Adam was undecided with regard to visiting Thomas Garrett, but took his address and made arrangements. He did tell Thomas that he would think about keeping their engagement, but couldn’t promise anything. He asked Joey for his thoughts about visiting the old man. Joey told Adam that he would probably end up visiting Tom, as he had seen that determined look in Adam’s eyes before. Adam admitted that he was curious about the man and what he had to say. Adam also sensed that there was much more to Mr Garrett than what he was letting on.
After a brief chat, the two men agreed to follow up on Tom’s request to visit him at his home. Joey wanted to tag along, and Adam was happy for him to accompany him. He thought that his young friend could scan Tom, as Joey was good with first impressions.
Chapter Four
Welcome Aboard
Covert meetings are held at his place…
The next day, they arrived outside the address Tom had given Adam. Joey and Adam looked at each other in hesitation. They were parked outside a mansion with ten- foot tall iron gates, surrounded by huge sandstone blocks forming a tight wall going all the way down the road where huge trees shadowed the ground and hung wildly over the wall, that continued out of sight around the corner.
They were in an exclusive suburb of Sydney, and expensive cars adorned the surrounding area. Even the birds flying around, looked as if they had money. Manicured gardens glistened in the mid-morning sunlight, as a shiny sports car reversed out of a neighbour’s driveway. They couldn’t see its occupants, as the windows had a jet-black tint.
Joey had noticed that there was an intercom on the wall and jumped out of the car. Adam followed quickly, and they both stood quietly, self-consciously, because upon closer observation, they witnessed a camera looking directly at them. Adam pressed the black button marked “Call.” A moment later, the intercom crackled to life.
“Hello, how may I help you?”
“Yes, it’s Adam here! I am looking for a Mr Garrett, a Thomas. Tom?” He spoke clearly into what looked like the receiver.
“Come through,” was the friendly response. They heard what sounded like a mechanical click and then the huge gates slowly opened.
They both jumped into the car and drove into the secluded property. The slate road wound towards the mansion, and as they drove up to the large house, Adam noticed luscious gardens and superb lawns running all the way down towards the neighbouring walls. Massive old trees grew happily along the perimeter walls. Newly laid garden beds seemed to spring out of the ground like magic, obviously carefully planned and organised well in advance. The flowers looked too good to be real and almost surreal.
They pulled up in front of what looked like the front door and parked under the extended roof. They were now shaded from the sun. Little purple and white flowers wound their way around the two pillars holding the outer roof up. Adam admired their sweet and fragrant tang, while Joey jumped out of the car and began walking towards the big heavy doors, when one of the doors suddenly opened. An elderly man with a balding head of short silver hair greeted them.
“Ah! At last! Come in! Come in!” He said excitedly, not seeming to worry that there were two guests rather than just Adam. After all, Tom was only expecting Adam to arrive.
They entered a grand hallway with fitted wooden cupboards. The floor was also timber. Adam couldn’t help thinking of his old school. He remembered the foyer, near the principal’s office, which somehow resembled Tom’s hallway. It must have been the teak wood and gravy- stained wooden railings leading upwards to the next level. Even the staircase reminded him of his childhood days racing up and down the stairs as he changed classes.
Tom led them alongside the staircase, and they entered a large musty-smelling room to the left. It resembled a drawing room or lounge room. It was spacious and had two large windows looking towards the gardens. Two mantelpieces with marble surrounding the large fireplace caught Adam’s eye immediately as he entered the opulent room. One of the walls was covered in books, stacked from top to the bottom, neatly arranged on a wooden bookshelf that looked as if it was purposely built into the wall. The two large windows facing east only let a quarter of the morning sun stream through, as the heavy drapes hung effortlessly, pulled up slightly, only allowing a small peek outside. “Nice house,” Joey said as they came to a stop.
“Tom, this is my friend, Joey.” Adam quickly introduced Joey, as Tom had turned around momentarily and seemed to study Joey. Adam knew instinctively that Joey was scanning, Tom, too.
“Very pleased to meet you, young man,” was Tom’s welcoming response. “So tell me something,” Tom continued as he began pulling up some chairs. “What is the relationship between the two of you?” The question took Adam by surprise, as he was not expecting such a question, and before he could think of a response, he heard Joey ask Tom if he owned the house and if anyone else lived in the house.
“Yes, my young friend, and no, only I live here.” Tom muttered as he gestured for them to sit down. “Okay, everyone comfortable? Anyone wants a beverage or something?” Both visitors shook their heads.
Surprised at Joey’s direct and personal question to Tom, Adam quickly thought he’d change the subject and went back to Tom’s earlier question. “Tom, I hope you don’t mind me bringing my friend with as he sometimes helps me with my work.” Adam then gave Joey a stern look.
“Oh, that is fine, don’t worry about it. You know what, I think you did the right thing, Adam.”
Joey sat quietly observing Tom and quickly looked away when Tom peered in his direction.
“So what is this all about?” Adam said, grabbing Tom’s attention.
“Are you sure you both are comfortable?” Tom said, rubbing his hands together, seeming to delay what he wanted to tell them.
“I’m fine.”
“Me too,” Joey announced in the corner. Joey sat a little further from the two men, as he purposely pulled his chair away when they first sat down. Tom had pulled chairs together, forming a little circle of sorts.
“Okay.” Tom whispered, looking down and suddenly worried. “I am a bit anxious, to say the least. Please bear with me. I was fine all the time and now, now having you gentlemen over, right here in my house, well, I feel quite overwhelmed with what I am about to tell you.”
Joey sat forward to hear what Tom was about to say. He also couldn’t help noticing that Tom was acting a little strangely. He wondered if Tom was a little senile or perhaps had lost the plot in some way. He also looked bored; maybe he was just lonely and wanted some guests.
“Sounds pretty important,” Adam responded, making small talk and wondering where all this was heading.
But Tom was silent. He seemed to be miles away.
“Sorry Tom, but can you get to the point, I don’t want to be pushy, but I am just aware of the time. I actually have a client soon and we need to leave shortly.” Adam had to say something as Tom was stalling. Adam also had no clients booked later as he was on a week’s break, but used this excuse to put weight behind his comment.
“Sure, Sure,” Tom fumbled, looking even more anxious as the minutes ticked away. He suddenly looked grey and sickly, his eyes misty. “Deep breath,” he said softly to himself and then clapped his hands and sat up, looking more confident as the colour appeared to come back to his pale blue cheeks. “Okay. Here goes. Now this may sound ridiculous, but I am telling you the truth.” Joey and Adam nodded simultaneously as Adam sat forward in his seat.
Tom informed them that he belongs to group of clandestine people who possess paranormal abilities, and their mission is to help people and themselves. These people are special people, and