Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Symbolism. Donald B. Carroll. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Donald B. Carroll
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047729
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and John Van Auken in their book, Secrets of the Ancient World. In a chapter discussing the Urim and Thummim of the ancient Hebrews, they state that the Urim and Thummim were special tools for attunement, possibly stones, likely used as a type of oracle to receive divine guidance.9 Their research continues with the possibility of the Urim and Thummim stones being made of sapphire (See the earlier discussion of sapphire/sappir actually being turquoise in Middle East texts). They relate that sapphire/sappir in Hebrew literature had unusual powers and that Moses’ staff was made of sapphire/sappir and engraved with the name of God. This research ties in well with the idea of the symbolic importance of turquoise that has been put forth here. Could these two stones have been triangularly shaped symbols of the Tetragrammaton representing God's name and how to act with and bring together heaven and earth?

      A final curious note on the Urim and Thummim comes from writings about Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter Day Saint Movement. In a book written about Smith by his mother, she describes his creation of the Urim and Thummim to interpret golden tablets given to him by an angel what were triangularly shaped.

      “On the morning of September 22, after Joseph had returned from the hill, he placed the article [the Nephite interpreters] of which he spoke into my hands, and, upon examination, I found that it consisted of two smooth three-cornered diamonds set in glass, and the glasses were set in silver bows, which were connected with each other in much the same way as old fashioned spectacles…”10 [Author's emphasis]

      An interesting note on turquoise is that it has crypto-crystalline properties. Its crystalline nature is not obvious in the mineral, and the crystalline structure, with rare exception, becomes apparent only under a microscope. Its crystalline structure is hidden within its rounded surface. Another intriguing fact is the shape of these crystals, which is described as triclinic pinacoid bar 1. (See color Fig. 7.)

      The full description of the turquoise crystal system is as follows:

      The bar stands for the center, a symmetrical inversion through the crystallographic center of the crystal. Faces on one side of the crystal are inverted on the other side. The inversion switches everything about the individual faces; what is left is right and what is up is down. [Author's emphasis] The 1 refers to the one full rotation required to repeat a face or edge about each crystallographic axis. In other words, there is no rotational repeating of faces or edges.

      The lack of symmetry gives rise to the thought that the triclinic system is the closest system to amorphism, having no form or order. It is actually the other way around. Triclinic minerals have a more sophisticated ordering of the atoms in their structure than other minerals. [Author's emphasis] Ordering is a way of saying that the atoms are precisely placed into specific sites and these sites, in the case of triclinic minerals, are not symmetrically arranged.11

      This is a crystalline mineral, not easily recognized as such; its pyramidal crystals have a single center point. The crystal's shape reverses, as in flipping one triangle over on top of another, and creates a six-pointed star. They have a more sophisticated ordering of the atoms in their structure than other minerals which creates a more ordered structure. Until 1911 this crystal was also thought to be amorphous, meaning without shape, specifically without crystalline structure. It is a stone that appears to be one mass, yet made of many. Its three axes will be shown later to compare with the symbols of the cube in the hexagram, the axis mundi, and the chi-rho.

      Portions of the Cayce readings describe Atlantis, the Atlantean beings, and their influx into Egypt due to the destruction of Atlantis. (See the Cayce 364 series of readings for more information on Atlantis.) This destruction occurred in increments until the final demise of Atlantis, this mysterious land described by Plato. One of the keys to the destruction of Atlantis and the subsequent Atlantean exodus, according to the Cayce readings, was the misuse of the Tuaoi stone and the conflict between the inhabitants who had split into two factions: those that followed the Law of One and the followers of the Sons of Belial. Those that followed the Law of One can be seen as highly spiritually, ethically minded, and monotheistic. The sons of Belial can be viewed as materialistic and carnally driven. “The word Belial means literally, ‘not profitable.’ Something that is Belial is empty; ‘children of Belial’ are people whose views and opinions are worthless and empty, and therefore not to be listened to.”12

      The aforementioned Tuaoi stone was described by Cayce as being in the temple or powerhouse and that originally it gave the Atlanteans the ability to communicate with the “saints” or where the finite could contact the infinite. The Tuaoi stone description and purpose subtly describes and brings together the ultimate symbol of Oneness in a similar way as the Sri Yantra, the Axis Mundi, and other symbols representing the uniting of heaven and earth. (Detailed in Chapter 6) This application degraded into a use as a physical power source and purportedly led to the destruction of Atlantis. The Cayce readings describe the Atlanteans as originally more like thought forms, but as desire for gratification in the material occurred, they became hardened or set in material form. The Atlantean injection into Egypt was apparently very early, before 10,000 BCE. “…of which later we find that peoples who entered into the black or mixed peoples, in what later became the Egyptian dynasty.” (364-4)13

      In the Cayce readings, along with its use and misuse, what caught my attention was the physical description of the stone. It is a six-sided crystal that in the beginning was the source from which there was the spiritual and mental contact, and it apparently radiated energy. If one pictures this six-sided crystal and its energy radiating from each side, one can easily visualize a six-pointed star, Solomon's Seal, or a Magen David (Shield/Star of David). This possibility is strengthened by the authors Lora Little and John Van Auken when they present evidence from the Mayans in Piedras Negras that the six-pointed star may be a sign of the lost Atlantean records and a symbol of the Tuaoi stone.14 In addition they present this six-pointed star which was also discovered in the ancient Mayan city of Uxmal in a sun disc.


       Fig. 4.1—Six-Pointed Star in Sun Disc


      The Finite Communicating with the Infinite

      The beginning of the symbolism of uniting the infinite with the finite, the heavens with earth through the fusion of triangles is starting to be evidenced. Following this hypothesis or this thought experiment, let us continue on to the Magen David (the Star or Shield of David), also known as the Seal of Solomon, Creator's Star, or in geometry a hexagram. Here is a six-pointed star/shield or two triangles where one is inverted and the two are placed on top of each other. On the Israeli flag this symbol/shape can be seen in a blue color very similar to the turquoise of Serabit el-Khadim. If the Tables of the Law are, as surmised, triangular and made of turquoise and even if it is turquoise powdered on scrolls, which are inverted and laid on top of each other, the comparison is evident.

      Besides this evidence and the arguments for such triangular tablets, there is a metaphysical interpretation of a six-pointed star as being representative of the spiritual man's seven chakras, with the seventh being hidden in the center. Again we are drawn back to the tables representing the “house of the soul.”

      P.D. Ouspensky describes the six-pointed star as:

      (That) which represented the world on ancient symbolism is in reality the representation of space-time or the “period of dimension,” i.e. of the three space-dimensions and the three time-dimensions in their perfect union, where every point of space includes the whole of time and every moment of time includes the whole of space, when everything is everywhere and always

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