Recently, Adam incorporated a new programme into the special room: images of how neurons wire and fire in the brain; how this neural electrical network lights up and send messages faster than the speed of light. It is a ground breaking video of a microscopic journey through the neural network and brain cells, and is actually a sight to behold. The viewer is transported into a minuscule world which reveals billions of tiny neurons doing their thing, lighting up here and there and communicating in swift succession, ensuring the brain is working as it should. It also encourages the viewer to make the necessary adjustments on the inside, to bring about changes on the outside.
Clients have reported that the new addition brings about a hypnotic effect that seem to play at the heart of their higher self, their unseen self, that innocent and true self of who they really are. The intoxicating feelings of deep pleasure are all about, as they report feeling bliss and joy as never before, briefly wondering what is happening to them. A kaleidoscope of colours and mixed visual stimuli permeates the room, as clients lay there taking in the majestic light show. Many report entering a deeper state of being, perhaps the alpha or theta brainwave states, where they find tranquillity and peace they have never known or experienced before.
Others again want a milder experience and choose a natural sound of harps playing in the distance with the colour purple sparkling about the room. Streams of golden light also make an appearance, subtlety, as they all come together, mesmerising the client. Some astonished individuals have reported that they saw the truth in everything, as if the veil of illusion was momentarily lifted.
Carol also had a television monitor built into her desk so she could observe the clients in the room from two cameras mounted out of the way in the room. Sometimes clients get so carried away, they break down with emotion and need rescuing. Other times, clients don’t want to leave the room and Carol would then need to go and collect them.
It wasn’t long before Adam realised that he was on a winning formula with his D-Stress room and his holistic approach. After many months of deliberating with his colleagues in his profession, and due to his high success rate, many of them wanted to know what methods or tools he was using, as they couldn’t ignore his success any longer. Many wanted a DS room themselves. Many wanted to know his secret of success. When Adam finally told a handful of his trusted colleagues, they fell over backwards in disbelief!
Chapter Two
Image Carriers
A handful of these extraordinary and secretive people…
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful young Princess that just turned fifteen. She lived happily with her mother and father, the King and Queen and younger brother in a sunnyvillage near a fairylike lake in the misty woods. Then something horrible happened. Her parents died suddenly one dark and wet night. The young princess and her little brother were now alone. Thank goodness for their dear old single aunt, a spinster, who was given the task to raise them and be their guardian until they grew up?
Some time had passed and the young prince, now ten, innocently went about his business without a care in the world. However, the teenage princess grew increasingly suspicious and unhappy with her aunt. There was nothing particularly odd or strange about this woman’s behaviour; but there was something just not right with the old woman, which stopped the princess from ever getting close to her. However, most of the people in the town loved the dearold lady and thought even more of her when she volunteered to take in the young princess and her brother after the unfortunate and sudden death of their parents.
The aunt has never beaten them, nor said a harsh word to the princess, but the beautifulyoung maiden could not take to the old lady…
A ten-year-old boy lived happily in suburbia in modern times with his single mother. His father was out of the picture. He was a quiet and deep-thinking child. He had an approachable style about himself and a happy disposition. He came across as enthusiastic and wise. He seemed to be much more mature in his thinking than his peers. His grandmother from his mother’sside used to always say that young Joey would go far one day, as he had his head screwed onproperly.
“He has common sense!” She used to say.
Joey’s mother was proud of her son, as he was a responsible child and could look after himself and be trusted. He was indeed a happy-go-lucky boy that seemed blessed in many ways.
Joey decided to join the local Sunday school program because his best friend from school wasalso going to enlist. The program boasted activities, outings and lots of interesting recreational things to do every Sunday, put on by the local Church. This sounded exciting for the boys so they quickly enrolled.
A youth worker, an older male in his forties, ran these classes. There were about fifteen or sixteen boys and girls in the group–all around the same age. They were noisy and excited andtalking all at once. Joey and his friend were new so they tried to blend in. The youth worker introduced himself to the new boys and shook their hands. He made them feel welcome andorganised them into groups with the other children. Immediately, young Joey felt thatsomething was wrong. Something was not right. He couldn’t work out why he was feeling this way, but knew it had something to do with the leader of the group. After staying away a few Sundays, and after his feelings became so crippling, Joey decided to drop out of the youth group altogether.
The youth group continued with its outings and activities. His friend thought Joey was crazy and couldn’t understand why he dropped out. Joey also felt embarrassed to tell anyone whyhe really left the group, as it did not make any sense. The youth worker was a nice man. He did nothing harmful to Joey or any of the other kids. The children loved him. The parents lovedhim. The church loved him. So what was wrong with Joey?
Gavin is a friendly young man, nearly twenty-three years of age, but recently he had become withdrawn, quite confrontational and verbally aggressive. He lived with his parents, and they loved him and wondered what was going on. He had a younger brother in his teens. Gavin also seemed to zero in on things, reading people and picking up on their vibes and secret information. Sometimes these sensations were overwhelming for him, so he tried to focus his attention on other more acceptable things. He also battled with angry outbursts, as he was disappointed and frustrated with himself for being the way he was. He wanted to be like everyone else and tried desperately to fit in.
As the months unfolded, Gavin became more agitated and decided to stay away from negative people and the people he thought were evil. He spent a lot of his time in his room and didn’t really like going out or catching up with his friends anymore, many of them now moving on.
Gavin avoided walking down his street if Mr. Watson, a neighbour, was outside in his frontgarden. He believed Mr. Watson to be a very dangerous man. Whenever he walked past and saw his elderly neighbour, he would get terrible thoughts and even hear voices telling him that Mr. Watson was bad.
On one recent occasion, Gavin fled a doctor’s surgery after the doctor wanted to take his blood pressure. Gavin felt strongly that the doctor was trying to harm him and report back on Gavin’s abilities? His mother accompanied him to the doctor’s office and was in the waitingroom when Gavin rushed out mumbling something…
The stories above are interesting ones that many of us would have heard of, seen something in a movie or experienced ourselves. They are not new and unique in anyway. These stories are relatable and can easily be experienced by any one of us. Besides the flowery descriptive terms about the princess and her brother, the essence of these stories is familiar.
It is strange how we sometimes get these feelings about certain people, events or particular situations, and not all the time? Sometimes days, months, or years may pass when, suddenly, we get that uncomfortable, disturbing gut feeling about someone or something. Why is this so? Could this be part of our elaborate communication system? Our survival system? Do we allpossess this ability, but we have just not tapped into it? I have heard this been mentioned before. There are some who believe that we have the power to “scan” or sense danger,