The Holy Quran, English Translation, “Text Only”. Maulana Muhammad Ali. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Maulana Muhammad Ali
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781934271971
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Allah wronged them not but they wronged themselves.

      118 O you who believe, take not for intimate friends others than your own people: they spare no pains to cause you loss. They love that which distresses you. Vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and that which their hearts conceal is greater still. Indeed We have made the messages clear to you, if you understand.

      119 Lo! you are they who will love them while they love you not, and you believe in the Book, (in) the whole of it. And when they meet you they say, We believe, and when they are alone, they bite (their) finger tips in rage against you. Say: Die in your rage. Surely Allah is Knower of what is in the hearts.

      120 If good befalls you, it grieves them, and if an evil afflicts you, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and keep your duty, their struggle will not injure you in any way. Surely Allah encompasses what they do.

      SECTION 13: The Battle of Uhud

      121 And when thou didst go forth early in the morning from thy family, to assign to the believers their positions for the battle. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

      122 When two parties from among you thought of showing cowardice, and Allah was the Guardian of them both. And in Allah should the believers trust.

      123 And Allah certainly helped you at Badr when you were weak. So keep your duty to Allah that you may give thanks.

      124 When thou didst say to the believers: Does it not suffice you that your Lord should help you with three thousand angels sent down?

      125 Yea, if you are steadfast and keep your duty, and they come upon you in a headlong manner, your Lord will assist you with five thousand of havoc-making angels.

      126 And Allah made it only as good news for you, and that your hearts might be at ease thereby. And help comes only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise,

      127 That He may cut off a part of those who disbelieve or abase them so that they should return in failure.

      128 Thou hast no concern in the matter whether He turns to them (mercifully) or chastises them; surely they are wrongdoers.

      129 And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. He forgives whom He pleases and chastises whom He pleases. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

      SECTION 14: What Success meant for the Muslims

      130 O you who believe, devour not usury, doubling and redoubling, and keep your duty to Allah, that you may be successful.

      131 And guard yourselves against the fire which has been prepared for the disbelievers.

      132 And obey Allah and the Messenger, that you may be shown mercy.

      133 And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden, as wide as the heavens and the earth; it is prepared for those who keep their duty:

      134 Those who spend in ease as well as in adversity and those who restrain (their) anger and pardon men. And Allah loves the doers of good (to others).

      135 And those who, when they commit an indecency or wrong their souls, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins. And who forgives sins but Allah? And they persist not knowingly in what they do.

      136 Their reward is protection from their Lord, and Gardens wherein flow rivers, to abide in them. And excellent is the reward of the workers!

      137 Indeed there have been examples before you; so travel in the earth and see what was the end of the deniers.

      138 This is a clear statement for men, and a guidance and an admonition to those who would keep their duty.

      139 And be not weak-hearted, nor grieve, and you will have the upper hand if you are believers.

      140 If a wound has afflicted you, a wound like it has also afflicted the (disbelieving) people. And We bring these days to men by turns, that Allah may know those who believe and take witnesses from among you. And Allah loves not the wrongdoers,

      141 And that He may purge those who believe and deprive the disbelievers of blessings.

      142 Do you think that you will enter the Garden while Allah has not yet known those from among you who strive hard (nor) known the steadfast?

      143 And certainly you desired death before you met it. So indeed you have seen it now while you look (at it).

      SECTION 15: Sufferings to be met with Perseverance

      144 And Muhammad is but a messenger — messengers have already passed away before him. If then he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels? And he who turns back upon his heels will do no harm at all to Allah. And Allah will reward the grateful.

      145 And no soul can die but with Allah’s permission — the term is fixed. And whoever desires the reward of this world, We give him of it, and whoever desires the reward of the Hereafter, We give him of it. And We shall reward the grateful.

      146 And how many a prophet has fought, with whom were many worshippers of the Lord. So they did not lose heart on account of that which befell them in Allah’s way, nor did they weaken, nor did they abase themselves. And Allah loves the steadfast.

      147 And their cry was only that they said: Our Lord, grant us protection from our sins and our extravagance in our affair, and make firm our feet and grant us victory over the disbelieving people.

      148 So Allah gave them the reward of the world and a good reward of the Hereafter. And Allah loves the doers of good (to others).

      SECTION 16: Causes of Misfortune in Uhud Battle

      149 O you who believe, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will make you turn back upon your heels, so you will turn back losers.

      150 Nay, Allah is your Patron, and He is the Best of the helpers.

      151 We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve because they set up with Allah that for which He has sent down no authority, and their abode is the Fire. And evil is the abode of the wrongdoers.

      152 And Allah certainly made good His promise to you when you slew them by His permission, until you became weak-hearted and disputed about the affair and disobeyed after He had shown you that which you loved. Of you were some who desired this world, and of you were some who desired the Hereafter. Then He turned you away from them that He might try you; and He has indeed pardoned you. And Allah is Gracious to the believers.

      153 When you went away far, and paid no heed to anyone, and the Messenger was calling you in your rear. So He gave you (another) grief for (your) first grief that you might not grieve at what escaped you, nor (at) what befell you. And Allah is Aware of what you do.

      154 Then after grief He sent down security on you, slumber overcoming a party of you, while (there was) another party whom their own souls had rendered anxious — they entertained about Allah thoughts of ignorance quite unjustly. They said: Have we any hand in the affair? Say: The affair is wholly (in the hands) of Allah. They hide within their souls that which they would not reveal to thee. They say: Had we any hand in the affair, we would not have been slain here. Say: Had you remained in your houses, those for whom slaughter was ordained would have gone forth to the places where they would be slain. And (this happened) that Allah might test what was in your breasts and that He might purge what was in your hearts. And Allah is Knower of what is in the breasts.

      155 Those of you who turned back on the day when the two armies met, only the devil sought to cause them to make a slip on account of some deeds they had done, and certainly Allah has pardoned them. Surely Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing.

      SECTION 17: Battle of Uhud Afforded a Distinction

      156 O you who believe, be not like those who disbelieve and say of their brethren when they travel in the