In today’s world, our liver – all of our organs, in fact – are at great risk of contamination from environmental toxins and over-processed foods infused with many unnatural chemicals. If your liver is not functioning well, a hazardous buildup of toxins may occur.
In fact, an inflamed liver is the cause of most disease in the body. To cleanse and detoxify your liver is one of the most powerful procedures you can do to enhance your body’s performance. A sluggish liver can lead to serious fatigue, weight gain, water retention, and a host of other digestive health problems.
Just a few more key points about how our food choices affect our frequency: your body creates acidity at the cellular level, however the fluids that surround your cells must be alkaline – it is this dance of acid and alkaline that produce energy. Taking in alkalizing foods and beverages is a way to maintain this balance. When the body is running acidic, over a period of time, it will block the body’s ability to absorb essential vitamins and minerals. An acidic condition in our body will give rise to a host of illnesses, including sleeplessness, digestive problems, immune challenges, premature aging and, of course, lack of energy. The primary culprits are dairy and sugar, all fried foods, cola drinks, alcohol, and coffee. Alkaline-forming foods include almonds, avocado and most vegetables except the white potato.
Karen’ s story
I have been on a mission to improve my health and vitality for some time now. In the past I would get easily discouraged when I did not see the results I desired and wondered if what was I was doing was really making a difference. One day I would read that eating specific foods were good for the body and the next day someone else made exactly the opposite statement. So when I discovered the acid/alkalinity balance information I became very excited. By purchasing an inexpensive Home Test ph Kit I could monitor what was really going on in my body. I learned that disease thrives in an acid environment and my readings showed my body was highly acidic. I began making my food choices by following the chart of Alkaline-Forming Foods that outlines from the highest to the lowest alkaline foods and low to high acid forming foods. I could take the list with me to the store which made shopping very easy. The first change I made was to begin my day with an Alkalizing Breakfast in the form of a green drink; much to my surprise I LOVE it. For the first time I was getting a daily reading of what was happening in my body in response to what I had eaten the day before. After a few days of my eating plan the reading began to shift from acid levels moving in the direction of alkalinity, time to celebrate! Then just a quickly I was back to where I started. I had eaten sugar, you know the story a little won’t be a big deal, it was a big deal and the proof was right in front of me. Do you know that to neutralize a glass of cola with a ph of 2.8, it would take 32 glasses of alkaline water with a ph of 7.0? Making better choices to support your health is imperative amidst the energy shifts that we are experiencing and in the process you will also raise your frequency!!
Finally, the idea for all detoxification diets comes from the concern that toxins are constantly bombarding our bodies. Toxins are chemicals with potentially harmful effects. They may come from many sources, including: alcohol, caffeine, pesticides or other chemicals used to grow or prepare food, smog or other substances in the air, substances such as artificial sweeteners added to food, sugar, and non-purified water. The belief is that the body holds onto toxins in the digestive, lymph, or gastrointestinal system as well as in skin and hair. They, then, can cause problems such as fatigue, headaches and nausea, and a wide range of chronic diseases.
We are not doctors, we are spiritual energy healers – so if you have more questions about any of these detoxification processes, consult a health professional.
There are three more topics that need to be addressed both of which contribute dramatically to the quality of our vibes.
The first is the impact of not moving your body on a regular basis. The body is made-up of energy and energy needs to move. So, get off the couch and be active: go for a walk, sing and dance to your favorite music, stretch your body regularly. Movement is essential to integrate the higher frequency energy pouring into the planet. Move your body but do what makes you happy – no grimacing as you do mindless repetitions - that only weakens your nervous system!
Next, let’s talk about the impact your environment has on your frequency. Are you surrounded by clutter and chaos? Or, do you switch on the news as soon as you wake up? We are already bombarded by toxic pollution – both indoors and outside; why contribute to it? Do you know any people who consistently run drama in their lives? It’s exhausting for them and anyone else who gets caught up in it with them? Most of our television programming keeps the drama going – just in case you don’t have enough in your own life! Noise is another huge pollutant – have you ever found yourself shouting to be heard in a restaurant? How nourishing do you think the pricey food you are eating is in that kind of environment? Are you consciously aware of tasting the food? What kind of environment raises frequency? We would say: peaceful, joyous, connected, harmonious, and kind. And, of course, being out in nature always helps – the cleaner the air, the more beautiful the scenery, the better. Just remember to breathe deeply.
Finally, let’s look at the impact of joy on our frequency. Doing what you love makes you happy and raises frequency, as well as being with people you love and spending quality time alone. Doing what you hate or dislike lowers frequency by shutting down your joy. Many of us were told that we couldn’t expect to love what we do for a living, after all that’s why it’s called “work” but more and more people all the time are discovering that this does not have to be true. The definition of work is “physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something”; nothing wrong with that, now is there?
The vibration of our will is what ultimately keeps our spirit alive in our bodies. All of us can relate to old people not wanting to do anything any more. This signals to the will that it’s time to begin the process of dying. So, think about the message you are sending to your will? Are you saying that it’s not okay to have desires or to act on them? Or are you saying we only get to live after 5PM on a weekday and on weekends? It’s too big of a price to pay, wouldn’t you agree?
This chapter was designed to assist you in making new choices that raise not lower your frequency, and to assist you finding your way onto the path of joy and ease. We recommend it!
Keeping Your Sacred Promise
This is a lifetime on Earth like no other we have ever experienced, and believe it or not, we begged to be here at this time! We knew that this was the first time in the history of the Earth that the energy of unconditional love would be pouring into the planet and eventually become stabilized around 2050. This would be the end of the Patriarchal Age and the emergence of the Sacred Feminine energy so long sublimated by the masculine. This will result not in a feminine dominated culture but lead to a new model of leadership that integrates the masculine and the feminine. The end of Patriarchy will also bring an end of perpetual war, famine, poverty, rape, sex trading and child abuse. Whether we are born male or female in this lifetime, we have all had many lives as both men and women, so this is not about male bashing; and, we all have much to forgive in our own present and past behavior towards the feminine. This emergence of the Sacred Feminine will also impact both sexes, as all of us carry both masculine and feminine