A Comparative Study Guide Spanish to English to Italian. Robert D. O'Brian. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert D. O'Brian
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Руководства
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781939748669
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to detain


      ARROLLAR, to roll up/coil/wind

      ARROTOLARSI, to roll/roll up

      ARRUINAR, to ruin/wreck/destroy

      ROVINARE, to ruin/spoil

      ASALTAR, to attack/storm/assault

      ASSALTARE, to storm/raid

      ATTACCARE, to attack

      ASSALIRE, to attack/assail

      ASCENDER, to go up/climb/promote/ascend/rise

      SALIRE, to climb; to go/come up

      SCALERE, to climb/scale

      ASENTIR, to assent/agree

      ACCONSENTIRE, to consent/agree to

      ASFIXIAR, to asphyxiate/suffocate

      ASFISSIARE, to asphyxiate

      ASISTIR, to attend to/assist/accompany

      ACCOMPAGNARE, to accompany

      ASUMIR, to assume/take over/take on

      ACCETTARE, to take on/accept/agree to

      ATENDER, to attend to/deal with/look after

      OCCUPARSI, to take care of/look after

      ATORMENTAR, to torture/torment

      TORMENTARE, to torment

      TORTURARE, to torture/torment

      ATRAPAR, to catch/trap

      INTRAPPOLARE, to trap

      ATRIBUIR, to attribute to/confer on


      AUDITAR, to audit

      ESAMINARE, to examine

      AUGURAR, to predict/augur/foresee

      PREDIRE, to predict/foretell

      AUMENTAR, to increase/augment/magnify

      AUMENTARE, to increase/raise

      AUTOMATIZAR, to automate


      AUTORIZAR, to allow/authorize/empower

      PERMETTERE, to allow/permit

      AVANZAR, to advance/move forward/put forward

      AVANZARE, to put forward/move forward

      AVISAR, to advise/warn

      CONSIGLIARE, to advise

      AVVISARE, to notify/warn/inform

      AVIVAR, to rekindle/revive/brighten/intensify

      RAVVIVARE, to revive/rekindle


      Interchangeable Words





      Easily Recognizable Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

      BABEL, babel


      BACANAL, bacchanal

      BACCHICO (adj)

      BACCANALE (n)

      BACTERIA, bacteria


      BAGATELA, trifle, bagatelle


      BALADA, ballad


      BALANCE, balance

      BILANCIA, balance (device)

      EQUILIBRIO, balance

      SALDO, balance (in an account; amount due)

      BALAUSTRADA, balustrade


      BALCÓN, balcony

      BALCONE, balcony

      BALÍSTICO (A), ballistic


      BALLET, ballet


      BALOTA, ballot

      SCHEDA, paper ballet

      VOTAZIONE, election ballot, vote

      BALSÁMICO, balmy

      MITE, balmy weather

      ODOROSO (A), balmy breeze

      BÁLSAMO, balm

      BALSAMO, balm

      BAMBÚ, bamboo


      BANAL, banal


      BANCO, bank

      BANCA (FIN)

      BANDA, gang

      GANGA, gang, criminal group

      BANDIDO (A), bandit, outlaw


      BANQUETE, banquet, feast


      BARBERO (A), barber


      BARÍTONO, baritone

      BARITONO, baritone

      BARITONALE (adj), baritone

      BARÓMETRO, barometer


      BARÓN, baron; political bigwig


      BARONESA, baroness


      BARRICADA, barricade


      BARRIL, barrel (wine/beer/oil)

      BARILE, barrel

      BOTTE, barrel, cask

      BARRIO, area, district, neighborhood

      VICINATO, neighborhood

      BARROCO (A), baroque; elaborate, gaudy


      BASA, base (ARCHIT)


      BASALTO, basalt


      BÁSICO (A), basic

      BASILARE, basic, fundamental

      BASTARDO (A), bastard; mean, base

      BASTARDO (A)

      BASTEDAD, coarseness, vulgarity

      RUVIDITÀ, coarseness, roughness

      VOLGARITÀ, vulgarity

      BASTO (A), coarse, rude, vulgar, boorish, crude

      VOLGARE, vulgar, coarse

      BASURA, garbage; rubbish, litter

      SPAZZATURA, garbage

      BATALLA, battle


      BATALLÓN, battalion


      BATERÍA, battery (ELECTR)

      PILA, flashlight/radio battery