Elevator Troubleshooting & Repair. David Herres. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David Herres
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780831195281
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a lightweight non-detergent motor oil. It is never discharged into the ground, a water body, or into a waste disposal system, but instead is reused until with multiple heatings, it eventually breaks down and must be changed like automatic transmission fluid in a motor vehicle. When the hydraulic piston is retracted, the oil returns to a steel tank located in the machine room, a reservoir where it cools. When the hydraulic piston is fully extended, enough oil remains in the reservoir so that the submersible hydraulic pump is covered.

      We’ll have a lot to say about different hydraulic elevator configurations in Chapter 2, Types of Elevators, and about troubleshooting them in Chapter 5, Troubleshooting Elevator Systems.

      As pointed out earlier in this chapter, Nikola Tesla’s brilliant invention of the AC induction motor in conjunction with three-phase power was not much help for the elevator until the development of the VFD in the 1960s.

      Also called adjustable-frequency drive, variable-voltage/variable-frequency drive, variable-speed drive, AC drive, micro drive, and inverter drive, the VFD was developed in response to the need to enable the very efficient, reliable, and inexpensive AC induction motor to run at infinitely variable speed and torque levels without wasteful heat accompanying rheostat-controlled voltage as in the DC motor.

      To run a DC motor off the usual AC power supply required a motor-generator set or diode rectifier. This was not as great a problem as one might think. After all, a VFD requires high-power DC for the solid-state inverters in the output stage, so this rectification is provided in the front end. Virtually all elevator motors, AC or DC, use full-power rectification somewhere along the line. But the DC motor was more expensive to manufacture and the brushes and commutator required regular maintenance.

      There were some early relatively crude VFDs, such as the rotary machines patented by General Electric in the early twentieth century, but they were not generally used in elevator applications. VFD technology improved in stages over the years. Before 1958 there had been various mechanical systems, but VFDs were not widely used until the introduction of silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs), which set the stage for subsequent improvements. In the early 1960s, the cost of SCRs dropped and VFDs became available for manufacturing applications. After the late 1960s, analog control circuitry with digital input was introduced. With phase-locked loops for synchronization, motor drives became less subject to noise and hence more reliable.

      Throughout the 1970s, large-scale integration (LSI) improved VFD reliability, and cost further declined. In the late 1980s, bipolar pulse-width modulation (PWM) came on the scene and switching frequency increased. Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) emerged.

      Today, VFD three-phase (and for small applications, single-phase) drives are widely used wherever AC motor speed control is required. VFDs are marketed with dedicated AC induction motors, or off-the-shelf motors with suitable bearings and cooling may be obtained.

      VFDs will be covered in more detail in Chapter 3, AC and DC Electric Motor Maintenance, VFD Troubleshooting, and Diagnostic Procedures, Chapter 4, Advanced Motor Repair, and Chapter 5, Troubleshooting Elevator Systems.

      Regenerative braking is a valuable energy recovery strategy. It has been used by railroads in long downhill grades, and it is a logical solution for elevators, which do a lot of braking.

      Electric motors operate as or can be configured to operate as generators. In this mode, energy that would otherwise have to be dissipated as heat is fed back into the building to power other loads, and/or returned via reverse metering to the utility where it is credited to the customer’s account.

      Virtually all traction elevators have counterweights, so energy consumption is divided equally between upward trips when the car is heavily loaded and downward trips when the car is lightly loaded. Actually, regenerative braking was used over a hundred years ago in elevators as well as cranes, which also work in a downward-going mode.

      Regenerative braking benefits the building owner by reducing utility bills, and it benefits our planet by reducing carbon emissions inherent in electrical generation that relies on fossil fuels.

      Another benefit is that in hot weather the heat generated by purely dynamic braking does not have to be offset by motorized fans or by the building’s air-conditioning system.

      There are other energy-saving strategies that have emerged. Replacing relays, solid-state controls dissipate less heat. Sensors in conjunction with software cause the elevator to enter a sleep mode, temporarily switching off in-car lighting and ventilation when not in use. Car stops are batched, reducing waiting time. Double-deck cars, one above the other, stop at even- and odd-numbered floors simultaneously, saving energy and reducing the size of group installations. LED lighting cuts energy costs dramatically, and it can be retrofitted without even changing the fixtures.

      Two important contemporary concerns in elevator technology are reducing energy consumption and dealing with ever-greater heights in the latest high-rise buildings.

      Buildings consume about 40 percent of the world’s energy, and of this, elevators require between two and ten percent. Obviously, if ways can be found to reduce elevator energy consumption, building owners and indirectly individual tenants will realize capital savings. And more important, significant progress will be achieved in reversing climate change.

      The shift from DC to VFD AC induction motors, regenerative braking, better software, more efficient cable, and counterweight systems and LED lighting are examples of energy-saving measures already in place, though not fully realized.

      Hydraulic elevators offer advantages in low-rise applications, but for anything over five stories, traction elevators with the exception of some new alternate designs continue to be the focus. In cities and in widening circles around them, enormous high-rise projects are causing us to rethink traction elevator design.

      First we need to consider, in the context of energy efficiency, geared versus gear-less motors. In geared elevators, the motor drives a gearbox, which turns the sheave at a substantially lower speed than the input shaft RPM. In gearless elevators, the motor turns the sheave directly, eliminating gearbox loss in heating the oil. Gearless drives reduce energy loss substantially, and moreover gearless motors, substituting torque for RPM, have a longer service life. The initial cost is greater, but long-term savings are substantial.

      Another area of concern, particularly in taller buildings, is elevator rope. Longer steel rope means more weight, sometimes to a point where the rope has difficulty holding its own weight. In the tallest buildings, wire rope may weigh several tons, comprising 70 percent of the total load.

      Elevator manufacturers have been confronting this problem by developing lighter-weight alternatives. For example, Schindler has introduced Aramid fiber rope, which is both stronger and lighter. Gen2, offered by Otis, consists of thin cables enclosed within a polyurethane outer sheath. Mitsubishi has introduced a stronger, denser rope composed of steel wire arranged in concentric layers. Kone’s UltraRope consists of a carbon-fiber core. The rope is only ten percent the weight of conventional wire rope.

      Since these ropes are stronger and lighter with smaller profile, power requirements are reduced.

      Another very significant innovation, by ThyssenKrupp, is the Twin System. Two cars travel independently in a single shaft. Besides moving passengers more efficiently, the number of shafts is reduced, saving space on each floor in a group installation, which can now be rented.