The Zane Grey Megapack. Zane Grey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Zane Grey
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Вестерны
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434446312
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added, speaking loudly, “you women get into the house.”

      Mrs. Zane, Betty and Helen stared.

      “Go into the house!” he cried authoritatively.

      Without a protest the three women obeyed.

      At that moment Nellie Douns came across the lane; Sam shuffled out from the backyard, and Sheppard arose from his seat on the steps. They joined Colonel Zane, Silas and Jim at the gate.

      “I wondered what kept you so late,” Colonel Zane said to Jonathan, as he and his companion came up. “You’ve fetched Mabel, and she’s—”. The good man could say no more. If he should live an hundred years on the border amid savage murderers, he would still be tender-hearted. Just now he believed the giant borderman by the side of Jonathan held a dead girl, one whom he had danced, when a child, upon his knee.

      “Mabel, an’ jest alive,” replied Jonathan.

      “By God! I’m glad!” exclaimed Colonel Zane. “Here, Lew, give her to me.”

      Wetzel relinquished his burden to the colonel.

      “Lew, any bad Indian sign?” asked Colonel Zane as he turned to go into the house.

      The borderman shook his head.

      “Wait for me,” added the colonel.

      He carried the girl to that apartment in the cabin which served the purpose of a sitting-room, and laid her on a couch. He gently removed the folds of the blanket, disclosing to view a fragile, white-faced girl.

      “Bess, hurry, hurry!” he screamed to his wife, and as she came running in, followed no less hurriedly by Betty, Helen and Nellie, he continued, “Here’s Mabel Lane, alive, poor child; but in sore need of help. First see whether she has any bodily injury. If a bullet must be cut out, or a knife-wound sewed up, it’s better she remained unconscious. Betty, run for Bess’s instruments, and bring brandy and water. Lively now!” Then he gave vent to an oath and left the room.

      Helen, her heart throbbing wildly, went to the side of Mrs. Zane, who was kneeling by the couch. She saw a delicate girl, not over eighteen years old, with a face that would have been beautiful but for the set lips, the closed eyelids, and an expression of intense pain.

      “Oh! Oh!” breathed Helen.

      “Nell, hand me the scissors,” said Mrs. Zane, “and help me take off this dress. Why, it’s wet, but, thank goodness! ’tis not with blood. I know that slippery touch too well. There, that’s right. Betty, give me a spoonful of brandy. Now heat a blanket, and get one of your linsey gowns for this poor child.”

      Helen watched Mrs. Zane as if fascinated. The colonel’s wife continued to talk while with deft fingers she forced a few drops of brandy between the girl’s closed teeth. Then with the adroitness of a skilled surgeon, she made the examination. Helen had heard of this pioneer woman’s skill in setting broken bones and treating injuries, and when she looked from the calm face to the steady fingers, she had no doubt as to the truth of what had been told.

      “Neither bullet wound, cut, bruise, nor broken bone,” said Mrs. Zane. “It’s fear, starvation, and the terrible shock.”

      She rubbed Mabel’s hands while gazing at her pale face. Then she forced more brandy between the tightly-closed lips. She was rewarded by ever so faint a color tinging the wan cheeks, to be followed by a fluttering of the eyelids. Then the eyes opened wide. They were large, soft, dark and humid with agony.

      Helen could not bear their gaze. She saw the shadow of death, and of worse than death. She looked away, while in her heart rose a storm of passionate fury at the brutes who had made of this tender girl a wreck.

      The room was full of women now, sober-faced matrons and grave-eyed girls, yet all wore the same expression, not alone of anger, nor fear, nor pity, but of all combined.

      Helen instinctively felt that this was one of the trials of border endurance, and she knew from the sterner faces of the maturer women that such a trial was familiar. Despite all she had been told, the shock and pain were too great, and she went out of the room sobbing.

      She almost fell over the broad back of Jonathan Zane who was sitting on the steps. Near him stood Colonel Zane talking with a tall man clad in faded buckskin.

      “Lass, you shouldn’t have stayed,” said Colonel Zane kindly.

      “It’s—hurt—me—here,” said Helen, placing her hand over her heart.

      “Yes, I know, I know; of course it has,” he replied, taking her hand. “But be brave, Helen, bear up, bear up. Oh! this border is a stern place! Do not think of that poor girl. Come, let me introduce Jonathan’s friend, Wetzel!”

      Helen looked up and held out her hand. She saw a very tall man with extremely broad shoulders, a mass of raven-black hair, and a white face. He stepped forward, and took her hand in his huge, horny palm, pressing it, he stepped back without speaking. Colonel Zane talked to her in a soothing voice; but she failed to hear what he said. This Wetzel, this Indian-hunter whom she had heard called “Deathwind of the Border,” this companion, guide, teacher of Jonathan Zane, this borderman of wonderful deeds, stood before her.

      Helen saw a cold face, deathly in its pallor, lighted by eyes sloe-black but like glinting steel. Striking as were these features, they failed to fascinate as did the strange tracings which apparently showed through the white, drawn skin. This first repelled, then drew her with wonderful force. Suffering, of fire, and frost, and iron was written there, and, stronger than all, so potent as to cause fear, could be read the terrible purpose of this man’s tragic life.

      “You avenged her! Oh! I know you did!” cried Helen, her whole heart leaping with a blaze to her eyes.

      She was answered by a smile, but such a smile! Kindly it broke over the stern face, giving a glimpse of a heart still warm beneath that steely cold. Behind it, too, there was something fateful, something deadly.

      Helen knew, though the borderman spoke not, that somewhere among the grasses of the broad plains, or on the moss of the wooded hills, lay dead the perpetrators of this outrage, their still faces bearing the ghastly stamp of Deathwind.


      Happier days than she had hoped for, dawned upon Helen after the first touch of border sorrow. Mabel Lane did not die. Helen and Betty nursed the stricken girl tenderly, weeping for very joy when signs of improvement appeared. She had remained silent for several days, always with that haunting fear in her eyes, and then gradually came a change. Tender care and nursing had due effect in banishing the dark shadow. One morning after a long sleep she awakened with a bright smile, and from that time her improvement was rapid.

      Helen wanted Mabel to live with her. The girl’s position was pitiable. Homeless, fatherless, with not a relative on the border, yet so brave, so patient that she aroused all the sympathy in Helen’s breast. Village gossip was in substance, that Mabel had given her love to a young frontiersman, by name Alex Bennet, who had an affection for her, so it was said, but as yet had made no choice between her and the other lasses of the settlement. What effect Mabel’s terrible experience might have on this lukewarm lover, Helen could not even guess; but she was not hopeful as to the future. Colonel Zane and Betty approved of Helen’s plan to persuade Mabel to live with her, and the latter’s faint protestations they silenced by claiming she could be of great assistance in the management of the house, therefore it was settled.

      Finally the day came when Mabel was ready to go with Helen. Betty had given her a generous supply of clothing, for all her belongings had been destroyed when the cabin was burned. With Helen’s strong young arm around her she voiced her gratitude to Betty and Mrs. Zane and started toward the Sheppard home.

      From the green square, where the ground was highest, an unobstructed view could be had of the valley. Mabel gazed down the river to where her home formerly stood. Only a faint, dark spot, like a blur on the green landscape, could be seen. Her soft eyes filled with tears; but she spoke no word.

      “She’s game and that’s