The Zane Grey Megapack. Zane Grey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Zane Grey
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Вестерны
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434446312
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Jonathan went with his captors down the hill his hopes, which while ever alive, had been flagging, now rose. The long journey to the Shawnee town led through an untracked wilderness. The Delaware villages lay far to the north; the Wyandot to the west. No likelihood was there of falling in with a band of Indians hunting, because this region, stony, barren, and poorly watered, afforded sparse pasture for deer or bison. From the prisoner’s point of view this enterprise of Ashbow’s was reckless and vainglorious. Cunning as the chief was, he erred in one point, a great warrior’s only weakness, love of show, of pride, of his achievement. In Indian nature this desire for fame was as strong as love of life. The brave risked everything to win his eagle feathers, and the matured warrior found death while keeping bright the glory of the plumes he had won.

      Wetzel was in the woods, fleet as a deer, fierce and fearless as a lion. Somewhere among those glades he trod, stealthily, with the ears of a doe and eyes of a hawk strained for sound or sight of his comrade’s captors. When he found their trail he would stick to it as the wolf to that of a bleeding buck’s. The rescue would not be attempted until the right moment, even though that came within rifle-shot of the Shawnee encampment. Wonderful as his other gifts, was the borderman’s patience.


      “Good morning, Colonel Zane,” said Helen cheerily, coming into the yard where the colonel was at work. “Did Will come over this way?”

      “I reckon you’ll find him if you find Betty,” replied Colonel Zane dryly.

      “Come to think of it, that’s true,” Helen said, laughing. “I’ve a suspicion Will ran off from me this morning.”

      “He and Betty have gone nutting.”

      “I declare it’s mean of Will,” Helen said petulantly. “I have been wanting to go so much, and both he and Betty promised to take me.”

      “Say, Helen, let me tell you something,” said the colonel, resting on his spade and looking at her quizzically. “I told them we hadn’t had enough frost yet to ripen hickory-nuts and chestnuts. But they went anyhow. Will did remember to say if you came along, to tell you he’d bring the colored leaves you wanted.”

      “How extremely kind of him. I’ve a mind to follow them.”

      “Now see here, Helen, it might be a right good idea for you not to,” returned the colonel, with a twinkle and a meaning in his eye.

      “Oh, I understand. How singularly dull I’ve been.”

      “It’s this way. We’re mighty glad to have a fine young fellow like Will come along and interest Betty. Lord knows we had a time with her after Alfred died. She’s just beginning to brighten up now, and, Helen, the point is that young people on the border must get married. No, my dear, you needn’t laugh, you’ll have to find a husband same as the other girls. It’s not here as it was back east, where a lass might have her fling, so to speak, and take her time choosing. An unmarried girl on the border is a positive menace. I saw, not many years ago, two first-rate youngsters, wild with border fire and spirit, fight and kill each other over a lass who wouldn’t choose. Like as not, if she had done so, the three would have been good friends, for out here we’re like one big family. Remember this, Helen, and as far as Betty and Will are concerned you will be wise to follow our example: Leave them to themselves. Nothing else will so quickly strike fire between a boy and a girl.”

      “Betty and Will! I’m sure I’d love to see them care for each other.” Then with big, bright eyes bent gravely on him she continued, “May I ask, Colonel Zane, who you have picked out for me?”

      “There, now you’ve said it, and that’s the problem. I’ve looked over every marriageable young man in the settlement, except Jack. Of course you couldn’t care for him, a borderman, a fighter and all that; but I can’t find a fellow I think quite up to you.”

      “Colonel Zane, is not a borderman such as Jonathan worthy a woman’s regard?” Helen asked a little wistfully.

      “Bless your heart, lass, yes!” replied Colonel Zane heartily. “People out here are not as they are back east. An educated man, polished and all that, but incapable of hard labor, or shrinking from dirt and sweat on his hands, or even blood, would not help us in the winning of the West. Plain as Jonathan is, and with his lack of schooling, he is greatly superior to the majority of young men on the frontier. But, unlettered or not, he is as fine a man as ever stepped in moccasins, or any other kind of foot gear.”

      “Then why did you say—that—what you did?”

      “Well, it’s this way,” replied Colonel Zane, stealing a glance at her pensive, downcast face. “Girls all like to be wooed. Almost every one I ever knew wanted the young man of her choice to outstrip all her other admirers, and then, for a spell, nearly die of love for her, after which she’d give in. Now, Jack, being a borderman, a man with no occupation except scouting, will never look at a girl, let alone make up to her. I imagine, my dear, it’d take some mighty tall courting to fetch home Helen Sheppard a bride. On the other hand, if some pretty and spirited lass, like, say for instance, Helen Sheppard, would come along and just make Jack forget Indians and fighting, she’d get the finest husband in the world. True, he’s wild; but only in the woods. A simpler, kinder, cleaner man cannot be found.”

      “I believe that, Colonel Zane; but where is the girl who would interest him?” Helen asked with spirit. “These bordermen are unapproachable. Imagine a girl interesting that great, cold, stern Wetzel! All her flatteries, her wiles, the little coquetries that might attract ordinary men, would not be noticed by him, or Jonathan either.”

      “I grant it’d not be easy, but woman was made to subjugate man, and always, everlastingly, until the end of life here on this beautiful earth, she will do it.”

      “Do you think Jonathan and Wetzel will catch Brandt?” asked Helen, changing the subject abruptly.

      “I’d stake my all that this year’s autumn leaves will fall on Brandt’s grave.”

      Colonel Zane’s calm, matter-of-fact coldness made Helen shiver.

      “Why, the leaves have already begun to fall. Papa told me Brandt had gone to join the most powerful outlaw band on the border. How can these two men, alone, cope with savages, as I’ve heard they do, and break up such an outlaw band as Legget’s?”

      “That’s a question I’ve heard Daniel Boone ask about Wetzel, and Boone, though not a borderman in all the name implies, was a great Indian fighter. I’ve heard old frontiersmen, grown grizzled on the frontier, use the same words. I’ve been twenty years with that man, yet I can’t answer it. Jonathan, of course, is only a shadow of him; Wetzel is the type of these men who have held the frontier for us. He was the first borderman, and no doubt he’ll be the last.”

      “What have Jonathan and Wetzel that other men do not possess?”

      “In them is united a marvelously developed woodcraft, with wonderful physical powers. Imagine a man having a sense, almost an animal instinct, for what is going on in the woods. Take for instance the fleetness of foot. That is one of the greatest factors. It is absolutely necessary to run, to get away when to hold ground would be death. Whether at home or in the woods, the bordermen retreat every day. You wouldn’t think they practiced anything of the kind, would you? Well, a man can’t be great in anything without keeping at it. Jonathan says he exercises to keep his feet light. Wetzel would just as soon run as walk. Think of the magnificent condition of these men. When a dash of speed is called for, when to be fleet of foot is to elude vengeance-seeking Indians, they must travel as swiftly as the deer. The Zanes were all sprinters. I could do something of the kind; Betty was fast on her feet, as that old fort will testify until the logs rot; Isaac was fleet, too, and Jonathan can get over the ground like a scared buck. But, even so, Wetzel can beat him.”

      “Goodness me, Helen!” exclaimed the colonel’s buxom wife, from the window, “don’t you ever get tired hearing Eb talk of Wetzel, and Jack, and Indians? Come in with me. I venture to say my gossip will do you more good than his stories.”
