Everything in creation is vibrating. That’s because everything in the Universe is made of energy: yes, everything around you is made of energy – including you! We now know this for a fact, thanks to the laws of physics, and the higher our vibration, the more consciousness we have.
Can we raise our vibration? Absolutely! In fact, at this time on Earth, it is, perhaps, our highest priority.
When our vibration is low, we attract low frequency people and low frequency situations. Our bodies become sluggish; we become less active, less creative and more tired. Life becomes more difficult, more challenging and starts to feel overwhelming. We need all of our own energy to focus on what’s going on in our life and have less interest in the world around us.
On the other hand, when our frequency is high we feel good, positive, confident, outgoing, creative and energetic. We carry ourselves differently, we place ourselves carefully and we take good care of ourselves. When our frequency is high, we attract high frequency people into our lives; we attract high frequency opportunities and results. You can always recognize a high frequency person, they exude a charisma of “It’s good to be alive” and other people naturally gravitate towards them to be in their energy field.
It feels good to be around these people, in fact, we just feel better being in their presence. Does this sound like someone you know? Or does it sound like someone you’d like to be?
There’s another huge reason for raising your vibes at this time on Earth. You would have to be running at a very low frequency indeed not to notice that there is a shift underway on Earth. This is an energetic shift, forecasted long ago by the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Persians and other races. 2012 marked the end of the calendar as they knew it, and many people have interpreted that to mean the end of the world. In a way, they are right – it is the end of the world, as we have known it. The earth can no longer sustain itself subjected to man’s seeming fondness for war, greed, and insensitivity to the Laws of Nature. Energy, designed to wake us up, is literally pouring into our planet, and has been for some time. This energy is gradually increasing in intensity and is being accompanied by changes in our weather system and natural disasters all designed to wake us up and open our hearts. As more and more of us commit to raising our vibes, the less the Earth plane will need to prompt us and the more we can attract higher frequency solutions to the Earth’s problems.
So you see, raising your vibes will not only lead to your having a happier, healthier, more successful life but also it can help us all to traverse these most extraordinary times.
We hope you will join us!
Aimée and Karen
The Quality Of Your Vibes Equation
Your vibes or your vibrational frequency simply means your life force energy, the seemingly unseen field of energy that surrounds you. We say “seemingly” because actually all of us have the ability to read one another’s energy fields. Think about it: can’t you tell when someone is not doing well? Even if a person is not yelling and screaming – you can tell that they are angry, can’t you? Similarly, when a person is feeling great, you find yourself feeling better just being in their presence. We describe people like this as having charisma, a personal magnetism that draws others in. They exude a joy for life and most of us find this aliveness very alluring. This magnetism comes from their energetic field, their high vibrational frequency and it lifts the energy of all those around them.
The quality of your frequency is a result of many factors. As we stated in the introduction, everything is energy – so that means every thought you think affects the quality of your frequency. Pause for a moment and consider this: when you are worried about something, it changes the way you feel and your outlook on life. You may fear the worst or expect the “other shoe to drop.” Feelings like this cause a contraction in the body, a shutting down – in fact, when you continually think negative thoughts, the Universe thinks that’s what you are asking for – so, it becomes a self- fulfilling prophecy. Many people on Earth have consciously or unconsciously chosen to be on the path of suffering and struggle. Our ancestors passed this thinking on down to us through the ancestral line or through the way we were raised. “No pain, no gain” and “We learn things the hard way” were phrases we heard when we were growing up. Fortunately, many years ago, some of us were lucky enough to learn about the shift on Earth that is currently underway and had a chance to practice choosing to be on the path of ease and joy. Yes, it takes practice and choosing again and again – every time we notice we’ve chosen suffering and struggle, we let go and ask, what could be an easier choice that would bring more joy? Eventually we got really good at this, catching wrong choices faster and faster until we had incorporated the higher vibrational choice for joy and ease. We also say, “Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!” whenever we find ourselves thinking a negative or fear-based thought, and then think a positive thought. It’s empowering to know that you choose the thoughts you think, and that your thoughts are always creating your reality. Yes, it takes awareness but mostly it takes you being clear on the pay-off.
Another component of your vibes is the experience of stuck or stagnating energy that you are holding in your energy centers, or chakras. Your chakras are like mini-computers in that they receive energy, store energy and transmit energy. We have seven primary energy centers that govern the wellbeing of our bodies: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. When we hold on to emotional wounds, old beliefs, other people’s energy it causes blockages in the chakras and prevent the flow of energy. Energy needs to move and vibrate, so when it’s blocked it creates a dis-ease in the body that if untreated will manifest into disease and depression. This stuck energy also transmits out the chakra where it’s stored and attracts matching energy to it. This means that if you have a fear of not being loveable and are storing old pictures and stories where you “proved” to yourself that you were right about that, you will keep attracting people in your life that reinforce your belief that you are not loveable. See how it works? Holding on to beliefs or grudges or wounds like this slow the vibration of your field and keep pulling you down energetically until you give up. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, no amount of positive thinking will change your results, until you release that old stuck energy out of your chakras and bring in a higher frequency to reprogram them.
Now let’s look at the impact your food choices have on your vibes. We all know that feelings of heaviness that weighs us down after a big meal – we feel stuffed, and your body is tasked with trying to digest it all, before you eat again. Very often we eat again before the body has finished digesting what we already ate - this taxes the body and results in a feeling of sluggishness – we all know this place!
There are four types of food:
Biogenic: These are foods that create new life: sprouted legumes, grains, nuts and seeds
Bioactive: These foods sustain life: fresh fruits and vegetables (organic is significantly better)
Biostatic: This is the kind of food that ages people: cooked food (the life-force is cooked out of it)
Biocidic: These are known as disease producing “dead foods”: artificial packaged foods, filled with artificial sugars and preservatives that contain no life force at all. This includes soda pops and all colas, including diet colas.
Poor food choices lead to a backed up colon and a backed up colon is a sure way to lower your frequency. Laxatives are not the answer; most of them irritate the colon causing the bowels to move flushing out the laxative as well as any feces soft enough to move out, but the hardened feces that build up and are stored in pockets require special techniques, such as a colon cleanse. Your body can be eliminating to some degree which gives you the false idea that all is well. You will be amazed at the difference in how you feel as most of us have no idea how constipated we really are!
After doing a colon cleanse, you may consider a liver cleanse. Why? A major function of the liver is to clean your blood, and you want the blood that comes to your liver as toxin-free as possible. If your colon is obstructed with years of accumulated debris, the massive amounts of toxins to be eliminated from a liver cleansing cannot easily