The Max Brand Megapack. Max Brand. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Max Brand
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Вестерны
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434446442
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I’ll tell you. The whole forecastle is hungry for the end of White Henshaw. Your share of the money is whatever you want to make it. You can have all my part; what I want is the sight of Henshaw crawlin’ at our feet.”

      “You’re a good deal of a man, Hovey. Henshaw has put you in his school, and now you’re about to graduate, eh? But why do you want me? What brought you to me?”

      “I thought I didn’t need you a while ago; now I have to have somebody stronger than I am. I was the king of the bunch yesterday; but the last man we took into our plan proved to be stronger than I am.”



      McTee straightened slowly and his eyes brightened. Hovey went on: “Before he’d been with us ten minutes, the rest of the men in the forecastle were looking up to him. He has the reputation. He won it by facing you and Henshaw at the same time. Now the lads listen to me, but they keep their eyes on Harrigan. I know what that means. That’s why I come here and offer the leadership to you.”

      McTee was thinking rapidly.

      “A plan like this is fire, bos’n, and I have an idea I might burn my fingers unless you have enough of the crew with you. If you have Harrigan, it certainly means that you have a majority of the rest.”

      Hovey grinned: “Aye, you know Harrigan.”

      The insinuation made McTee hot, but he went on seriously: “If you could make me sure that you have Harrigan, I’d be one of you.”

      “What proof do you want?”

      “None will do except the word out of his own mouth. Listen! Along about four bells this afternoon I’ll find some way of sending Miss Malone out of her cabin. Then I’ll go in there and wait. Bring Harrigan close to that door at that tune and make him talk about the mutiny. Can you do it?”

      “But why the room of the girl?”

      “You’re stupid, Hovey. Because if you talked outside of the cabin where I sleep—that being the office of Henshaw—he’d hear you as well as I would.”

      “Then I’ll bring him to the door of the girl’s cabin. At four bells?”


      “After that we’ll talk over the details, sir?”

      “We will. And keep away from me, Hovey. If Henshaw sees me talking with members of his crew, he might begin to think—and any of his thinking is dangerous for the other fellow.”

      The bos’n touched his cap.

      “Aye, aye, sir. You can begin hearin’ the chink of the money, and I begin to see White Henshaw eatin’ dirt. With Black McTee—excusin’ the name, sir—to lead us, there ain’t nothin’ can stop us.”

      CHAPTER 24

      He went off toward the forecastle hitching at his trousers and whistling an old English song of the Spanish Main. As for Black McTee, he remained staring after Hovey with a rising thought of perjury. The loot of the Heron was a deep temptation, and his pledged word to the bos’n was a strong bond, for as Hovey had said, the honor of Black McTee, in spite of his other failings, was respected throughout the South Seas. For one purpose, however, he would have sacrificed all hopes of plunder and a thousand plighted words, and that purpose was the undoing of Harrigan in the eyes of Kate.

      She had grown into a necessity to him. Though were she twice as beautiful, he would never have paid her the dangerous honor of a second glance under ordinary conditions, but their life together on the island and his rivalry with Harrigan for her sake had made her infinitely dear to him.

      Seeing the opportunity to destroy all her respect for Harrigan, he schemed instantly to betray his word to Hovey. Like Harrigan earlier in the day, he had no purpose to reveal the planned mutiny at once. The Irishman waited because he did not know to whom he could confide the dangerous information; McTee delayed in the hope of nipping insurrection in the bud at the very instant when it was about to flower. It would be far more spectacular. Moreover, he saw in this a manner of enlisting Kate on his side.

      Shortly before four bells in the afternoon he went to her cabin and knocked at the door. When she opened it to him, she stood with one hand upon the knob, blocking the way and waiting silently for an explanation of his coming. That quiet coldness banished from his mind the speech which he had prepared.

      He said at last: “Kate, I want you to talk with me for a few minutes.”

      She considered him seriously—without fear, but with such a deep distrust that he was startled. He had not dreamed that matters had progressed as far as that. At length she stepped back, and without a word beckoned him to come inside. He entered and then his eyes raised and met her glance with such a deep, still yearning that she was startled. No woman can see the revelation of a man’s love without being moved to the heart.

      She said: “You are in trouble, Angus?”

      The hunger of his eyes came full in her face.

      “Aye, trouble.”

      “And you have come to me—” she asked; and before she could finish her sentence, McTee broke in, pleadingly:

      “For help.”

      He saw her lips part, her eyes brighten; he knew it was his despair which was winning her.

      “Tell me!” And she made a little gesture with both hands toward him.

      “I have seen it for days. I have lost all hope of you, Kate.”

      Her glance wandered slightly, and his hope increased.

      “Because of Harrigan,” he said.

      She was remembering what Harrigan had said: “How to stop McTee? Make yourself old and your skin yellow, and your hair gray, and take the spring out of your step.”

      “Why do you keep the whip over him, Angus? He has saved your life, and you his. Why will you not treat him as one strong and generous man would treat another?”

      “Because I love you, Kate.”

      “Angus, would you stop if you knew I loved him?”

      “Is that a fair question, Kate? Even if you said you loved him, I could not stop, because I would have to do my best to save you from yourself.”

      She looked her query silently.

      “He is not worthy of you, Kate. Because he seems generous and simple, do not be deceived. He is capable of things which even Black McTee would turn from. I know it, for I know his type. But I, Kate—your head is turned; do you hear me?”

      She rose and cried: “Why have you both thought from the first that I must choose between you? Are there no other men in the whole world?”

      He answered doggedly: “You will never find another who will love you as we do. To one of us you must finally belong.”

      “And that is why you go ahead with your schemes to torture Harrigan, certain that when he is finished I will be helpless?”

      “No, I am certain of nothing. But I am absolutely sure that Harrigan stands between you and me, and I will have him done for.”

      “Let me think, Angus. You have pulled my old world about my ears, and now I am trying to build another kingdom where force is the only god. Can there be such a place?”

      Four bells sounded. He wondered if Hovey would bring Harrigan at the time they had agreed upon. And she stood with her hands pressed against her eyes, trembling.

      “In one thing at least you spoke the truth, Angus. There are only two men left for me in the world. I must choose between you and Harrigan.”

      “Until that time comes, I must fight for you, Kate, in the only way I know how to fight—with both my hands, trying to kill the things that stand between us—Hush!”
