Pleasure Island. Lorie O'Clare. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lorie O'Clare
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758245403
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my pussy.

      “Good girl,” I heard Tomas say.

      My gaze blurred as I stared at the white sparkly ceiling. “I’ve got quite an imagination,” I managed to utter in between pants.

      “You aren’t imagining this.” Nicolas leaned into me, lifting my head and offering my wine to me. “Drink,” he instructed.

      The wine moistened my mouth and lips and created a soothing sensation as it washed down my esophagus. “Thank you,” I whispered, taking the glass from him and taking another sip while relaxing my head against all the roped muscle in his arm.

      He watched me, as if mesmerized by how I sipped wine, and didn’t say a word until I swallowed my third sip and offered the glass to him. Then his small smile raised my blood pressure quickly. Although I’ve always been fairly good at holding my alcohol, the vapors from good wine quickly floated to my head.

      Nicolas placed the glass on the table by the bed and then turned his attention to me. Without hesitating, he pressed his lips over mine.

      I opened willingly for him, and felt Tomas grip my legs and spread them. I focused on not fighting him, on relaxing and allowing him to do what he wished. Damn that took some effort.

      If Nicolas noticed I wasn’t putting all of my attention into kissing him, it might be why he impaled me with his tongue. My mouth was so wide open that my lips stretched. Tomas lapped at my pussy with his tongue, drinking my juices while Nicolas devoured my mouth.

      It was too much to concentrate on. Nicolas smiled against my mouth when I finally relaxed. “You’re amazing. Do you know that?”

      I was getting accustomed to their flattery. “This is amazing.”

      “We’re just getting started.”

      “I don’t think I have to tell you I’m enjoying every minute of this.”

      Nicolas chuckled. “I’m enjoying myself, too.”

      I believed him. Just because I didn’t have sex every day didn’t mean I didn’t know what was involved. We were definitely just getting started. And as hard as his cock was, pressing against my leg, I believed he was having a good time with this.

      And who wouldn’t?

      I loved the feeling of two men touching me everywhere, of our legs intertwined, their mouths adoring me while their hands caressed my flesh. Every inch of me was oversensitive. Nicolas’s lips were full and soft, different than a white man’s. I never kissed a black man before and although I didn’t experience the taboo excitement that some might think I would, there was still something different about him. My father might have his faults, but he didn’t raise me to be a racist. People were judged by the qualities inside them, and not by the color of their skin. And believe me, Nicolas possessed some qualities that were outstanding.

      I ran my hand down his shoulder. His skin was so soft, just like Tomas’s, like they soaked in baby oil just before coming to me. And it was smooth. But underneath that perfect flesh, hard muscles twitched and flexed when I ran my fingers over them. I pressed my palm over the bulge of his bicep. His skin was warm, perfect, and his body was hard and so well defined. Tiny black curls around his nipples and between his pectorals were coarse and contrasted the perfect smoothness of his skin.

      I felt a hard thumping heartbeat but then realized it was mine. Grazing his flesh with my fingers, I searched for Nicolas’s heartbeat, wanting to feel it pulse with the strength and energy I felt from the rest of his body.

      Nicolas quit kissing me and moved his head back just far enough so that I could focus on his face, causing my hand to slide down his chest before finding the source of his power. I knew nothing about this man yet there was something, a bond between strangers possibly, that made me feel very comfortable and relaxed while watching him.

      I grew more sated just watching him. Tomas lay at the end of the bed, with half of his body off of it. He placed gentle kisses on my inner thighs and looked up at me when I raised my head to focus on him.

      “You’ve got an absolutely perfect pussy.” He purred like a deadly cat and then ran one finger down the length of my soaked entrance.

      My head fell back on the pillows. “I designed it that way just for you,” I told him, groaning.

      “That would make you just like us,” Nicolas said, and both men chuckled.

      “Would you like to put a condom on me?” Tomas asked.

      Instantly my head cleared, losing all previous comments with the sobering thought of protection. “Oh. Well I’ve never…”

      “Let me show you. It really can be quite sexually arousing. Some feel it breaks the mood, but if done right, it can be just as erotic as any other sexual foreplay.” While Tomas explained this to me he straightened, walking around the bed naked with his hard cock protruding in front of him and leading the way.

      “I’d like to learn that.” I was enthralled. And at the last minute remembered that I’d requested protection be used with my companion when I filled out the questionnaire that I’d sent in with my initial payment. No way would I have sex with anyone who did this sort of thing for a living without making them wrap that baby up.

      These two men weren’t cheap though. They didn’t act like whores. Not that I had any firsthand knowledge of how a whore might act. Giving it some thought now, I imagined they would behave just like these men were now, classy and professional, and taking in stride the very serious matter of protection while making it as erotic of an adventure as everything else we’d done so far.

      Just watching Tomas move, his large muscular body like a well-oiled machine, captivated me. He picked up a small box on the side table next to the bed and opened it. Then pulling out a strip of gold-wrapped condoms, he let them fall apart from each other. For some reason, they reminded me of individually wrapped chocolates, each one promising a fulfilling treat and mouth-watering experience.

      Tomas easily tore one of the foil packages free, and held it in one hand while extending his other hand to me. I placed my hand in his, feeling his strength when he easily pulled me to a sitting position.

      Nicolas was right behind me, his hands never leaving me as he gently rubbed my back. But my attention was on Tomas. His large cock was in front of my face as he stood at the edge of the bed in front of me. My already soaked pussy swelled with anticipation and I glanced from his perfectly shaped dick to the square gold package in his hand.

      He handed the wrapped condom to me. “Tear the foil gently so that you don’t damage the condom. Then pull it out of the package.”

      I did as he said. The condom had a lubricant on it, and the moistness stuck to my fingers. I was embarrassed to say that I had very little experience with this kind of sexual protection.

      “Many women are on birth control, and forget about the many other reasons for using condoms.” Tomas seemed to read my mind. “Condoms aren’t foolproof, but they are a safety precaution and, like I mentioned, if added to the sexual play properly, can stimulate our fun even more so.”

      “I’ve been on the pill since I was eighteen.” I don’t know why I told him that, but it was the truth. The few sexual experiences I had were with men I had dated for a while. It was embarrassing to admit that I’d never discussed sexual diseases with any of them, or even given it much thought.

      One of the prerequisites for coming to Paradise Island was proof of a full physical, which of course made sense, and I would have questioned the scruples of the place if they hadn’t requested proof that I was healthy, and not harboring any sexually transmitted diseases. According to my doctor, I was clean and free of any and all nasty bugs.

      “There you go,” Tomas said, nodding his approval and then wrapping his fingers around his hard cock. “Hold the condom in your hand and then place it on the edge of my cock.”

      I held on to the round edge of the latex and then pressed it to the tip of his cock. Tomas sucked in a breath through his teeth,