The Max Brand Megapack. Max Brand. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Max Brand
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Вестерны
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434446442
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right stuff, and have your friends run out to see you now an’ then, an’ talk over things that’re goin’ on at sea—where you ain’t.”

      Here he placed a third bag of money on the table.

      “You could do all that and more, chief—a lot more—with this money.”

      Hovey cut the lace which tied the mouth of one of the bags; he poured the gleaming contents across the table.

      “Well?” he asked softly.

      “Damn you!” whispered Campbell, and then, “You fool, am I not Scotch?”

      “At least,” went on the bos’n easily, “think it over, chief, and while you’re thinkin’, what d’you say to a drop of the real stuff?”

      Campbell had not tasted either food or liquid since early the day before, and his eyes were moist as they stared at the two bottles.

      “Set his hands free,” said Hovey, “so that the chief can drink. We ain’t half-bad fellers, Campbell; but we’ve got good cause for raisin’ the hell you’ve seen on the Heron.”

      While he spoke, the arms of Campbell were set free, and glasses were shoved toward him, one full of Scotch and the other of seltzer. The mutineers were already raising their drinks for a toast when Campbell took his with a violently trembling hand. But as he lifted the liquor, he was fully conscious for the first time of a singing which had been faint in the air for some time, the songs of Black McTee in the wireless house, and now the big-throated Scotchman swung into a new air, plaintive and rapid in cadence, a death song and a war song at once, the speech of Bruce before Bannockburn, as Burns conceived it. Loud and true rang the voice of Black McTee, breaker of men:

      “Scots wha hae wi’ Wallace bled,

      Scots wham Bruce hae aften led,

      Welcome to your gory bed,

      Or to victory!”

      And the hand of Campbell checked on its way to his lips. “We’re lookin’ in your eyes, chief,” said Hovey. And the song broke in:

      “Wha would be a traitor slave,

      Let him turn and flee!”

      Campbell was staring at the wall like one who sees a vision but cannot make out its meaning.

      The voice of Black McTee swelled high and strong:

      “Wha for Scotland’s king and law

      Freedom’s sword will strongly draw,

      Freemen stand and freemen fa’,

      Let him on wi’ me!”

      And the glass dropped from the lips of the Scotchman. It crashed against the hard floor. Broad Scotch was on his tongue.

      “I canna drink wi’ murderers!” he cried.

      “Damn you!” said Hovey, and drove his fist into Campbell’s face, hurling him to the deck.

      The manacles were clapped on his wrists again; he was dragged once more to his feet.

      “Take him out,” said Hovey to the grinning sailors who had lingered in the door. “Take him back to the waist of the ship before the wireless house. Wait for me there. And see that Van Roos and Borgson are brought there also.”

      CHAPTER 34

      As Campbell was dragged away, the bos’n said to his companions: “Now, lads, you see where Campbell stands!”

      They growled for answer.

      “But I’ll get him!” went on Hovey. “I’m going to kill Van Roos and Borgson by inches before his eyes. And when he sees ’em die—they’ll have to die, anyway, before we reach shore—Campbell will be water in our hands. He’ll see ’em die, an’ them in the wireless house will see ’em die. Their throats are thick with thirst by now. We’ll show ’em water an’ food, an’ offer it to ’em if they’ll give up Henshaw. If they won’t, we’ll show ’em how we’ll kill ’em when they’re too weak to resist. They’ll see a sample in Van Roos and Borgson. Every yell they let out’ll be an argument for us. We’ll have Henshaw before the day’s done.”

      Sam Hall pushed his thick fingers slowly through his hair, stupefied by this careful cruelty, and even the one eye of Jacob Flint grew dim, but Garry Cochrane slapped the bos’n on the shoulder heartily.

      “Jerry,” he said, “you got the makin’s of a great man. Let’s go start the fun.”

      On the way aft they passed the firemen sprawling on the shady side of the deck. They stumbled to their feet at sight of Hovey, and swore volubly that the hole of the ship was too hot for a man to live in it five minutes. Hovey passed them without a word. He had to tend to Campbell now, and without an engineer it was useless to work men in the fireroom.

      First of all he had two buckets of water carried aft and placed just below the edge of the raised deck which supported the wireless house. There were dippers floating invitingly on the surface of the water in each bucket. Then from the galley of the ship Kamasura and Shida, the cabin boys, brought out steaming meats and cut loaves of bread and displayed the feast near the buckets of water. Upon this outlay gazed the famine-stricken fugitives, Sloan, McTee and Harrigan; Kate did not see, for she was caring for the sick captain. Hovey advanced and made a speech.

      “We’re actin’ generous and open to you,” he began. “We’re offerin’ you food an’ water—all you want—in exchange for White Henshaw. He sold his soul to hell long ago, an’ we’ve come to claim payment. It’s overdue, that’s what it is!”

      “Aye, aye!” came a chorus of yells from the sailors. “White Henshaw’s overdue.”

      “Look at this here water,” went on Hovey, with a tempting wave of his hand. “Why not take this up an’ help yourselves—after you’ve given us Henshaw?”

      Sloan crowded in between Harrigan and McTee; his voice was a slavering murmur: “For pity’s sake, boys, what we going to do?”

      Harrigan and the big Scot exchanged glances. Faintly and slowly they smiled. There was a profound mutual understanding in that smile.

      “I’m dying,” went on Sloan eagerly and still in that slavering voice. “I’m burnin’ up inside. For God’s sake let ’em take him and finish him off!”

      And always as he spoke his quick eyes went back and forth from face to face. They had neither eye nor voice for him. They turned their attention back to Hovey, who now spoke again hastily.

      “But if you don’t give us Henshaw, we’ll take him, anyway. In one more day—or maybe two at the most—we’ll come an’ get you—understand? An’ what we’ll do to you when we get you will be this!”

      He gestured over his shoulder. Eric Borgson was being led out on the deck by some of the crew.

      “Look him over, Cap’n McTee. He’s a big man, an’ we’re goin’ to kill him by inches. So we’re goin’ to finish Van Roos—the same way. Speak out, lads; d’you want to die like these two are goin’ to die, or will you turn over Henshaw—who needs killin’?”

      McTee smiled benevolently down upon the upturned, furious faces of the mutineers, and muttered: “Harrigan, I could drink blood.”

      “An’ lick your lips afther it,” groaned the Irishman softly. “An’ so could I, Angus! They’re startin’ their devil work. Let’s go inside. I can’t be standing the sight of it, McTee.”

      “Go inside an’ let ’em rush the wireless house?” said McTee incredulously. “No, lad. We got to stay an’ watch. Besides, maybe this is the way we’ll all die—after we’re too weak to fight ’em. And I’m rather curious to learn just how I’ll die; I’ve always been!”

      They were binding Borgson face down on the hatch.
