Angels, Fairies, Demons, and the Elementals. John Van Auken. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Van Auken
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876048009
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million color-sensitive cones. Every healthy human has this arrangement. Normally we only see things that are within a very narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum (the EM spectrum). This range includes less than five percent of the entire EM spectrum. When energy frequencies within the “visible light” spectrum strike our retina, electrochemical impulses are created that are transmitted to the area of our brain responsible for vision. A pattern in the visual cortex is created by these electrochemical impulses that imitate the visible light pattern striking the retina. Energy outside of this narrow range produces no response from the retina’s rods and cones. We normally see wavelengths from red to violet. But some creatures see frequencies on the outer edges of our visible light spectrum, namely infra-red and ultra-violet. For example, owls, hawks, and eagles perceive infrared frequencies—that is, they can perceive the energy waves created by heat. Bees, reindeer, sockeye salmon, and many birds perceive ultraviolet frequencies. Curiously, butterflies, which are often associated with fairies and the fairy kingdom, are considered by researchers to have the widest visual range of any creature!

      Those who see the supernatural or, more likely, saw it when they were very young, were using the same eyes that you and I have; the only difference is—or was—their consciousness. A mind that is completely structured around the universe of matter only sees matter. A mind that is open to seeing, or probably more correctly, perceiving, the energy in all matter and particles will likely perceive these. Without getting too deeply into quantum field theory, it is helpful to understand how “fields” and matter interact and coexist. Every particle exists in a field related to that particle, and particles cannot exist without a field, but fields can exist without a particle (such as the Higgs field). And this is where the visible and invisible worlds coexist—and where supernatural entities like angels and fairies live. They only occasionally express themselves in visible form. Perceiving angels, fairies, and the other normally invisible life forms is about expanded consciousness.

      The paradox in achieving this necessary consciousness is that it is approached from within us. It is found through a shift in our usual consciousness and our normal perception. Since our physical self considers all life to be out here in physicality, we miss the angels, fairies, and other invisibles—unless they intentionally manifest themselves within our visual range of perception. The way to the supernatural is through perception beyond physical matter. Our physical, carnal eyes and ears are not designed to perceive non-physical entities and energies. But we do have within us the ability to perceive the supernatural if our mind expands our range.

      In Edgar Cayce’s volumes, we find some seventy-two discourses on “the unseen forces” and how much more of an influence they are in our lives than the seen. Cayce explained that seeing the unseen requires “a consciousness of that divine force that emanates in Life itself in this material plane.” (281-7)

      Consider this: All the stars, planets, and galaxies that can be detected throughout the entire, infinite universe make up only four percent of the universe! Four percent! The other ninety-six percent is made up of substances that cannot be seen or easily explained. These invisible substances are called “dark energy” and “dark matter” (“dark” here means unseen and undetected, not evil). Astronomers base the existence of dark matter on the gravitational influence that it exerts on “normal matter” (or the parts of the universe that can be seen). Let’s just consider this a bit further; our universe may contain as many as 100 billion galaxies, each with billions of stars, massive clouds of gas and dust, countless planets and moons, and enormous amounts of cosmic debris—yet everything that we detect is only four percent of the total mass and energy in the universe!

      Perceiving the whole requires an inner shift in perception, not better eyes and ears. Expanding our consciousness is the key to seeing and hearing the supernatural realms of angels and fairies, and the like. Cayce teaches, “. . . the fairies and those of every form that do not give expression in a material way . . . are only seen by those who are attuned to the infinite.” (2547-1) Attuned to the infinite?

      From the time he was a very young boy, Edgar Cayce could see fairies, sprites, angels, and invisible friends. He could see discarnate souls among the incarnate. He could hear them and talk to them. He explained that it was like having a switch in his head—a switch that he could flip on in order to see ghosts and communicate with them. He also saw auras around the bodies of incarnate people. These auras emanated colors and patterns that gave him insight into the person’s mental, emotion, and spiritual condition, even as it changed during a conversation. Here are a few examples from his readings:

      [An] aura is the emanation, or the influence that is ever present with an animate body, that may change or alter as to that which is the impelling influence of or about same—or from within . . . Aura changes, to be sure, [according] to the temperament.


      The aura, then, is the emanation that arises from the very vibratory influences of an individual entity mentally, spiritually—especially of the spiritual forces.


      Hence we find in the aura the physical and the mental and spiritual emanations, that show for developments and retardments as well as abilities for the studying, classifying and applying of same.


      (Q) Am I beginning to see auras?

      (A) Beginning to see auras. As life, light, and love—with understanding—is reflected in self, so may there be seen those of the same reflection from others.

      (Q) What is the significance of the flashes and forms which I frequently see?

      (A) Those of the higher vibrations of inter-between, as well as spiritual forces taking forms in or before the mental self.


      See how he said “taking forms in or before the mental self”? That’s the difference between seeing with carnal eyes and seeing with an expanded consciousness in the mental self. The mind is the true perceiver of angels, fairies, and the invisibles. Actually, in truth, the brain-mind is the perceiver of everything that strikes the retinas, and a more open mind perceives more than physical matter.

      Cayce’s wife, Gertrude, shared a story about the two of them asleep on the second floor of their home when someone tapped on the bedroom window! Edgar immediately knew who this spirit was and went downstairs to let the ghost in. He explained that she needed help finding her way to the next life, because she had died recently and was lost as to what she should do and where she should be. She knew Mr. Cayce would know, but having arrived at his home after he and his wife had retired, she simply tapped on their bedroom window rather than enter into their private space.

      From Edgar Cayce’s perspective, “For Spirit is the natural, the normal condition of an entity.” (816-10) Spirit is our normal, natural condition! Think about this for a moment. Here we are in these physical bodies with our personalities and friends and families, and all our incarnate life history, and from his deep trance state he is telling us that our “natural, normal condition” is as a spirit—a ghost! Our normal condition is as a mind/energy being, and we are temporarily in a physical body. The life essence and deeper consciousness make up our more natural state as an immortal soul. According to Cayce’s teachings, we originally were, and remain today, celestial beings who are only temporarily living a terrestrial life in this reality.

      For the soul is eternal and if the entity will analyze its own self, it is body, mind and soul. Soul [is that] which longs for spiritual interpretations, mental understanding and physical harmony and rest. These are parts of the experience of every soul.


      Despite our more natural, normal condition of being spirit, our soul’s incarnation into this life is intentional and with purpose, a purpose that helps our soul grow through living what we believe to be ideal or of the best. We have a tip from Jesus on how to gain awareness of our souls: “In your patience possess ye your souls.” (Luke 21:19, KJV) And Cayce agrees: “A patience . . . may be found when the oneness of purpose, oneness of ideal, are correlated