Our Universal Family. Michael Gallegos Borresen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael Gallegos Borresen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456614331
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      A Spiritual Perspective


      Michael Gallegos Borresen


      ©Michael Gallegos Borresen 2013

      All Rights Reserved

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1433-1

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      toward helping bring

      unity, love, peace,

      and harmony to

      Our Universal Family.


      In order for our world, our countries, and our human race to survive, we all need to come together as one universal family with unity, tolerance, respect, love, peace, and harmony. We need to stop the mentality of “us versus them” and become US.

      The Great Shift of 2012, according to the Mayan calendar, is a shift of human consciousness and a return to basic simple life. Our world today has become very complicated, materialistic, divisive, intolerant, and there is political and religious hatred, and we create war instead of peace.

      Our Universal Family is self-destructing and our environment is also being destroyed. Our Earth family needs to come together before we no longer exist. My prayer is that this book will help with a worldwide discussion about all of us coming together as one tribe called mankind.

      When the indigenous first people roamed Mother Earth there were no boundaries dividing states or countries. Our world was borderless without man made governmental boundaries that are protected by their military. Man created national borders in order to separate and divide our universal family.

      Within our universal family, we certainly have a lot of differences. We speak different languages and have different cultural beliefs and behaviors. In our world today with modern technology and the worldwide internet we are able to share our differences with each other in a rapid manner. We also have a lot in common being spiritual human beings.

      We are also racially and ethnically mixed. I am a very good example being part Comanche Indian, Spanish, French, and Danish. The purebred human being is almost extinct. This is a good thing for our blood and DNA to be composed from complex cellular structure from different parts of our world because it gives each one of us a rich ancestral heritage.

      It is up to each of us individually to do our part in helping to bring unity, love, peace, and harmony to our universal family. We need to start loving each other instead of hating each other. My prayer is for our world to be a peaceful place where we all share our Mother Earth and Father Sky. We also need to take care of our environment and animals because they give us life.

      Chapter One


      The Creator created our universal family and the human race. Three different races were created which are the caucasoid, negroid, and mongoloid. Today these three races have intermingled and we have millions of people who are racially mixed. Our universal family has become a cosmic race. The animals, the plants, and the star people are also included within our universal family. We also need to take care of our whole environment before it is destroyed.

      We are one universal family or one human tribe. Even though we are of many races and ethnicities, we are all related spiritually by our Creator. Our universal family needs to be restored to a place where we all live together in a spirit of unity, love, peace, and harmony.

      This restoration will occur only if each individual will participate in their personal inner restoration by traveling on their own spiritual and personal growth journey. Then we can all come together to bring healthy restoration to our families and to our Mother Earth. Our universal family will be restored to health through an increase of mutual understanding, respect, and communication.

      We have created political and religious societies that have caused turmoil, war, and division. In these polarized communities there is a psychological mentality of a “us versus them.” In order to achieve unity within our universal family we need to become US.

      We live in a spiritual universe. Our Creator or the Great Spirit is a spiritual being. All of us were created in our Creator’s image so we are all spiritual beings taking up residence in physical bodies. It is spirituality that will unite our universal family.

      The shift in human consciousness is that we begin to look inward instead of outward. We will not look outside of ourselves for peace and happiness through other people, places, or material things. Instead we will look inward at our inner creative self to find true authentic peace and happiness.

      We need to wake up before we destroy our universal family.

      Chapter Two


      There are several theories about the manner of how the Creator created our universal family. Our Creator is a supernatural being so the creation of our universal family was certainly a supernatural spiritual experience.

      Here are some of the different theories of how our universal family came into existence. The major ones are creationism and Darwinism. Then there is also the combination of creationism and Darwinism known as evolutionary creationism. Another area to be explored is the area of Cosmology, which includes physical and religious cosmology.

      The theory of creationism comes from the Christian-Judaic Bible. The first chapter in the Old Testament, written by Moses, is the Book of Genesis. According to this chapter, God created the Universe, Humanity, and all other life on planet Earth. Creationism is a supernatural act by a spiritual God. According to the Book of Genesis, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

      Over the next six days God created the heaven and the earth and stars, light, animals, and then human beings. Creation is a supernatural experience of God, where the universe and it’s life came into existence from nothing.

      The other major theory is evolution of what is commonly termed as Darwinism, named after Charles Darwin. In 1868 Charles Darwin wrote the book “On the Origin of Species,” that includes concepts of biological evolution. The basic premise is that life was created from molecular cells and then evolved into small microorganisms and then eventually into animals like apes and then into the human species. This theory promotes natural biological evolution instead of spiritual creation. The creation-evolution controversy developed. Over time, the “anti-evolutionists” became common.

      Evolutionary Creationism combines creationism and evolution and is a concept that asserts that classical religious teachings about God are compatible with the modern scientific understanding about biological evolution. In short religious evolutionists believe that there is a God, and that God is the creator of the material universe and (by consequence) all life within, and that biological evolution is simply a natural process within that creation. Evolution, according to this view, is simply a tool that God