I remember reading in my computer books about Nana field technologies. When you involve code writing in computers; and wireless technology you can bounce the digital signal off a satellite straight into my brain through the Nana field plastic transmitter lenses in my glasses covering my eyes.
My voices tell me I am a genius; and they never thought I understood the NASA technologies embedded in my new glasses; recently purchased in Florida.
I like hearing the voices compliment me for being a genius; however I hate the government prying into my mind; unfortunately I need my glasses to see long distance.
I believe the government is watching me; and I feel more angry and frustrated in my brain every day. The constant voices in my brain are like a suicide bomber waiting to explode and splatter my thoughts over the inside walls of my skull.
I am an emotional time clock ticking in my brain; slowly building up more psychological pressure; naturally pushing my thought process to act out violent behavior patterns.
I think my glasses are using some kind of Nana field fiber optics technology and a satellite signal designed to program my thought process deep inside my brain.
For two years I worked in the window film technology industry in Florida. The window film I sold; serve as plastic lenses for a window; comprised of seven layers of technology. I have seen how window films technologies are developed and designed; so I see the connection to my plastic lenses in my glasses.
When the government places all of the technology pieces together with Nassau research scientists; I know I have a real problem with my glasses. I know that the government can see into my mind through my glasses; and now they can also use voice interface technologies to program by behavior patterns while watching everywhere I go.
I hate living under government surveillance implanted in my glasses seamlessly programming the voices in my brain. I feel like a small creature on a microscope slide sitting under a microscope. I think the only time my glasses do not work is when it is cloudy outside; and the satellite signal is interrupted by the clouds in the sky.
The government can understand even more about my brain after they have recorded my eye pattern movements.
I feel mentally broken; like a human lab rat being dissected alive by computer technology.
So for now; cloudy days make me happy because I have privacy; and the grey skies make me feel sad when I miss the Florida sunshine. For many days when I close my eyes tears quietly fall off my face.
I hate it when the government can see me psychologically broken this way.
I have had fifty hours of hand signals on the bus ride; and my brain feels like a human punching bag. My brain is slowly roasted by angry emotions burning the government hatred thought process evolving deep inside my brain.
The government voices in my brain have turned into the devil taunting me; systematically mentally torturing me; and this mental conditioning process is naturally encouraging me to act more aggressive and violent.
I hate it when the government reads my mind; and tells me what to think. I can trust no one because the government is so well connected; and too big to fight alone.
I fantasize about my revenge that will come one day when I seamlessly haunt the government; and build an invisible global army with a seamless invisible weapons system. In my fantasy I am the lone wolf with a covert weapons system named “The Quantum Energy Star Wars System”.
I can see the Canadian border; and my voices tell me the information in my brain is classified; so I will never be allowed to leave the USA.
My heart races faster and faster because I am afraid the bus driver is going to turn the bus around any second.
Finally when the bus stops two government agents in uniforms board the bus asking everyone for papers; and when both government agents locate me they say they have a few questions to ask me; and both escort me into the border office for questioning.
I know the government is going to serve me with some legal paper scam designed to get me to stay in the USA. I watch the border guard’s type into their computers; and then one of them tells me I have been away from Canada for over two years without returning to Canada.
My hands are shaking from the stress combined with the lack of marijuana in my body. I am sweating under my arms and on my forehead.
I try to look as healthy and clean as I can. I just hope they do not have the security clearance to read my files on my government work in Florida.
I need my marijuana similar to how a plant needs sunlight; and without my weed my thought patterns are scrambled in my brain.
My wild eyes look around the room; and I wonder if these men think I am a terrorist. I shake even more as my thoughts in my brain build momentum to make a run for it. Even the voices in my head tell me if I do not run soon I will be behind bars for a very long time.
I hate this idea so I scream deep inside my brain; yelling at my voices to shut up before everyone involved can hear what we say.
After a ten minute wait the border guards looked through the window; and returned into the room where I am locked away. The government agent told me he wanted to know more about me.
Question after question; questioning me about where I lived; and who my friends were in the USA; and how I created my money.
My voices helped me over and over answer the questions; and I wondered why they were helping me cross the border. Finally the guard smiled at me; and for some reason he let me back into my own country.
I have no money to my name when I arrive at the border; and according to the voices in my head someone will hand me a pile of cash for passing the spy course successfully.
Then I hear two other voices in my head tell me you failed the course. Then a fourth voice yelled; they are going to see me served with legal papers in Canada; working as a government USA covert agent.
I am so confused because one voice told me the United States government owed me a million dollars for all my security work; and economic work. Now the other voices; in my head tells me; they changed their mind; and decided they were not going to pay me because they did not have to; after I cross the border.
I thought to myself you assholes are nothing more than crack head addicts; that smoked the strategy like drugs I gave them; and now refuse to pay for services rendered.
Canada has a security division; and I think that the America government has contacted them and told them I am a covert spy in training. I feel like a fly with broken wings caught in a spider web of government political manipulation and corruption.
Inside my mind I am afraid that more people will follow me in Canada; and keep programming my thoughts deep inside of my brain.
Over and over; the voices tell me I have a brilliant mind worth stealing.
When I lived in Florida; I learned all about new energy technologies that can combine with computers; I self-taught myself how to work with multiple energy sciences while writing in eight sets of computer software programs. From database management to writing in video; I can do it all.
I think the voices I hear in my brain are mentally ill. I realize the government wants to steal my ideas; and the government will kill me if they cannot brain farm me in some kind of mental institution.
Do they think I am so stupid; and I do understand what is happening right in front of me?
I am afraid the government might keep me locked in a room with a television; and make me talk about economics or security cracks and battlefield strategy like they did in Florida.
The government has already digitally farmed my brain once; and now the government knows how hard I work. I am a workaholic; and if I cannot work the boredom will drive me crazy.