Moltich’s35 review has similar conclusions:
“Although there has been some concern about an increased risk of cancer, reviews of existing, well-maintained databases of treated patients have shown this theoretical risk to be nonexistent”
With regard for the potential for an increased cancer risk with HGH treatment, peer-reviewed literature suggests the opposite. HGH treatment may up-regulate binding proteins of IGF, specifically IGF-6; this has been noted in studies to prevent many types of cancer, such as prostate, ovarian, brain and endometrial.36,37,38,39,40,42 It is also well documented that cancer survivor children who received HGH did not exhibit any increased cancer risks. In fact, there are no peer reviewed long-term clinical studies that document human cancer risks from HGH administration.38,39,40 To the contrary, cancer mortality and recurrence has been found to be reduced, or survival time increased in cancer patients on HGH. Patients deficient in HGH are reported to have a 400% increase in cancer mortality and a 200% increase of cancer incidence.41,42 Noted was also a reduction by 50% of cancer risk to patients with long term HGH replacement (60 months).21 Additionally, the Growth Hormone Research Society has stated that "Current labeling for GH states that active malignancy is a contraindication. ... There are no data to support this labeling. Current knowledge does not warrant additional warning about cancer risk."43 However, caution should always be exercised in patients with a history of cancer; and HGH therapy is not for every patient.
Ruiz-Torres et al24 completed a study that compared ageing parameters of young (up to 39 years) and old (over 70 years) individuals having similar insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) blood levels. In follow-up, the researchers studied the decline in IGF-1 levels, comparing its behavior in the first half with that in the second half of adult life. The investigators concluded that: “GH secretion in adulthood plays a determinant role not only for some regressive manifestations, but also for life potential.”
Media reports about the federal law concerning HGH have created unnecessary confusion, and some reports have confused non-medical over-the-counter homeopathic sprays and nutritional products with pharmaceutical-grade, FDA-approved injection medications for AGHD patients. It is A4M's opinion that such misleading journalism incorrectly equates sports and homeopathic nutritional supplements sold through websites with pharmaceutical-grade injectable HGH prescribed for patients with diagnosed AGHD. Such poor presentations of the science and commentary, in A4M's view, have erroneously suggested that the replacement of HGH in aging adults is illegal, and has led to sensationalized headlines. Patients are not given HGH for a diagnosis or treatment of "anti-aging," but for on-label use for AGHD syndrome, a diagnosed disease. It should be noted, that before initiating HGH supplementation, anti-aging physicians first encourage the increase of growth hormone by increasing exercise, enhancing sleep cycles, balancing other hormone deficiencies and decreasing of sugar intake, as evaluated by Gardner, et al.44
In a landmark court case45, James Forsythe, MD, HMD won a clear and unanimous victory that reaffirmed the right of a physician to prescribe HGH to adults with deficiency conditions, including aging and arthritis. Dr. Forsythe comments46 that: “It is a perversion of the law for state licensing boards to mistreat and harass physicians for this legal, just, and appropriate use of this lifesaving medication – human growth hormone.”
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the most abundant steroid in the human body and is involved in the manufacture of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and corticosterone.
There is evidence to suggest that DHEA may stimulate human growth hormone (HGH). Morales et al47 published results of a double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study involving 71 women and 13 men, ages of 40 to 70 years. Subjects took 50 mg of DHEA for three months, followed by a placebo for three months. While subjects were receiving DHEA, their levels of DHEA and DHEA-S rose to that of a young adult within 2 weeks of DHEA replacement and were sustained throughout the 3 months of the study. Furthermore 84% of women and 67% of men reported an improved sense of both physical and psychological well-being, including improved sleep quality, increased energy levels, improved ability to handle stress, and increased sense of relaxation. Five of the volunteers also noted improvement in chronic joint pain and mobility. The researchers also found that DHEA caused a significant rise in IGF-1 levels, although it did not affect the 24-hour measurement of HGH levels. They speculate that restoring the levels of DHEA may stimulate the liver to produce more IGF-1 or generate more HGH receptors. In other words, we may find that the anti-aging benefits attributed to DHEA may actually be due to the stimulation of the HGH-IGF-1 system.
When22 DHEA levels are in an optimal range, there can be less risk of developing atherosclerosis. Rabijewski48 found that DHEA could lower insulin levels and decrease the risk for developing type II diabetes. DHEA also decreases the risk of cancer because it enhances the immune system response. DHEA is also thought to be neuroprotective.
Prof. Etienne-Emile Baulieu, world known researcher and endocrinologists at INSERM in Paris, former president of the French Academy of science,Honorary member of College of France, known for his work on contraception and on steroid hormones was the first to synthesize DHEA in the sixties. Prof. Baulieu conducted numerous conclusive researches on the efficiency and benefits of DHEA. His findings underline the systematic positive results of administrating DHEA in his experimental and clinical studies, especially in men. His findings demonstrate that 50 mg of DHEA in 280 participants during a year had significantly improved their bone mass, skin thickness and pigmentation, as well as the libido in both men and women, the general physical and mental well-being were improved too.49,50 In an interview for a study on anti-aging medicine, Prof. Baulieu declares: “One of the most important effects of DHEA has not yet received enough attention: it acts on the receptors of neurotransmitters. There are very encourageing research on the well being and improvement of memory in old age”51
Testosterone is the main hormone produced in the testicles and secreted by the testes. Testosterone deficiency has pleiotropic deleterious effects. There is increased cardiovascular system dysfunction, which can lead to the increased incidence of AMI’s and strokes. Citing separately published data finding that: “serum testosterone levels were proved to be an independent negative predictor for developing arterial stiffness, assessed from the peak
systolic and end diastolic diameters of the common carotid artery and simultaneous brachial artery blood pressure,” Kelly and Jones62 submit that: “testosterone has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects clinically and [testosterone replacement therapy] can improve atherosclerosis assessed non-invasively in hypogonadal men and in animal studies.”
Testosterone22 optimization is anti-inflammatory. Testosterone prevents cytokine production and initiates the acute phase response, which elevates C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and fibrinogen. Testosterone also prevents the formation of the adhesion molecules vascular cell adhesive molecule (VCAM) and intercellular adhesive molecule, (CD 54/ICAM), which are necessary components of the process of atherosclerosis. Thus, testosterone replacement is a very powerful anti-inflammatory treatment that can help to prevent atherosclerosis. Testosterone has also been shown to be of benefit in thetreatment of chronic heart failure. Pugh et al.53 found that testosterone increases cardiac output, decreases left ventricular load, and has no adverse cardiovascular effects. Malkin et al.54 show that testosterone replacement moderates inflammatory cytokines and improves heart failure outcomes. Turhan et al.55 found that men with low free testosterone levels have greater than 3 times the risk for the development of coronary artery disease.
There22 is a common misconception that testosterone has adverse cardiovascular effects. However, the opposite has been shown with current research. The lower the free testosterone level the more likely coronary artery disease will be present. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) improves ST depression and dilates coronary arteries. TRT also may improve lipids and low testosterone is associated with dyslipidemia. English