The Zane Grey Megapack. Zane Grey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Zane Grey
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Вестерны
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434446312
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searched the east and the west. He brought her strange gifts from strange lands. She said: ‘Go and slay my enemies.’ Tarhe went forth in his war paint and killed the braves who named her Smiling Moon. He came again to her and she said: ‘Run swifter than the deer, be more cunning than the beaver, dive deeper than the loon.’

      “Tarhe passed once more to the island where dwelt Smiling Moon. The ice was thick, the snow was deep. Smiling Moon turned not from her warm fire as she said: ‘The chief is a great warrior, but Smiling Moon is not easily won. It is cold. Change winter into summer and then Smiling Moon will love him.’

      “Tarhe cried in a loud voice to the Great Spirit: ‘Make me a master.’

      “A voice out of the forest answered: ‘Tarhe, great warrior, wise chief, waste not thy time, go back to thy wigwam.’

      “Tarhe unheeding cried ‘Tarhe wins or dies. Make him a master so that he may drive the ice northward.’

      “Stormed the wild tempest; thundered the rivers of ice; chill blew the north wind, the cold northwest wind, against the mild south wind; snow-spirits and hail-spirits fled before the warm raindrops; the white mountains melted, and lo! it was summer.

      “On the mountain top Tarhe waited for his bride. Never wearying, ever faithful he watched many years. There he turned to stone. There he stands today, the Standing Stone of ages. And Smiling Moon, changed by the Great Spirit into the Night Wind, forever wails her lament at dusk through the forest trees, and moans over the mountain tops.”

      Myeerah’s story elicited cheers and praises from all. She was entreated to tell another, but smilingly shook her head. Now that her shyness had worn off to some extent she took great interest in the jest and the general conversation.

      Col. Zane’s fine old wine flowed like water. The custom was to fill a guest’s cup as soon as it was empty. Drinking much was rather encouraged than otherwise. But Col. Zane never allowed this custom to go too far in his house.

      “Friends, the hour grows late,” he said. “Tomorrow, after the great event, we shall have games, shooting matches, running races, and contests of all kinds. Capt. Boggs and I have arranged to give prizes, and I expect the girls can give something to lend a zest to the competition.”

      “Will the girls have a chance in these races?” asked Isaac. “If so, I should like to see Betty and Myeerah run.”

      “Betty can outrun any woman, red or white, on the border,” said Wetzel. “And she could make some of the men run their level best.”

      “Well, perhaps we shall give her one opportunity tomorrow,” observed the Colonel. “She used to be good at running but it seems to me that of late she has taken to books and—”

      “Oh, Eb! that is untrue,” interrupted Betty.

      Col. Zane laughed and patted his sister’s cheek. “Never mind, Betty,” and then, rising, he continued, “Now let us drink to the bride and groom-to-be. Capt. Boggs, I call on you.”

      “We drink to the bride’s fair beauty; we drink to the groom’s good luck,” said Capt. Boggs, raising his cup.

      “Do not forget the maid-of-honor,” said Isaac.

      “Yes, and the maid-of-honor. Mr. Clarke, will you say something appropriate?” asked Col. Zane.

      Rising, Clarke said: “I would be glad to speak fittingly on this occasion, but I do not think I can do it justice. I believe as Col. Zane does, that this Indian Princess is the first link in that chain of peace which will some day unite the red men and the white men. Instead of the White Crane she should be called the White Dove. Gentlemen, rise and drink to her long life and happiness.”

      The toast was drunk. Then Clarke refilled his cup and holding it high over his head he looked at Betty.

      “Gentlemen, to the maid-of-honor. Miss Zane, your health, your happiness, in this good old wine.”

      “I thank you,” murmured Betty with downcast eyes. “I bid you all good-night. Come, Myeerah.”

      Once more alone with Betty, the Indian girl turned to her with eyes like twin stars.

      “My sister has made me very happy,” whispered Myeerah in her soft, low voice. “Myeerah’s heart is full.”

      “I believe you are happy, for I know you love Isaac dearly.”

      “Myeerah has always loved him. She will love his sister.”

      “And I will love you,” said Betty. “I will love you because you have saved him. Ah! Myeerah, yours has been wonderful, wonderful love.”

      “My sister is loved,” whispered Myeerah. “Myeerah saw the look in the eyes of the great hunter. It was the sad light of the moon on the water. He loves you. And the other looked at my sister with eyes like the blue of northern skies. He, too, loves you.”

      “Hush!” whispered Betty, trembling and hiding her face. “Hush! Myeerah, do not speak of him.”


      He following afternoon the sun shone fair and warm; the sweet smell of the tan-bark pervaded the air and the birds sang their gladsome songs. The scene before the grim battle-scarred old fort was not without its picturesqueness. The low vine-covered cabins on the hill side looked more like picture houses than like real habitations of men; the mill with its burned-out roof—a reminder of the Indians—and its great wheel, now silent and still, might have been from its lonely and dilapidated appearance a hundred years old.

      On a little knoll carpeted with velvety grass sat Isaac and his Indian bride. He had selected this vantage point because it afforded a fine view of the green square where the races and the matches were to take place. Admiring women stood around him and gazed at his wife. They gossiped in whispers about her white skin, her little hands, her beauty. The girls stared with wide open and wondering eyes. The youngsters ran round and round the little group; they pushed each other over, and rolled in the long grass, and screamed with delight.

      It was to be a gala occasion and every man, woman and child in the settlement had assembled on the green. Col. Zane and Sam were planting a post in the center of the square. It was to be used in the shooting matches. Capt. Boggs and Major McColloch were arranging the contestants in order. Jonathan Zane, Will Martin, Alfred Clarke—all the young men were carefully charging and priming their rifles. Betty was sitting on the black stallion which Col. Zane had generously offered as first prize. She was in the gayest of moods and had just coaxed Isaac to lift her on the tall horse, from which height she purposed watching the sports. Wetzel alone did not seem infected by the spirit of gladsomeness which pervaded. He stood apart leaning on his long rifle and taking no interest in the proceedings behind him. He was absorbed in contemplating the forest on the opposite shore of the river.

      “Well, boys, I guess we are ready for the fun,” called Col. Zane, cheerily. “Only one shot apiece, mind you, except in case of a tie. Now, everybody shoot his best.”

      The first contest was a shooting match known as “driving the nail.” It was as the name indicated, nothing less than shooting at the head of a nail. In the absence of a nail—for nails were scarce—one was usually fashioned from a knife blade, or an old file, or even a piece of silver. The nail was driven lightly into the stake, the contestants shot at it from a distance as great as the eyesight permitted. To drive the nail hard and fast into the wood at one hundred yards was a feat seldom accomplished. By many hunters it was deemed more difficult than “snuffing the candle,” another border pastime, which consisted of placing in the dark at any distance a lighted candle, and then putting out the flame with a single rifle ball. Many settlers, particularly those who handled the plow more than the rifle, sighted from a rest, and placed a piece of moss under the rife-barrel to prevent its spring at the discharge.

      The match began. Of the first six shooters Jonathan Zane and Alfred Clarke scored the best shots. Each placed a bullet in the half-inch circle round the nail.

      “Alfred, very good, indeed,” said