A Small Group of Change.. Chelsea Elizabeth. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Chelsea Elizabeth
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781499901467
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America is changing, maybe America is beginning to realize that there is nothing wrong with helping your neighbors and fellow Americans, maybe America is beginning to understand that religion has no place is politics and that Schwartz is qualified for this position and should not be deemed ineligible just because of his religion.

      Sarah understands that the world is not as nice and perfect as she likes to pretend, but she believes that America is beginning to change, and she is happy to be part of that change.

      Sarah honestly believes that there will be serious change, and that Schwartz will be the one to bring about that change. Even if all she contributes to that change is coffee and copies, at least she will be there, helping create the change.

      Sarah knows that her friends are laughing at her, thinking she is going to lose the bet, but she doesn't care, she knows that Schwartz is the best candidate and therefore Sarah will happily work for him, even if he does not win.

      The point of politics is to represent the people and run the government, and Schwartz clearly represents a large amount of people and therefore helping with his campaign will help better the political world. Sarah knows that her friends think that she is crazy and naive for thinking that this is how to make a change, but Sarah believes that if there is something wrong with the system that the answer isn't just to complain but rather work hard to change the system. Sarah knows that Schwartz might not win, and that the system is stacked against him, but she appreciates that he is willing to keep fighting anyways, that is something she can be proud of.

      Fighting for the issues, and not just to win is something that she can appreciate and that is the point of this campaign, which is something she is proud to put her name behind. The people need to seriously start discussing issues and not just the personalities or the names that are running. That is what Schwartz is trying to accomplish and Sarah is happy to help him reach that goal.

      "Come on newbie, get on a phone and a computer and get to work!" Another campaign worker yells at Sarah shocking her into work.

      "Right away!" Sarah sits down at the desk assigned to her and picks up the phone, getting to work.

      The Sail Campaign.

      Megan looks around at the Sail campaign office and cannot believe that she is here. She is actually at a political job. It might just be a working as a low level campaign worker but still... it's politics. She doesn't care that all she will be doing is answering phones and getting coffee. It sure beats flipping burgers and getting no experience that will help her later on in life.

      She knows that the Sail campaign has an uphill battle but she is looking forward to working with the campaign and hopefully helping bring about a victory. Sail is fighting against a huge character and so has to work hard to make sure that people can see the person behind the character. This is a difficult thing to accomplish because Card has huge name recognition and that means people who are not very active in politics will go for the name that they know. This means that Ulysses Sail has to work to fight against both the name recognition and the personality that Card is known for. This will be tough for a number of reasons but one is that Card is going to dominate the media cycle, with his crazy plots and inability to apologize. To stay above the mud and still get the news coverage that he needs will be a real struggle for Sail but Megan is willing to go and try and help him get there.

      She believes that Sail is the best candidate for many reasons, but one of the main ones is that he is the one that seems most presidential and I believe that he is the best person to represent American on the international stage. He shows restraint in the face of hecklers, and will stand there and try and have an actual conversation with the hecklers instead of inciting violence or ignoring them. He realizes that if any one of them wants to be president they will have to be president over all of America, not just the people who support them, and therefore you need to listen to those who do not actively support you, and in fact are often actively working against you. That is more important than any campaign promise that may or may not be kept and it is something that Sail has in spades.

      The class and feeling of power that Sail has is something distinctly presidential, policy can come and go but personality remains. Sail just needs to find an effective way to ensure that Card's personality does not overpower him on the stage, and that Sail finds a way to make his quiet calm power make itself known on the stage, otherwise he will lose. Personality is so important and Card has it in spades, so Sail has prove that he deserves to have that nomination, and later the presidency.

      Megan truly believes that Sail is the best choice for America and she will do whatever she can to make sure that he gets there, even if he will probably never even know her name.

      "Hey Kid! Get to work!" A senior staffer yells at Megan, jolting her into action.

      "Right away sir." Megan finds a desk with a phone and picks it up, getting to work.

      The Bunker Campaign.

      Marc looks around and can't help but think that he has made it. He got a job working on the Bunker campaign, which was his first choice. He sees all of the Bunker signs and loves that he gets to spend his entire summer working here, and hopefully helping to secure a victory for Bunker.

      He puts up with a lot of crap from his friends for supporting her, specifically from Sarah but that is fine, because Sarah gets even more crap from all of them for supporting Schwartz. He will put up with all the crap because he knows that at the end of the day he is right and he is going to enjoy collecting on the bet. Bunker has what it takes to win which is all that matters in a race. He knows that this race requires finesse and an understanding of the game. Bunker is the only candidate who is capable of playing the game and winning the game.

      Marc understands that politics is a dirty game and that sometimes in order to win you have to be willing to play the game. Being morally perfect is not always the way to get things done. Marc is willing to do what is needed in order to help the country as a whole, instead of just as bits and pieces. One big victory is better than a lot of little victories.

      It is clear to Marc that many of the people working on this campaign have done this before, and he is looking forward to learning from them. He may only be making phone calls, copies, and coffee runs, but it is an integral part of running a campaign, and he is happy to do it.

      Marc is aware that he has to pay his dues, but one day it will be his campaign that people will be working on, he is sure of it. What better way to run a successful campaign later on in life than working on one while he is young. He has no doubt that she will be successful because she is Brittany Bunker and if there is one thing that she knows it's the political system. It is something that Marc hopes to learn, even though he doubts she will ever meet him. He needs to learn the rules of the game, and he needs to learn how to work within those rules to get what he wants done, done, and that is where this summer comes in.

      Marc is the only one of the group of friends who have ambitions to become a politician, the others all want to work in politics,but not be the politician. This means that learning from Bunker and the people working on this campaign will help him in his future. And the things that his friends will learn on their campaigns will help them help him later on in life.

      This summer will teach them all a lot, and he is looking forward to learning.

      "Don't just stand around kid, you know how to use a phone, find one and use it." A worker pushes Marc towards a desk with a phone and Marc gets to work.

      The Bet.

      The four friends sit around the Starbucks laughing at the situation they find themselves in. "You mean the great summer opportunities we all didn't want to talk about since we didn't want to jinx it all happen to be working on opposing political campaigns? We really should have known." Scott starts laughing, he just cannot believe that they all kept quiet, just for them all the end up in basically the same place.

      "I mean can we really call what Sarah is working on an opposing campaign? She is working for Schwartz, there is no way the American people are ever going to elect someone with the last name Schwartz, let alone someone who self identifies as a socialist!" Megan starts