•explains the way holistic physical healing can help body, mind and soul balancing;
•inspires you to find your path to inner soul.
In the USA the word “Bodywork” refers to any kind of touch therapy. The holistic approach to bodywork is to look at our body as an integrated and whole entity. It aspires to treat and recognize the complex nature of body, mind and soul. In the process of holistic healing, body-mind-soul form a union through the deep therapeutic process taking place, and as a result inner peace is created.
In my experience, bodywork dragged me into the metaphysical world. It was something I had not consciously planned, but suddenly happened.
In the following Chapters, I have highlighted some aspects of human anatomy which are useful in understanding the healing phenomenon.
I have also included my personal learning journey of two modalities – Craniosacral Therapy and Bowen Therapy, and there explained how these techniques brought me to the metaphysical world of consciousness.
My body healing practice and intensive meditation routine combined have helped me understand my destiny - a Lightworker who brings Light on earth through healing.
In 1980, I qualified as a professional architect, and worked for a corporate architectural firm for more than twenty years, including three years in Hong Kong. I then set up my practice from a home office after the birth of my two children, in order to manage and juggle work and caring for them. Upon returning to corporate practice when children had grown to be independent, I realized that the corporate work environment had changed. People were now exposed to more stressful working conditions. Many had lost sight of their health, and inner soul. Being in the same workforce, I found it a great challenge to stay balanced, and have the control not to blow my head off while struggling to get the work done. I soon realized that the architectural practice no longer appealed to me. The nature and vision of the profession were distorted. Decisions were made out of fear, rather than adhering to the integrity of the core principle.
I got to the point of great self-reflection and asked myself many things.
What is the meaning of living on this planet? Do I stay in this job to pursue my passion in architecture, or is it simply a way to earn a living? Did I make the wrong career choice in the first place? At the end of the day, am I proud of the work done in the office? Does my career represent my worth?
I enjoyed certain parts of the practice, but can never quite recall any memorable satisfaction. I often felt that even if I were to leave this earth, my clients would not have noticed any difference, and the company would soon find a replacement. My boss once said, “ No-one is indispensable.”
On top of it, drama simultaneously played out in my private life - family relationships and friendships, filled with betrayal, conflict and grief…..
Is God generating all these things to test me? What is it all for? What am I trying to prove with these life challenges? What legacy am I going to leave behind to my children after I’ve passed? Are they going to live in this framework like me, and then one day ponder the meaning of life, too?
I first learned to meditate in 1988, and soon relocated to Hong Kong. I was not an ardent meditator then, but meditation did make me look out for what is beyond this physical world.
From the year 2014, I began to actively participate in various meditation workshops, hoping to consolidate my soul searching journey. The message “You create your own reality” appeared repeatedly. I couldn’t help wonder then if the life that I’d lived so far had been a manifestation of my Soul.
“There comes a time in everyone’s life when the question is asked: IS THAT ALL THERE IS? and IS THAT ALL THERE’S EVER GOING TO BE? When that time comes, the person is ready to begin his quest.”
-Mrs. Manize Sait (1934 – 2013),
Founder of The School of Ancient Wisdom, Bangalore.
Back in 2008, a friend invited me to attend a talk on Reiki. Without knowing what it was I agreed, as we had not met for a long time, and it would be nice to catch up.
During the free talk, a senior in the Reiki class demonstrated by simply placed her palms on my shoulder. Almost immediately I could sense “movement” inside my body. A short while later my body was like a water tank, with small bubbles moving up and down, a sensation I’d never felt my body could have. I signed up and attended both beginner and advanced classes. It opened the doors to the “unknown” of the human body.
Students of Reiki are familiar with the story – how Dr. Mikao Usui went to Mount Kurama, a sacred mountain near Kyoto, Japan, and meditated. On the 21st day of his meditation, he felt attuned by nature, saw sacred symbols, and understood the key to healing.
It is believed that the universe transmits energy through healer’s hands to their clients. The Reiki healing process comes with assigned symbols. The symbols have no meaning unless the healers are attuned with the help of recognized Reiki teachers. Reiki followers believe that certain symbols work in finding the root cause of personal issues, that they can diffuse Karmic influence, and accelerate healing. Some symbols even enable healers to send out distance healing to anyone, anywhere in the world.
Soon the Reiki method no longer satisfied my thirst as a healing technique, and within a short time I began to research more in the fields of healthcare and energy healing, by reading books and googling other modalities and their philosophies, and searching for other training schools in healing.
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