Word Plays & Stories.... Cathy Lorraine Bagley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cathy Lorraine Bagley
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Секс и семейная психология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607469797
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soon tug!

      It prevented his death before the noose’s grip was snug.

       He fell to the floor.

       The chair toppled over.

      Without phone, email, or text an invisible, inexplicable kind of wireless messenger

       sent an indelible current

      that hard wired his consciousness, jump-started his caring and cardioverted his defeated heart. With his nervous, cardiovascular, spiritual systems all rewired, reworked, instantaneously he knew he needed to be! But existence meant he had to let go, start anew, open up … No reasons were revealed. He just needed - no, he felt it from the hairs tickling his chin to the calloused soles of his feet. HE NEEDED TO BE! His activated new wiring immediately delivered a message:

      Mother’s taken ill. Hospitalized. A heart attack… “Momma?” He simultaneously felt crushing substernal pain making him place a hand over his heart. The pounding in her chest - their chests, hurt in tandem! Suddenly, “No, Momma!” He dashed out. Frantic. “Not Momma, too!” There were no red lights, his old car didn’t stall. Everything, everyone MOVED out of his way; as if on cue. There was an omnipotent authority escorting him. It demanded all to stand back, the elements to behave. Out of breath he arrived. “Mom - Ma!” His mother though weak, reclined grinning from ear-to-ear.

       What did she know that he didn’t yet know?

      How happy, how peaceful she appeared!

       Her head stayed high.

       Her focus, her eye

       remained steady

       gazing and ready…

      As if she knew a secret that no one else knew. As if she heard a song that no one else heard. As if an Angel’s words, were the only words whispered into her ear, on the wings of dragonflies hovering near. . . “They told me you were coming. Angel’s breaths, dragonfly flutters… Making such a racket! Tired but hard to sleep with all that racket!” Without uttering another literal word, she hugged him. By osmosis, vivid images and thoughts diffused into him. The most incredible vision came. It seeped into his newly wired soul. She was too weak to utter a sound.

      So, she hugged tightly releasing then he simply just knew. Though he was near to losing the last of what was treasured in this life, the most beautiful vision consoled him; as if he was idling in a dream. What he felt was so beautiful appearing too real … His house had been restored. What was taken was given back without pain, without strife. His mother, his children, his wife

       assembled together holding hands smiling, healthy.

       They were so happy…

      Pt V: Cheek -To - Cheek

      Behind the doors of this lone standing edifice

       was his new start.

       His mother awaited him with outstretched arms.

       along with his first wife and kids who died many years back in a tragic automobile accident.

       He felt this represented a deja vus moment…

       A dream.

       Not reality.

       A hallucination.

       Until his newborn daughter staring at him through familiar eyes -

       imagined only never before seen until now,

       came into his trembling arms passed to him by his beloved wife.

      So delicate, so sweet, so real … her flesh. So intelligent, so understanding, so piercing … the eyes; MY EYES! God, if I am in a dream, please let me remain asleep for an ever eternity? The toddler encircled him making airplane noises. Weaving in, out and around daddy’s opening hangar like legs automatically ready to accommodate in familiar play. He’d forgotten the endless energy of his son.

       A dream.

       He imagined this was REM sleep.

      With eyes were closed, he viewed everything through transparent lids. Then Momma spoke, “Close your mouth son and focus before your plane gets lost at sea!” With the grandest familiar cheek - to - cheek smile, she nods, then points towards the toddler.

      That unequivocally was the reassuring pinch he needed to acknowledgehis new reality. It was worth waiting a thousand lives and suffering twice as many losses for, indeed! His face mimicked his mothers in assuming that familial cheek - to - cheek grin; it was long-lasting and wide.

      Constantly smiling like that can make conversations difficult.

       Try talking with a perpetual cheek - to - cheek grin;

       face drawn and taught, as if rigor’s set in.

       Dare you! People will surely talk hoping to dampen your spirit if you do.

       Remember naysayers are oblivious to dragonfly whispers!

       And they too might begin to say about you,

      “That is one happy moron.

       God bless his soul.

       Poor pitiful one.

       His head has a hole

       through which his first and last mind has oozed out.

       no doubt!”

      It has been said that God has blessed babes, fools and the occasional wise man too!

      More Than A Scolding.

       Mankind has gone daft. He has run completely amok!

       It’s too late to hide now; get ready to duck!

       Satan’s a self-appointed genius who spawned a plot all too vile

       rendering Our Father truly unhappy more than a while.

       What started Heaven’s thunder

       arose from bowels down under.

       Children lovingly fashioned by God’s intricate molding

       grew rambunctious and in need of more than a scolding…

      It was the Eve/Adam debacle in the plush garden of Eden;

      the one Adam should have directed that Eve took the lead in,

      which caused their tumble from Grace

      and banishment permanently marring a race!

       However, should they have been granted a reprieve

      for naivete and chicanery lead them to deceive?

       An expert manipulator fostered their disobedience.

       adding enticements and other irresistible ingredients.

       Children are children influenced by sweetness and objects that glitter

      Satin capitalized on the weakness of Heaven’s newly spawned litter.

       Acknowledging this, should there be a reprieve in some way

       or should broken parental rules warrant retribution right away?

       After all, the toughest bully, situation or the most cunning thief