The Robert Sheckley Megapack. Robert Sheckley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert Sheckley
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Научная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434446176
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sure no murder was done.

      New data flashed along the watchbird network. Unmonitored, independent, the thousands of watchbirds received and acted upon it.

      The breaking, mangling or otherwise stopping the functions of a living organism by a living organism. New acts to stop.

      “Damn you, git going!” Farmer Ollister shouted, and raised his whip again. The horse balked, and the wagon rattled and shook as he edged sideways.

      “You lousy hunk of pigmeal, git going!” the farmer yelled and he raised the whip again.

      It never fell. An alert watchbird, sensing violence, had knocked him out of his seat.

      A living organism? What is a living organism? The watchbirds extended their definitions as they became aware of more facts. And, of course, this gave them more work.

      The deer was just visible at the edge of the woods. The hunter raised his rifle, and took careful aim.

      He didn’t have time to shoot.

      * * * *

      With his free hand, Gelsen mopped perspiration from his face. “All right,” he said into the telephone. He listened to the stream of vituperation from the other end, then placed the receiver gently in its cradle.

      “What was that one?” Macintyre asked. He was unshaven, tie loose, shirt unbuttoned.

      “Another fisherman,” Gelsen said. “It seems the watchbirds won’t let him fish even though his family is starving. What are we going to do about it, he wants to know.”

      “How many hundred is that?”

      “I don’t know. I haven’t opened the mail.”

      “Well, I figured out where the trouble is,” Macintyre said gloomily, with the air of a man who knows just how he blew up the Earth—after it was too late.

      “Let’s hear it.”

      “Everybody took it for granted that we wanted all murder stopped. We figured the watchbirds would think as we do. We ought to have qualified the conditions.”

      “I’ve got an idea,” Gelsen said, “that we’d have to know just why and what murder is, before we could qualify the conditions properly. And if we knew that, we wouldn’t need the watchbirds.”

      “Oh, I don’t know about that. They just have to be told that some things which look like murder are not murder.”

      “But why should they stop fisherman?” Gelsen asked.

      “Why shouldn’t they? Fish and animals are living organisms. We just don’t think that killing them is murder.”

      The telephone rang. Gelsen glared at it and punched the intercom. “I told you no more calls, no matter what.”

      “This is from Washington,” his secretary said. “I thought you’d—”

      “Sorry.” Gelsen picked up the telephone. “Yes. Certainly is a mess… Have they? All right, I certainly will.” He put down the telephone.

      “Short and sweet,” he told Macintyre. “We’re to shut down temporarily.”

      “That won’t be so easy,” Macintyre said. “The watchbirds operate independent of any central control, you know. They come back once a week for a repair checkup. We’ll have to turn them off then, one by one.”

      “Well, let’s get to it. Monroe over on the Coast has shut down about a quarter of his birds.”

      “I think I can dope out a restricting circuit,” Macintyre said.

      “Fine,” Gelsen replied bitterly. “You make me very happy.”

      * * * *

      The watchbirds were learning rapidly, expanding and adding to their knowledge. Loosely defined abstractions were extended, acted upon and re-extended.

      To stop murder…

      Metal and electrons reason well, but not in a human fashion.

      A living organism? Any living organism!

      The watchbirds set themselves the task of protecting all living things.

      The fly buzzed around the room, lighting on a table top, pausing a moment, then darting to a window sill.

      The old man stalked it, a rolled newspaper in his hand.


      The watchbirds swept down and saved the fly in the nick of time.

      The old man writhed on the floor a minute and then was silent. He had been given only a mild shock, but it had been enough for his fluttery, cranky heart.

      His victim had been saved, though, and this was the important thing. Save the victim and give the aggressor his just desserts.

      * * * *

      Gelsen demanded angrily, “Why aren’t they being turned off?”

      The assistant control engineer gestured. In a corner of the repair room lay the senior control engineer. He was just regaining consciousness.

      “He tried to turn one of them off,” the assistant engineer said. Both his hands were knotted together. He was making a visible effort not to shake.

      “That’s ridiculous. They haven’t got any sense of self-preservation.”

      “Then turn them off yourself. Besides, I don’t think any more are going to come.”

      What could have happened? Gelsen began to piece it together. The watchbirds still hadn’t decided on the limits of a living organism. When some of them were turned off in the Monroe plant, the rest must have correlated the data.

      So they had been forced to assume that they were living organisms, as well.

      No one had ever told them otherwise. Certainly they carried on most of the functions of living organisms.

      Then the old fears hit him. Gelsen trembled and hurried out of the repair room. He wanted to find Macintyre in a hurry.

      * * * *

      The nurse handed the surgeon the sponge.


      She placed it in his hand. He started to make the first incision. And then he was aware of a disturbance.

      “Who let that thing in?”

      “I don’t know,” the nurse said, her voice muffled by the mask.

      “Get it out of here.”

      The nurse waved her arms at the bright winged thing, but it fluttered over her head.

      The surgeon proceeded with the incision—as long as he was able.

      The watchbird drove him away and stood guard.

      “Telephone the watchbird company!” the surgeon ordered. “Get them to turn the thing off.”

      The watchbird was preventing violence to a living organism.

      The surgeon stood by helplessly while his patient died.

      * * * *

      Fluttering high above the network of highways, the watchbird watched and waited. It had been constantly working for weeks now, without rest or repair. Rest and repair were impossible, because the watchbird couldn’t allow itself—a living organism—to be murdered. And that was what happened when watchbirds returned to the factory.

      There was a built-in order to return, after the lapse of a certain time period. But the watchbird had a stronger order to obey—preservation of life, including its own.

      The definitions of murder were almost infinitely extended now, impossible to cope with. But the watchbird didn’t consider that. It responded to its stimuli, whenever they came and whatever