What happens when the politicians that lead the free world are criminals doing crimes so complicated most people are unable to see the truth or validity behind their operations? Your rights are shaped covertly and thousands die and no one is charged and taken to trial. What would happen if these people political criminals were in charge of the United Nations and Security Council? Could they commit mass genocide for corporate profits as opposed to land invasion; and actually create a more ingenious operation surpassing Hitler’s invasion of Europe. However in the bigger picture are these corporate giants backing these politicians today any different than the corporations that backed Hitler? Other than stealing the country they steal the mineral resources; however are less people murdered during this type of invasion?
Ok so your right; if these criminals controlled the Security Council and the United Nations could they be taken before the World Court for war crimes created on humanity? Or is this just an ethics and moral mistake created by the political leaders of the world backed by corporations and big banks controlled by the ultimate rich? How do you get this criminal operation to work without backroom deals created by these political leaders controlled by offshore corporation owned by the ultimate rich; controlling the Security Council and United Nations, and if you could do this big a criminal operation what is the deal made and who is paid off in the backroom, and how and what makes you think they can be brought to trial? Perhaps if we create a global internet police used to control the civilian internet designed to keep the people being fleeced and sacrificed down; that same global police network could be responsible for bringing this giant criminal cartel to justice. So keep going you political and corporate criminals because eventually you will fall just like Napoleon and Hitler and Mussolini or Cesar.
Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this article written on the theory of war shaped by ethics and morals.
The Theory Of War…What Is An Infidel? Posted Aljazeera Jan.19 2013
Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this article written on the theory of war. Today I plan to talk about a different type of human killing.
This type of killing involves targeting children in countries that have democracies that elect mentally incompetent leaders to help guide that nation led by corporations. These people are incompetent to lead a nation and as a result kill thousands of their population every year directed by profit margins and goals defined and established in corporate boardrooms.
War on the battlefield is one way an incompetent leader solves an employment crisis. They look to corporations that manufacture weapons and if they are not preoccupied with weapons sales they have tied their economy directly to the energy sector rather than manufacturing or tourism.
Yes this is incompetence at the helm of a political leader’s in most western democracies in the free world. However there is even a dumber approach to leading a country and that creates even more loss of human life than war or terrorism combined.
The political leader ties their ship to corporations like the big sugar industry or fast food industries that allows the human being to grow obese through over-proportionate amounts of fat and sugar placed into the food chain. So these children and adults are farmed by the healthcare industry and pharmaceutical industry. They even go one step further to insure children in that nation no longer participate in physical education programs that also create the dysfunctional sedentary habit patterns that enhance childhood obesity. The objective is to reduce the pension age of the civilian that paid taxes their entire life or make that person contribute back into the healthcare side of the economy.
I realize you’re probably thinking a donation to the hospital to build another wing in a hospital to help even more people. Well think of this as a human torture chamber where limbs are cut off people that suffer from diabetes directly created by obesity nurtured by the food industry regulated by the government passing industry standards on our food supply. Or heart disease or liver disease. So is the future government taxation and employment creation going to go from the energy sector to the healthcare sector? You thought I was joking about even dumber leadership didn’t you however if you look further into the claims I am making do you still think this slander or just the truth?
This issue becomes even more interesting when you see big banks take advantage of people who want to get a loan to purchase a home or make investments in the stock market. These institutions can be caught laundering money for drug cartels in England and actually are required to pay a fine with no jail term. Guess who is in charge of the country collecting the big bank payoff to the governments? Is it the political leader of is it Micky Mouse in Disneyland?
Next thing these political genius minds will do is actually go out and commit murder in broad daylight. Yes I know you think I have gone off my rocker however what is the drone program and how is that used by the politician in the country. Do they use the drone program to bring people to justice in the eyes of the court or do they just kill people including woman and children that may be standing close to the targeted person murdered in the environment.
Is this political leader a person that keeps borrowing more money that the country earns and just keeps spending? Is this leader a person that cannot pay the payment on the loans they have incurred? Well one step even dumber would be to spend this money on wars that murder thousands of people designed to fill the pockets of the politician and corporations backing that politician; paid for by the taxpayer that has lost even more social programs and employment opportunities through that political leadership agenda.
Or is this even more complicated when you look at a student going to university incurring thousands of dollars in unforgivable loans only to find no job after they trust the country government to insure a job is created they can enjoy. How is this even possible with no manufacturing or tourism sector?
So I ask you again what an infidel is.
The children of the next generation create the crippled footprint of the country because a nation is only as powerful as the next generation of children that nation spawns.
The Theory Of War…The Right To Protest…Part Two Posted Aljazeera Palestine Jan 15 2013
Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this article written on the theory of war.
Today I continue the discussion on the conflict over land settlements claims between Israel and Palestine.
I may be wrong however perhaps one of the reasons the leader of Israel fails to get along with the President of the USA is because of his skin color. I am not saying the leader of Israel is a racist or a bigot or a prejudice man.
However I have one question over his illegal land theft claims and actions and that is; will any of the people living in his new neighborhood “stolen by Israel” have colored skin?
What gives Israel the right to arrest people in this illegal land settlement region? Is it because the Muslim or Arab has colored skin; that they automatically have no rights affiliated to land claims? Why can the Palestine people not arrest the Israel people for stealing land?
I have seen this type of racist behavior go on years ago in the USA, and finally civil rights stood on the side with the colored man and woman (Rosa Sparks, Martin Luther King) he was given equality and freedoms similar to the white people residing in the USA.
I may be wrong in my theory however you are the judge and reader so you decide if my thoughts are right or wrong.
Israel claims they do have nuclear weapons and they claim they do not have nuclear weapons; in fact they do not answer this question one way or the other as they skirt the issue by creating a potential war with Iran over their peaceful nuclear clean energy program. In fact just look at the air quality in Iran and tell me they do not