Assignment 1: Describe the setup of your own PMO
Individual or (affinity) groups (20 + 10 min)
• Use a flipchart to draw the positioning of your PMO
• Add the services the PMO delivers
Plenary presentation to the class
Assignment 2: Blueprint
In (affiliate) groups:
• Draw a blue print for a corporate PMO or the one you would like to create in your own organization (15 min)
• Present to the group (10 min)
Assignment 3: Outline plan
Individual or (affinity) groups:
• Create an outline plan for the establishment of the PMO described in the blueprint in the previous assignment (15 min)
• Present to the group (10 min)
Assignment 4: Center of Excellence
Individual or (affinity) groups:
You are a member of the center of excellence and you have to facilitate a lesson learned workshop (10 min).
• Create a possible agenda