“You can doubt the Bible; in fact, you should!” More applause. “You can doubt the existence of God; and if you’re stupid enough, you can even doubt climate change and evolution. But you can’t doubt what’s still on the planet for all to see. These things were constructed, and we have to deal with them no matter what you believe.” The crowd delivered another strong round of applause. He took the time to return to the podium and drink from his bottled water. A hand raised in the audience.
“Dr. Terlaje, do you agree with scholars who believe that these civilizations did not learn or build on their existing technology, but were given it?”
“I do. This is where I believe that aliens not only implanted technology, but showed those ancient cultures how to apply it. Consider this: There is no written evidence that shows that these cultures learned the advanced geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, and physics they needed to chart the stars, predict celestial events, or build these structures over time. No time-honored textbooks, scrolls, trade papers, diary notes that a culture could store and use throughout time. No record of masonry schools, architecture classes or materials workshops handed down through time.” He looked inquisitively at the crowd.
“You mean to tell me that such knowledge just happens!? The Mayans are the first civilization to use a number system that counted into the hundreds of millions. Now, I asked earlier: Why would a civilization need numbers like that? Well, we know that they surveyed the movement of the universe, and calculated the passage of time. One just needs to look at their famous calendar which is divided into cycles 3 million years long.
“The question remains: why? Why would a culture, known for its savagery in war, village pillaging and human sacrifices feel the need to be so accurate with their numbers? The answer is in the heavens. The Maya accurately calculated times when the sun would rise and set, and even more amazing, they determined the length of the solar year to be 365 days. A tropical year is actually 365.2422 days long. Amazing, right? They calculated that there were exactly 149 moons over a period of 4400 days, which works out to an average lunation of 29.53 days. This is remarkable accuracy, given that the actual average lunation is 29.53059 days. Okay, the moon and the sun calculations were relevant for crops, tidal readings, dry and rainy seasons, etc.
“But what of other calculations? Mayan astronomers determined the synodic period of Venus, how long it takes Venus to orbit the sun, to be 584 days, which is again incredibly close to the actual period of 583.92 days. Why the hell would they need that information? And HOW THE HELL did they know about Venus!?” The crowd chuckled at his animated posture and tone. “Remember, they had no telescopes or magnifying devices. Everything they did was with the naked eye!” The audience, although familiar with some of the ancient history and of Terlaje’s emphatic proclamations from his shows, were still amazed with the facts and numbers he laid before them.
“They also calculated the synodic of Mars as 780 days; our actual calculation is 779.936 days! And let’s not forget Mercury! The Mayan calculation was 117 days; ours 116 days! They predicted the coming of eclipses, and the revolutions of Venus to an error of one day in 6,000 years!” Terlaje held up his hands and dropped them hopelessly to their wild delight.
“I ask you, people: What. . .the. . . FUCK!?” The auditorium roared. “They predicted solar eclipses, Super Moons, and planet alignments hundreds of years into the future! They knew of procession, synodic periods, the ecliptic, and are the only pre-telescopic civilization to demonstrate knowledge of the Orion Nebula, the Pleiades star cluster, the Cygnus, and Sirius constellations. It’s absolutely mind-blowing to think they came up with all this by themselves!” Terlaje moved back to the podium and took another long swig from his bottle of water.
“I’m telling you, people, if you don’t think we’ve been visited before, then you think about those cultures and ask yourself: How in hell could they have done what they did with what they had? We don’t have the technology to replicate the great pyramids in that scale TODAY! We have super cranes, hydraulic lifts, mega loaders, industrial forklifts, computer architecture, infrared topography, monster trucks, earth movers, electric stone shavers, rock slicers, cutting and sanding tools! We have these tools because we started with wood and rock, then with bronze, then with metal, diamonds and titanium; we had through horses, then with steam, then electricity, then fuel, etc. THIS is evolution over time. The Olmecs, the Mayas, the Incas, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, the Sumerians-they had none of these things. All their information and technology was not evolved, but handed to them.” The auditorium was hushed as each person took in the magnitude of the information. As they contemplated, Terlaje drank from his bottle.
“Dr. Terlaje,” Zelda said rising to her feet again. “Just one more question, sir. In today’s culture, when you talk about the aliens implanting technology into ordinary people for a future visit; specifically, what types of information would you implant, in whom would you implant it, and why?”
“I can tell you’re a physics expert, Dr. Snow; you’re able to ask three questions in one pass with perfect equilibrium!” The audience laughed with Zelda. Terlaje took another sip of water and came to the front of the floor.
“If I were the alien visitors, I would implant knowledge important to both worlds. I’m talking about mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, medicine, and biology. I would download massive amounts of it into certain human beings, using the information to strengthen their minds to prepare for my arrival. They would need to know these subjects in order to deal with me, communicate with me, and accept my technology so we could help each other. That covers the what.” He stopped his slow walk and stood facing Zelda.
“The who of your question, Dr. Snow, is compelling. One would think that the world’s smartest minds or highest IQs would be the preferred candidates for this cognitive download; like physicists, doctors, mathematicians, architects, and scientists. But I don’t agree. I’m going to think outside the box now and I invite all of you to join me. If I wasn’t going to visit for a long time, I’d implant the information into more, how shall I say this? Dormant minds.”
“Dormant minds?” asked a voice off to his right.
“Yes, I wouldn’t want to spread the knowledge immediately unless I was coming immediately. But if I wasn’t coming for years or decades, I’d want such information saved, stored in people whom had no reason or compulsion to use it, or the mental capacity to know they even had it.” He looked around and measured their stares. They didn’t understand. “I’m talking about people who are shut out of the public’s consciousness, unnoticed, or ignored by society. Who would be good candidates for this?”
“The homeless,” suggested one young woman. Terlaje nodded affirmatively, and pointed at her in confirmation. Other people volunteered their answers.
“Prison inmates?” Terlaje shook his head and grinned.
“Nuns and monks?” He laughed, and shook his head.
“Children?” He shook his head again.
“The mentally ill?” He nodded slowly and stepped forward.
“Remember, if I’m not coming to Earth for awhile, I’d download the information and store it into people that I knew would not divulge it, or use it for his or her own benefit until I actually arrived. Imagine if I implanted medical cures for cancer, AIDS or flu viruses into a real doctor. He’d use the information to make himself rich, claiming it all came from himself! That’s not what I’d want. Implants would be vessels, storage containers of information, living their lives or surviving just to hold it all in the deep recesses of their minds, ignorant of it until I dictated. At the right time, as I make my way towards Earth, I’d activate the knowledge. Those implanted would “come alive” or begin to show signs that they’ve been touched by some miraculous being.
“They would exhibit a grand