Boy, you can say that again. I feel a bit more “abrasive” than Mr. Jerry Coyne. These textbooks with the “Flat Earth” ideas are very close to criminal because education should be based on continuously corrected proof rather than on some narrow-minded philosophy grounded on the greatest myth-book of all time; and that should be written in stone. It’s time for you folks to come out of the dark ages, and see the light! The overwhelming evidence everywhere, makes you out to be some sort of con–artist’s, that are taking advantage of imprintable young children. Now I hate to call you a bunch of liars, but you sure as hell are wrong! How do I know? Pope John Paul II said so!
Time, November 4, 1996 by James Collins, in his message to a meeting of the pontifical Academy of Science, which had taken the origin of life as its theme, John Paul II described the shift in the church’s view of evolution that has taken place since Pope Pius XII issued his encyclical Humani Generis in 1950. In Humani Generis John Paul II wrote; “considered the doctrine of ‘evolutionism’ as a serious hypothesis; worthy of a more deeply studied investigation….today….new knowledge leads us to recognize that the theory of evolution is more than a hypothesis” The statement by John Paul II reflects the church’s acceptance of evolution.
Father Richard P. McBrien, a liberal theologician at the Univ. of Notre Dame stated, “No scripture scholar today would say we are literally descended from two people.”
Let’s hear from some other people on this. Time, August 15, 2005 ran a feature called “Evolution Wars” which many people responded to. Here are a few responses:
“In my medical practice, Evolution is not just a theory espoused by a long–dead Naturalist. I see evolution at work when bacteria become resistant to antibiotics or when cancer cells grow despite chemotherapeutic regimens. Without Darwin’s theory of Evolution as a framework; medical science would still be in the days of blood letting and demons.” ~Ye Chang M.D. Portland Oregon
“The headline for the forum of experts’ views on the intelligent–design debate; ‘Can you believe in God and evolution?’ posed a misleading question. Belief has nothing to do with acceptance of the theory of evolution or any other scientific theory; observations and data have everything to do with acceptance. Science accepts evolution as the logical conclusion of multiple hives of evidence; countless experiments and observations stretching back more than 150 years. Because beliefs cannot be validated or disproved in the world of science, they have no place in scientific debate.” ~ Fred Spilhaus, Executive Director American Geophysical Union, Washington
“The debate over Darwinian Evolution vs. intelligent design is not one of science vs. religion or of two competing theories. It’s a debate of science vs. non-science. Evolution is a scientific theory supported by scientific evidence. There is no evidence for intelligent design. It is an idea, not a theory. It cannot even be called a hypothesis since it’s un-testable. As such, intelligent design is better taught in a theology or social studies class than a science class.” ~ Eric M. Sandberg, Atlanta
“Intelligent design is just another chapter in “God of the gaps” saga – if we do not yet fully understand a natural process, then it must be God’s work. The church and religious fundamentalists have been at war with science for centuries. They have lost every battle along the way and they are certain to lose to the fight challenging evolution, because they cannot stop the accumulation of knowledge or the search for truth. ~ Jon Peterson, Albuquerque, N.M.
And finally Rick Eienhorn form Aurora, Illinois in the October 31stChicago Tribune summed it up nicely: “It is with great dismay that I read recent letters to the editor in the Voice of the People section clamoring for the teaching of both intelligent design and evolution in science classrooms. There are two problems with this –
“First, intelligent design is not a scientific theory. It never was, and it never will be. It is nothing more than an argument from personal incredibility (inability to believe). In other words, we don’t understand how life became so complex, therefore life must be designed. This is not the kind of thinking that encourages scientific discovery. It is not testable, makes no predictions and adds nothing to our knowledge.”
“Second, science is an investigation, an exhaustive search for answers. A hypothesis can only become a scientific theory once it has evidence to back it up, goes through extensive testing of the predictions it makes and under-goes an incredibly thorough peer review process; the work must be confirmed by other scientists. This means that science is not dictated by the popular sentiment of the day, nor is it decided in the minds of high school students.”
“Simply put, there is not a controversy in the scientific community concerning evolution. The theory of evolution meets the requirements qualifying it as a scientific theory. Intelligent design does not. It is our responsibility to provide our kids with the most up-to-date scientific knowledge. And the only way this can be done is by teaching evolution, leaving any musings about intelligent design where they belong – either at home or in Sunday school.” ~ R. Eienhorn
You non-believers in Evolutions have two problems as I see it. One, most of you don’t understand evolution, and two, you don’t want to. But all you doubters better get on board the train of evolution, or naturally in time you’ll be selected against! Don’t be left behind!
You know it’s true just look around you. We’re living longer, growing bigger and maturing younger than ever before. And some researchers say we’re evolving faster, due to many modern day factors. Anyway you look at it, evolution’s just a “plain ol’ fact!”
The Bible - Genesis Chapter 2
Verse 1. Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord had made, And he said unto the woman, yes, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every true of the garden?
2. And the woman said unto the serpent; we many eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.
3. But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
4. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die;
5. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened; and ye shall be as gods; knowing good and evil.
6. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Well now, they say God is always among us protecting us from evil, but apparently he wasn’t back then. First, how and why, would God create a talking snake and why hasn’t he made any since? And this enticement thing. Remember, God put the tree smack in the middle of the garden, where as caretakers they would pass it everyday. Why not put it out on the edge somewhere? And, just to make sure the fruit is not eaten, make it taste like a cum-quat and smell like rotten eggs. God has let the snake slither by him, tempt the woman and you know the rest of the story.
But in Chapter 4, Adam and Eve have had two sons, Cain and Abel, and Abel was a keeper of sheep, Cain was a tiller of the ground. When they brought their respective offerings to God, Cain’s was refused because God was not a vegetarian and Cain’s hands were probably dirty.
Anyway, Cain gets mad, snuffs Abel and heads off to the land of Nod, somewhere east of Eden, and takes up with a Nod woman. This is where, long ago, the bible broke down for me. End of the species right, with Cain the lone survivor? Nah, some pretty crafty writer of the “True Word” saw that, and came up with the “land of Nod.” So, most of us are descended from a rogue woman from Nod and a fugitive, cursed killer, with a tattoo on his forehead from near Eden. Some beginning huh? God must have thought, “what have I wrought?”
But this didn’t happen did it? Of course not. But you don’t see any disclaimers notices anywhere in the Bible though, do ya? All this was intended to show the power of God to the peasants. Further, when they paid their tithes (taxes) to the priests, God wanted the priests to have lamb chops over “grits