STREET KARMA. Pain. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pain
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная драматургия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780578587745
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      After an hour-long bubble bath, Michelle stepped out of her Jacuzzi styled bathtub, and made her way to the shower area. She began to rinse her body. Ten minutes later, she stepped out the glass enclosed shower booth, and walked dripping wet out of her bathroom. Michelle stepped into the carpeted master bedroom, made her way over to a Magnavox stereo player, and popped in her favorite cassette by Michael Jackson. She set the volume to a low tone then went to the vanity dresser. Human Nature played through the speakers.

      She poured some body oil into her palm, rubbing it evenly into her hands, and down the entire length of her body. After oiling every inch of her mocha complexioned body, Michelle walked over to her underwear drawer, and picked out a leopard pattern set. She slipped into them and walked to her bed. Taking a seat on the edge of the queen-sized mattress, Michelle sang along to Michael Jackson while wishing Low was over to put oil on the rest of her back.

      A loud sigh escaped her lips when it suddenly dawned on her that Low didn’t spend the night. It was the first time since he moved in Michelle’s room that Low neglected to do so. She knew about the plan for him to meet up with Rob last night, but didn’t know why. Michelle was worried and concerned for his safety. Then she heard the sound of a whistle from outside her bedroom window. It was music to her ears, and brought an instant smile to her face. She quickly made her way behind the vanity dresser to her window.

      Michelle eased the Victorian-styled curtains aside, and peered outside. The joy she felt instantly faded at the sight of Low’s condition. His arm was in a shoulder sling, and his left shoulder was covered in a huge, white surgical bandage.

      “Oh my God! Baby, what happened?” Michelle exclaimed. Her wide eyes were filled with anxiety.

      “I’ll fill you in when I get inside,” Low said, trying not to shout.

      Then Low quickly raised his finger to his lips, silencing Michelle before asking in a hushed tone.

      “Where’s your mother?”

      “She’s asleep,” Michelle said, gesturing for Low to go to her front door.


      “Baby…” Michelle said with a worried smile, and planting a wet kiss on Low’s lips.

      He stepped inside her house, and Michelle shut the door behind them. A sly smirk crept across Low’s face as Michelle sashayed back to her room. The sight of Michelle in her underwear, and smelling like freshly cut roses caused Low to bite down on his bottom lip. Following closely behind her, Low’s dick hardened as she led the way. His eyes were fixated on Michelle’s glistening behind.

      Her backfield bounced up and down with each sexy stride. By the time they made it to her room door, Low’s dick was rock hard, and bulged through the thin mesh shorts he was wearing. They entered Michelle’s room, and Low made his way over to the bed. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, feeling drained, and exhausted.

      “Well baby, I’m happy you’re home,” Michelle said.

      Carefully shutting her bedroom door so as not to awake her mother, Michelle placed the chain lock on.

      “What the hell happened to your arm, Milow?” she quizzed, raising her eyebrow.

      Michelle walked over to her stereo system, and began to scan through her collection of R&B cassettes. Meanwhile, Low took in another deep breath, kicked off his Adidas slippers, and eased onto Michelle’s bed.

      With his bald dome resting on her arrangement of silk covered pillows, Low said, “Honestly Chelle, it’s a long-ass story, and I don’t even feel like getting into right now.”

      Then yawning, he gazed up at Michelle’s crystal light fixtures hanging from the ceiling above her bed. He glanced at her, and saw that she was rolling her eyes at him. Content with the fact that Low was safe and sound, Michelle put a Tina Marie cassette in the player.

      “Okay baby,” Michelle said, walking to the bed.

      By the time she got to the edge of the bed, she was naked. The sight of Michelle’s big, perky, breast, and chocolate colored nipples, immediately caused Low to recline against the headboard.

      Michelle slipped her thong from around her ankle, and tossed it at Low. Her panties landed on his chin, and Low raised the underwear to his nose. Watching him closely, Michelle said, “You know you can’t leave me for too long. I need you on the regular. Last night I felt lonely I had to pleasure myself to sleep. It felt soo good. I wanna replay that scene for you right now. You wanna see what I did last night, baby?”

      Michelle didn’t wait for a response. Placing two fingers inside her moist pussy hole, she started massaging her pussy while playing with her clit.

      “Ah…I’m getting soo wet, Low,” she moaned.

      Low watched with a huge smile, loving the show. Sliding his right hand under his shorts, he began stroking his erection. Her head was tilted back in pleasure, and she moaned, squeezing her thighs together. Her body slightly jerked, releasing an overflow of juice over her hand.

      “That one felt better since you were watching,” Michelle smiled.

      Then raising her hand to her lip, she began to seductively lick her manicured fingers, one at a time.

      “Come here, girl,” Low said.

      Their lovemaking was intense and lasted a long time. Low was exhausted and fell asleep with a satisfied look on his mug.

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