The Max Brand Megapack. Max Brand. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Max Brand
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Вестерны
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434446442
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your shoulders!”

      The door flew open, and the second assistant engineer, a burly man, with two or three others, appeared at the entrance, drawn by the furious clamor of the bell.

      “What—” began the second assistant, and then stopped as he caught sight of Harrigan against the wall with his hands poised, ready for the first attack.

      “Who called you?” roared Campbell.

      “Your bell—” began the assistant.

      “You lie! Get out! I was telling a joke to my old friend Harrigan. Maybe I leaned back against the bell. Shake hands with Harrigan. I’ve known him for years.”

      Incredulous, Harrigan lowered his clenched fist and relaxed it to meet the hesitant hand of the assistant.

      “Now be off,” growled the chief, and the others fled.

      As the door closed, Harrigan turned in stupid amazement upon the Scotchman. The latter had dropped into his chair again and now looked at Harrigan with twinkling eyes.

      “You’d have fought ’em all, eh, lad?”

      He burst into heavy laughter.

      “Ah, the blue devil that came in your eyes! Why did I not let them have one whirl at you? Ha, ha, ha!”

      “Wake me up,” muttered Harrigan. “I’m dreamin’!”

      “There’s a thick lie in my throat,” said Campbell. “I must wash it out and leave a truth there!”

      He opened a small cupboard, exposing a formidable array of black and green bottles. One of the black he pulled down, as well as two small glasses, which he filled to the brim.

      “To your bonny blue eyes, lad!” he said, and raised a glass. “Here’s an end to the mutiny—and a drop to our old friendship!”

      Harrigan, still with clouded mind, raised the glass and drank. It was a fine sherry wine.

      “How old would you say that wine was?” queried the Scotchman with exaggerated carelessness.

      The carelessness did not deceive Harrigan. His mind went blanker still, for he knew little about good wines.

      “Well?” asked the engineer.

      “H-m!” muttered Harrigan, and racked his brain to remember the ages at which a good vintage becomes a rare old wine. “About thirty-five years.”

      “By the Lord!” cried Campbell. “It never fails—a strong man knows his liquor like a book! You’re almost right. Add three years and you have it! Thirty-eight years in sunshine and shadow!”

      He leaned back and gazed dreamily up to the ceiling.

      “Think of it,” he went on in a reverent murmur. “Men have been born and grown strong and then started toward the shady side of life since this wine was put in the bottle. For thirty-eight years it has been gathering and saving its perfume—draw a breath of it now, lad!—and when I uncork the bottle, all the odor blows out to me at once.”

      “True,” said Harrigan, nodding sagely. “I’ve thought the same thing, but never found the words for it, chief.”

      “Have you?” asked Campbell eagerly. “Sit down, lad; sit down! Well, well! Good wine was put on earth for a blessing, but men have misused it, Harrigan—but hear me preaching when I ought to be praying!”

      “Prayin’?” repeated the diplomatic Harrigan. “No, no, man! Maybe you’ve drunk a good store of liquor, but it shines through you. It puts a flush on your face like a sun shinin’ through a cloud. You’d hearten any man on a dark day!”

      He could not resist the play on the words, and a shadow crossed the face of the engineer.

      “Harrigan,” he growled, “there’s a double meaning in what you say, but I’ll not think of it. You’re no fool, lad, but do not vex me. But say your say. I suppose I’m red enough to be seen by my own light on a dark night. What does Bobbie say?

      “Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as others see us!

      “Well, well! I forgave you for the sake of Bobbie! Do you know his rhymes, lad?”

      A light shone in the eye of Harrigan. He began to sing softly in his musical, deep voice: “Ye banks and braes of bonny Doon—”

      “No, no, man!” cried Campbell, raising his hand in horror at the sound of the false accent. “It should go like this!”

      He pulled a guitar out of a case and commenced to strum lightly on it, while he rendered the old song in a voice roughened by ill usage but still strong and true. A knock at the door interrupted him at the climax of his song, and he glared toward the unseen and rash intruder.

      “What will ye hae?” he roared, continuing the dialect which the song had freshened on his tongue.

      “The shift in the fireroom is short-handed,” said the voice. “That fellow Harrigan has not shown up. Shall we search for him?”

      “Search for the de’il!” thundered Campbell. “Harrigan is doing a fine piece of work for me; shall I let him go to the fireroom to swing a shovel?”

      “The captain’s orders, sir,” persisted the voice rashly.

      Campbell leaped for the door and jerked it open a few inches.

      “Be off!” he cried; “or I’ll set you passin’ coal yourself, my fine lad! What? Will ye be asking questions? Is there no discipline? Mutiny, mutiny—that’s what this is!”

      “Aye, aye, sir!” murmured a rapidly retreating voice.

      Campbell closed and locked the door and turned back to Harrigan with a grin.

      “The world’s a wide place,” he said, “but there’s few enough in it who know our Bobbie, God bless him! When I’ve found one, shall I let him go down to the fireroom? Ha! Now tell me what’s wrong between you and McTee.”

      “I will not talk,” said Harrigan with another bold stroke of diplomacy, “till I hear the rest of that song. The true Scotch comes hard on my tongue, but I’ll learn it.”

      “You will, laddie, for your heart’s right. Man, man, I’m nothing now, but you should have heard me sing in the old days—”

      “When we were in Glasgow,” grinned Harrigan.

      “In Glasgow,” repeated Campbell, and then lifted his head and finished the song. “Now for the story, laddie.”

      Harrigan started, as though recalled from a dream built up by the music. Then he told briefly the tale of the tyranny aboard the Mary Rogers, now apparently to be repeated.

      “So I thought,” he concluded, “that it was to be the old story over again—look at my hands!”

      He held them out. The palms were still red and deeply scarred. Campbell said nothing, but his jaw set savagely.

      “I thought it was to be this all over again,” went on Harrigan, “till I met you, chief. But with you for a friend I’ll weather the storm. McTee’s a hard man, but when Scot meets Scot—I’ll bet on the Campbells.”

      “Would you bet on me against Black McTee?” queried the engineer, deeply moved. “Well, lad, McTee’s a dour man, but dour or not he shall not run the engine room of the Heron.”

      And he banged on the table for emphasis.

      “Scrub down the bridge every morning, as they tell you, but when they send you below to pass the coal, come and report to me first. I’ll have work for you to do—chiefly practicing the right accent for Bobbie’s songs. Is not that a man’s work?”

      CHAPTER 19

      To make good this promise, Campbell straightway sang for Harrigan’s delectation two or three more of his favorite selections.