Cleopatra. Novella. V. Speys. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: V. Speys
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005126870
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      V. Speys

      © V. Speys, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-0051-2687-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Theo suddenly summoned Orth to him. When there was a challenge, which consisted of the persistent in the minds of Orth sounding melodies of the long-forgotten hymn of Lakia. The once prosperous state on Faeton, where Orth was the personal bodyguard of the president’s adviser and sunk into oblivion with the disappeared planet of the solar system, Orth lay still in the bed of his apartment with instructions in hand, preparing to begin his duties in the Galactic Coalition of the Representation of the Solar System.

      From the unexpected, Orth reached out his hand to a glass of unfinished whiskey and took two sips, feeling the moisture of the refreshing balm pass through the esophagus, and only then did he engage in telepathic communication with the Supreme.

      – “Your supremacy, I’m all attention!” Said Orth mentally.

      “Good morning, Captain, you are acting under my personal command, I warned General Garinov, so now I will personally put all the tasks to you, and it’s clear to you to report to me on the progress of their implementation!”

      “That’s right, your supremacy!” Orth answered in a military way. In the tone of his answer, there was a note of complete readiness to follow the orders of the Curator of the Solar System, the scientist Theo.

      – “Now, get ready to come to my office to set up tasks!” – ordered the curator and disconnected. Orth rather by inertia, not realizing yet that there is no connection, replied:

      – “There is!” – Then, I realized this, I smiled at this rise of confidence in my person. And with dignity, I began to gather for an audience with the Supreme Curator of the Solar System of the Coalition Union of the Highly Developed Civilizations of the Milky Way galaxy, where the civilization of the planet Earth was recently invited…

      In full military ammunition of the guard, General Garinov’s detachment, he appeared before the Supreme Curator in his office, where he entered when the doors of the door opened silently. On the hairy floor covering of the study, his feet in black uniform boots were drowned in an ankle by the ankles into the gray flesh. Orth straightened up at attention and, as was customary with the military, minted:

      “Captain Orth, the personal guard under the command of General Garinov, at your command, has arrived!”

      – It’s free, Orth! – with a spark of a smile in his gray eyes, said good-natured Theo. – Come closer, – while the High Curator pointed to two comforth’sble leather chairs near the coffee table near the wall next to the fireplace, – sit down.

      Orth did not take his eyes off the Supreme Curator and could not in any way solve the good-natured attitude towards him, trying to understand what was going on with his person in general and in particular. But to unravel the intention of Theo that to look at the stone statue of Zeus the Thundered in the Museum of the Arts of Rome with the question, but what I forgot here, do not tell me? He had no choice but to go to the corner with white leather chairs. Looking at the place where the chairs were, he suddenly saw on one of them the face of a man of small stature of a frail physique. In the head of Orth’s thought flashed: – “What is this boy doing in a red monastic tunic?” Coming closer, Orth saw an attentive looking gaze, far from youthful, black, like pitch, huge eyes that looked at him almost defiantly with some contemptuous gleam.

      – “As a piece of unnecessary trash in the pile of garbage, this view of an underdeveloped boy.” – Orth thought, not caring at all that his thoughts are freely read by Theo. And in unison with his thoughts, Theo suddenly telepathies: “Be courteous to His Eminence Kshatr, the mentor of the Monastic clan of Shiva Nataraja temple here in the Paradise Abode of our inner Earth surface, here in Eden, especially since you, from today, enter his He will teach you everything that you do not know yet, and what you need to study and apply in difficult situations when performing my tasks on the surface of the planet Earth. “Is that clear to you?”

      Orth, with unconcealed contempt, examined this boy in the “order” of which he now acts. And in unison, Kshatr, said:

      “Well, now, Mr. Orth, I have already been introduced by your immediate supervisor, and my good friend, Curator Theo.”

      Orth’s eyes widened in surprise, his swarthy face flushed with indignation, if not for the natural swarthiness, and the eagle’s nose, only bent even more to the bottom, giving out an indignant embarrassment. Kshatr attentive eye did not escape the dislike of Orth’s, this seasoned warrior and natural adventurer, whom he once had known in his homeland in Lakia. With this Kshatr turned his gaze to the coffee table and with a slow movement of his hand moved the box closer to him, opened it, and took out of it a thick cigar made from the leaves of the strongest grade of tobacco, cut off the end of the cigar with a special scissor into the ashtray and, Lit a cigarette. Having let out a fair club of a smoke, and looking through clubs of Orth in eyes, slowly continued:

      “Come in, do not be embarrassed, Captain.” And sit down, I need to get to know you more closely, learn more About everything to the smallest detail, what you know, what you own, how well you know and know how to write and speak different languages of peoples inhabiting the outer surface of the Earth. Well, different details of life and behavior in emergent unforeseen circumstances and very, very much.

      After talking with Kshatr and Curator Theo, Ort he ordered Theo, he left to report to General Garinov Alexey Alekseevich, and to say goodbye to his friends and colleagues: Dumar, Hilt, Krazimov Lennie, Sobinov Peter, Copernicus, Masha Zarudnaya and Anya Krazimova, Dina, Alesya, and the coach, Kecho, and now the personal bodyguard Theo…

      Of course, Orth’s farewell to General Garinov’s team grew into a banal booze, after which, under the “Earthly” morning, drunk Orth’s, the hostel’s robots for the employees of the Coalition of Representations of the various Star systems of the Milky Way galaxy were taken home to the apartment. A week later, having handed over his affairs to Garinov, Orth left for the Paradise Abode to His Eminence Kshatr his residence…


      On the shore of the ocean, that on the inner surface of the Earth under the yellow rays of the inner sun, is the continent of Agartha. The flying disk silently sank to the grassy lawn of a two-story mansion with a balcony on the roof of the entrance hall of the annex, which contained transparent walls to the right and left of the entrance door. At the entrance steps stood the owner himself in a red tunic, the free end of the tunic fastened to the right Shoulder, a sparkling brooch in the form of a six-pointed star with a huge round diamond in the middle.

      Robot driver, after landing said:

      “Captain, we’re here.” You can go out.

      “Thank you, One hundred and twenty-one, you’ve done a good job.” – Replied the captain, fitting a travel bag with personal things on his shoulder. Then he quickly ran down the sliding ladder to the soft grass of the lawn.

      Kshatr, seeing the captain, made a gesture with his hand so that he would come closer to him.

      Orth, with rapid steps, moved to the threshold of the house and, looking at his master, thought:

      – “The hairpin, like Theo, probably the launch of teleport station.”

      – Yes, it’s you, Orth correctly understood, two pyramids entering one into one represent the outer and inner terrestrial surfaces, this, as for the symbolism. And, as for the function of this symbolism, it looks, for example, so that it is worth clicking on the decoration, how instantly I will be on an unapproachable shelter on another planet. “It’s not serious, not that Kshatr jokingly said, instead of greeting. Orth, approaching this little man, stopped a meter from him and said, as Theo taught him: “Your Eminence has come to your complete disposal.” Orth, trying to greet him, tried to look away from the frail figure of His Eminence in order not to give out a treacherous grin that almost unconsciously