

      The laces were in the front so I moved between her and the mirror, then crouched and took the ends of the laces and wound them around my hands. I pulled. Hard, slowly, smoothly until I knew her waist was being tightly compressed. I moved so we could both see her. The sight was maximally erotic. The deep blue covered her from hips to breasts, with long blue garters dangling below. I could just make out her soft brown pubic hair. “More?” I whispered.

      “Yes,” she said. I pulled the laces tighter, and she gasped.

      “Let me make this better,” I said. I knew this garment well since I had several versions for my friends to wear, so I reached beneath Gwen’s breasts and deftly removed the fabric that covered them.

      “Oh,” she said as two pieces of fabric came away in my hands. Now the corset pulled her ribs and waist tightly but fully revealed her small tight breasts.

      “God, you’re gorgeous in that.” I whispered in her ear. “I want to show you more.”

      I could tell from her face that she was lost in an erotic fog. She couldn’t speak, so I slipped out of the dressing room and returned quickly with other items from the store. I pulled a special pair of long black gloves onto her arms and clipped small hooks to the loops on the sides of the corset, effectively imprisoning her elbows against her sides. Her nipples were hard little buttons reaching forward. “Look at yourself,” I said. “You’re so beautiful, and so hot.” I walked behind her and cupped her breasts. Then I pinched her nipples hard. “And you love it. Tell me how you love this.”

      “Oh God,” she moaned.

      “This is the real you. You’ve been trying to deny it, but it just won’t work. You need it.”

      “Yes,” she groaned. “I need this so much.”

      I reached down and unzipped the front of my jeans, allowing my now-rigid cock to spring free. “Show me how much.”

      Without hesitation, Gwen knelt and took my hard member into her soft mouth. “Slowly,” I told her. “There’s no hurry.”

      She sat back on her haunches and said, “Yes, there is. I want you.”

      I laughed. “Then you shall have me.” There was a small straight chair in the corner of the room. I unfastened her elbows from the sides of the corset and fastened them together. Then I bent her forward and placed her hands on the seat of the chair. Her ass cheeks were beautiful with wisps of pussy hair visible. I quickly sheathed my cock in latex, then parted her cheeks. Unerringly, my erection found her pussy hole and I plunged inside. At the same time I reached around and roughly squeezed one breast with one hand. I found her clit with the other.

      It took only a moment until she screamed and I felt the spasms of her pussy on my cock. That was all my heated flesh needed, and I came with a roar. After a few moments, I released her elbows and handed her my handkerchief so she could clean up her juices. I removed the condom and rezipped my pants. “I think you’ve learned about yourself today.”

      “Oh yes,” she said, grinning. “It’s foolish