As time progressed people started to take control and suppress all we know within to be truth. Churches and governments were formed and information became something that was controlled and locked away from the masses. The wise elders and village sage’s were persecuted and killed for practicing witchcraft this in turn caused information to be lost and held away from the people. Churches were formed and religion taught in a way to overpower people and cause fear. Stories of reincarnation were removed from the Bible so that we would all think that this life was all we had and when it ended there was nothing more. We started to fear death. Rules were put in place and only information that leaders wanted to share was available. We were taught that we had to listen to the leaders as they knew the answers. We all stopped believing in our own inner wisdom and guidance and started searching outside of our self for the answers to our questions. Fear was instilled in all and we each became a number.
Many systems of control were set up by the wealthiest aristocrats within society and everyone has just conformed to what they are told. Governments, religions even the schooling system controls our children and breaks their tie to the universal source energy. From birth we are told how to speak, how to live, what to think, eat and do. This is not our parents or carers fault as they are only passing on what they have learnt. We live in a controlled world of fear, doing what we should because it is what we are taught to be right. Go to school, get an education, go to university, get a job, pay taxes and live on a treadmill just reaching for dreams that we know we will never achieve. That is how it is meant to be. Until now only a few were courageous enough to go against the masses and walk their own path, these people have gone down in history as famous inventors, creators and saints. They knew to just follow their inner guidance for the masses were wrong.
Not any Longer, we are growing spiritually and human kind is waking up to the conspiricies that have been holding us back for hundreds of years. The Universe is filling us with a knowing of movement, a time of much change.
Never in history has there been a more amazing time to be on Earth and experiencing so much change and growth. DO NOT FEAR for a time has come for you to embrace who you are and live a life of wonder and amazement. Peace on earth will be seen and a time of much change and a life of abundance. A life where we each reach out with love and kindness for all including all people whatever colour, race or religion, all creatures great and small regardless of whether they are a predator to man. All plant species for they each have a purpose. We have many resourses abundantly at our disposal that will not deplete the earth as we have been doing for many hundreds of years. We are breaking free and allowing our power to develop.
In this time of transition many people are choosing to continue their journey’s in the non physical realm. Please notice I do not say dying. I believe in the core of my being that we are here on Earth to learn lessons to move our soul forward on it’s journey. We are only on the earth plane to fulfill our contract which we enter into before we are born. Our soul chooses it’s path and it’s time to leave. (Suicide is not included in this as I firmly believe that is a choice or decision made by the mind of the physical body). Any time a person dies it is only the death of their physical body and although it can be a challenging time it is nothing to fear. Their soul continues it’s journey in other realms which is beyond the comprehension of many. If you look deep within and ask yourself the question you will be given the truth in a knowing and feeling of calm.
We can each live a fully self sustained life without the worry that plagues many of us in these turbulent times, if we are given the guidance, tools and help to find the answers.
Energy to Live or Die For
When you think energy what comes to mind? For most it is electricity, power or fuel.
Energy is actually life, God, everything. Life force energy is within every object living or not.
We are energy vibrating at a speed that allows us to become solid. The slower the vibration the more solid or dense something is. Take water for instance. When boiled it vibrates faster to become lighter and therefore becomes steam. If you freeze the water you are slowing down the vibration to cause it to become solid and turn to ice.
We are each a spiritual being (soul) having a physical existence. I learnt about this many years ago when studying healing. I already knew and had an understanding as I was able to see spirits in my bedroom when I was a child. I had them speaking to me continually until I learnt to shut them out (which looking back I wish I had not done). Energy can heal as it is only changing the vibration of the energy that heals the body. Energy can return bad cells back into good cells through vibration and energy transfer.
When you take something that is vibrating fast and touch something living that is vibrating slow it can cause the slower vibration to speed up. This can work in reverse also. Energy of a house or room can be felt as you walk in.
Sometimes if there has been an argument and you walk into the room you can feel the change in speed of vibration, this is where the saying comes. (You could cut the air with a knife). The energy of an argument slows down the vibration where as happy joyful energies are fast and light.
Maybe you have walked into a room and people stop talking, you then sense that they had been talking about you. This is your sixth sense or the energy field you are picking up on. You can feel the vibration or the energy of the people within the room.
When you visit really old buildings you can feel the energies of people who were there before. Many very old buildings that are said to be haunted are full of energies, when people visit and say they feel creeped out or uneasy visiting these old places it is because many can feel the energy of those already passed. In medieval times people were often put to death for their beliefs and so their fear is felt in these places where the process had been carried out.
Energy is all around and the vibration of that energy determines everything. Our health, happiness, wealth, absolutely everything because we are all one – interconnected and linked as one mass of vibrational energy.
We each have an energy field that is surrounding our bodies that is called our Aura. This energy field or Aura becomes damaged by many different things as we progress through life. It is through our Aura’s that we pick up the subtle energies of other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions. Over time negative energies can penetrate our auras and cause illness, depression, lethargy and other disruptions to the body.
It is imperative that we protect our bodies from harmful energies and negative situations. When we are born we are perfection, with perfect energy fields and a mind that is clear from all negative beliefs. As we grow we are conditioned by our surroundings and the people that are around us to influence how we feel, think and behave.
We then become influenced by media and global thoughts of fear and suffering surround our lives continually. The earth in turn begins to suffer because of the negative thoughts and fear that clouds the earth and sits in the atmosphere bearing down on us like a thick blanket.
We send out masses of negative dark energy to the earth and she loses her ability to regenerate herself.
People are starting to realize that it is the energy we all give off that affects us all and we need to come together and protect ourselves as well as the earth from this global mass of negative energy.
It is the inner turmoil and fear that we project into the world that causes the natural disasters we are witnessing at the moment.
The earth is mirroring the fear and negative energies that we are holding within and expressing without. These energies have been building for hundreds of years being passed down from generation to generation. When we learn to balance the energy and project only love and light we will live lives filled with peace and abundance.
When we feel out of balance a twenty minute walk in nature, along a beach or just somewhere outside that is relaxing can help bring us back into sync. Walk barefoot though, as that will allow you to reconnect with the earth energies