The Healer Within. Mariena Foley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mariena Foley
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607461807
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has indeed sped up. (No, it’s not just that it feels that way now that you’re getting older. It has truly sped up.) Magnetic north is on the move. The very magnetics of the planet are engaging in a shifting dance unlike any before. There is a distinct change in the energy as it exists on the planet. A good internet search engine can readily access and verify all of this information for you, and more.

      What is truly enormous in these exceptional changes is that ultimately, in all of us, it all comes back to a single living body; in fact, back to a single living cell, and within the cell the framework or “matrix” that holds this ancient code. Great spiritual leaders, scholars, scientists, medical practitioners, are collaboratively investigating and researching the evidentiary directives we have been given toward self-rejuvenation from and at the cellular level.

      With the energy of the planet shifting and affecting all things, it should be expected that the human body would also shift. After all, few people still believe that the human is an autonomous entity. We are aware, more now than ever before, that there is a balance that occurs, a symbiotic affect, between all things: planet, nature, human, and a greater power, albeit God (the Universe, Spirit, Higher Self, Life, whichever term you feel comfortable with).

      These changes, palpable and evident across the globe, inevitably affect all that are related upon this planet. Even us. Just by acknowledging this, you’ve increased your knowledge and your potency as a healer both of self and others. Changes are now able to occur within that single body, yours and others’, that weren’t available to us only a short time ago.

      These frequencies are old. In what way they are “old” I don’t really know, nor would I guess, but it is clear that they have been almost “lying in wait”. When a body is first exposed to these frequencies there is moment of “recognition”, where that body struggles for a moment to remember how to let them flow, how to make it fit, get comfortable with it, how to accept this shift and ultimately to use it. When you’re working on someone utilising these frequencies, it’s quite a distinct feeling beneath your hands as that recognition occurs and that body starts to flow.

      That recognition suggests a memory within, rather than a dawning from without.; as if we had the ability to transfer these frequencies at the dawn of time, but not the recognition or ability to know how they were to be utilized—with disuse perhaps they atrophied and only now, as we have grown and evolved, have we taken the next step in our human evolution. With our current recognition of and education about quantum bioenergetics, we are able to use our innate abilities at the cellular level. With this change we’re now able to recognize an extraordinary healing ability that until recently we were unable to comprehend or to access.

      It raises the question of whether these frequencies are creating a new DNA “fingerprint” within us, as some have theorised. Or, as it has also been suggested, a case of dormant DNA is being roused, the very “junk”, as science once referred to it, activated. But this “recognition” raises the question if, in fact, DNA’s role is far more communicative than constructive. The recent international collaborative studies of the human genome have shown “gaps” in the DNA matrix that are suggestive of cellular memory.

      As to the question of exactly how the healings occur, indulge me in my technical answer:

      I’ll get back to you on that.

      What is it that is imprinted within a living physical body that recognises a priority, a need for healing? Is it memory or knowledge we were born with or just plain luck? To the last I can say “no”. I can make you this promise; I won’t pretend to know the answers, either. I can tell you that I have given intent for the answers to come forth, and they are. But in this, your introduction to your own amazing gift, I will show you what I do know, what we are discovering and venture to discover and even a few theories, so you too can take this forward.

      In recent times the use of terms such as “DNA” and “cellular” have been used prominently in all sorts of environments. Global marketing groups are utilising these terms to enhance sales of any number of products. And you know, when a term becomes a marketable asset, it has a common value in the marketplace, and hence becomes common place in the minds of the people. Amid this new awareness, the human consciousness, on all levels has started to address DNA and the genome, cell structure, and human biological reaction beyond known medicine. Globally the population is seeking “wellness” as never before. The timing of this is not an accident.

      Our knowledge of DNA, similar to our knowledge of the brain, is still in its infancy. As only we would, the DNA we couldn’t readily identify, let alone understand, was clumped into a collective group known technically as “junk”. Clearly we’re happier to write something off as rubbish than to admit to our own lack of knowledge.

      Globally, scientists currently collaborating upon the human genome now refer to that in-between as “gaps”. No longer is it “junk”, as science has begun to see; evidently these gaps hold the as-yet undiscovered potential of the human being. In regard to the healing sessions through which I work, it is that “in-between” that wears the greatest question mark, the “how?”

      The science in this healing process, as I write, continues to have some significant holes in it, and for good reason. Pure science, as we know it, is not yet capable of understanding or measuring what is occurring in these gaps, or for that matter, in these healings. Quantum frequencies and the measurement of an infinite number of outcomes is in our linear model of measurement, and difficult to obtain. Of course research is underway, but we continue to hit a “gap” ourselves, for there is still that as-yet immeasurable “in-between”.

      That ego thing that defines us as humans and at the same time restricts us as humans, until recent decades, had restrained and hindered our scientific development on the whole. We viewed science in an almost backward process! We took the facts that we had measured and “understood” and hypothesised upon them, rather than looking at the wonder of something, and asking how it came to be.

      To paraphrase George Bernard Shaw, “Some look at what is and ask ‘Why?’ Some look at what could be, and ask, ‘Why not?’”

      Rather than seeing the wonder before us and learning from it, until recent times we have been caught in the belief of an omnipotent existence within our own conscious mind, which made us obnoxious enough to believe we already knew what was relevant. And from that point, went on to anticipate relevant scientific findings.

      Yet it is that very history that now forces us to put that ego in our back pocket, and go forward with our vision a little less dogmatic. (Sadly, because really, it would have been far more comfortable to have stayed where we were, wouldn’t it? You have to love that comfort zone.)

      Once upon a time great prophets, scientists, and philosophers were punished, or even put to death, for their claims and discoveries. Throughout history, as time has gone on, they often were proven to be right in their claims.

      In more recent times, awareness of a greater presence than merely us ensures that we take bolder and not always mathematically justified measures in moving forward in science. The last fifty to sixty years are evident in this. The last decade has seen us entertain an evidentiary acceptance of such presence. Fractal coding, in short the digital-fractal geometry apparent in delivering a vast and complex information (light) transfer, despite not being entirely empirically evidentiary, has come to be readily addressed under the banner of “science”. Our humble recognition of science’s limitations within our own dimensional boundary has aided that acceptance. And as we begin to address the multidimensional, we need to remember…

      All of this stems back to a single individual body, at a cellular level and hence at an energetic level.

      So already, this early into it, we’ve raised a number of questions in order to fill in the gaps and on many levels: the science, the physical and the spiritual. For now, let’s bring it back to what we’re here for…



      Healing is a system of balance. Healers don’t heal, they balance. It makes sense, doesn’t it?