Until someone is able to provide the answers, one is safe to conclude that we had definitely evolved on another planet somewhere in this Continuous Creation. Furthermore, if there is any connection between our species and any other, we would be the primate on this planet. Simply, from a physiological stand, chimps are way ahead of us. As we shall see later on, socially as well. For that reason, they have to be a better version of ourselves, not the other way around. Just look at the high rate of divorce? If we are so smart how on earth we can no longer get two people to live together in harmony. It is an illusion to think of ourselves as the supreme species just because we happen to be intelligent. If you’re not convinced, allow me to leave you with this thought: despite all the progress made by the western world, we are now realizing that the more intelligent we become the less children we want. This newly acquired intelligence is getting us into a lot of trouble. And, things can get extremely dire should the trend in our low birth rate continue. It is time we start to recognize that intelligent life has its draw backs and is not a panacea. It is also time to realize that our level of cooperation is at its best when we are faced with imminent danger. This is the reason our race developed a larger brain and consequently became intelligent. But, intelligence as we saw is a two edged sword. Prior to the advent of space explorations and interplanetary travel, Darwin could not have considered this possibility. This theory would sound even more plausible in the future when it would be possible to travel at the speed of light or faster and geneticists have a better understanding of how our genes work. It took us a mere six decades to reach the moon after the Wright Brothers flew their first airplane, and there is no limit of how far we can go. If we were able to accomplish so much in such a short time, naturally an older more developed civilization would have been able to do better than that. For instance, they would have had to discover a method of powering their ships from substances available in space. A goal, a group of our own scientists is currently trying to achieve. If one thinks of the huge load of fuel required to journey through space, it makes perfect sense to plan future travels around this concept. Actually, this could be the only way to reach beyond our solar system. Other far more advanced techniques than the ones known to us could have been used as well. The civilization we are referring to could have developed a technology which has not even existed even in the imagination of our science fiction writers. Merely a decade after its inception, genetic and stem cell engineering has opened the doors for infinite possibilities. Cloning is another world waiting to be explored! Even before that, scientists were already talking about life in a suspended form, thinking robots and perhaps a reversal of the aging process. We also may be looking at a civilization which had found a way to convert asteroids or even small planets into huge space ships. If one thinks about it, this approach makes a lot of sense. A celestial object with the right materials could provide a great deal more of supplies than anything that might be built. Darwin’s work will always be important and relevant but he was a scientist and would be the first one to understand that these new developments in science cannot be ignored.
We are the descendants of this civilization. A civilization that was able to survive the ultimate catastrophe which is the total collapse of an ecological system by journeying to another planet. Aliens have already visited and settled on this planet, it is us, and you can see them for yourself every time you look in the mirror. Conversely, who is to say that in the last few millennia, different aliens have not made their way to this planet? However, knowing how hostile and superstitious people were and some still are, it is easy to speculate that those visitors faced a violent death. Jesus himself, if he ever existed, could have been an alien. His ideas certainly had no connection to anything earthly and still don’t to this day. It is ironic that the ones who claim to follow his teaching can be the most ignorant of their true meaning. Moreover, in the future, who is to rule out the possibility that a faraway intelligent race would be paying us a visit? They may be more advanced than us in some areas, less advanced in others. Let’s just hope that if they ever do, they won’t be mistaken for menacing enemies by someone monitoring the skies and ordered destroyed by some general in some army. Actually, many people believe an incident as such has already taken place in a remote American town called Roswell.
Developing a powerful brain was not meant to help us survive as supreme species; it was designed to provide us with a valuable instrument to assist us in our endless journey of exploring, discovering and creating. Our race is the perfect example or the proof of how a biological creation could also acquire intellectual and abstract dimensions. One can observe that our race, after being part of the continuous creation, has itself become a sort of a continuous creation. The next chapters shall explain why humanity is destined to explore every possible avenue to stay alive. We shall also point out the many elements and mechanisms that help us achieve immortality. Still for the time being, we should satisfy ourselves with the thought that we belong to a species that has been in existence for billions of years. If the last few decades are an indication, our potential for greater achievements and discoveries are going to be enormous. According to scientists, we have only been using about twenty per cent of our brain capacity. Hence, we definitely have the brain power for more accomplishments. Our obsession with immortality is not incidental. Over the years, we were able to create a true human spirit that’s by far more powerful, intelligent and wonderful than anything we can ever fathom. Thanks to this spirit that is part of each and every one of us, we were able to develop an advanced civilization with much higher standards than anything we have experienced on earth. Our great achievements were not limited to art, science and technology. More importantly - at least in general terms - we were able to evolve into a peaceful species that is socially and culturally more sophisticated than any other on this planet. Billions of years back, we had decided to embark on a journey of discovery. Our spirit longed for something more than just mere subsistence. The question is: if we were the descendants of such a sophisticated and civilized species how can anyone explain firstly, how have we lost touch with our alien ancestors and secondly, how did our existence on earth become mired with violence and tragedy? There are several reasons which could answer the first question. Reason one; knowing how logistically demanding space traveling is; our alien ancestors perhaps were only able to afford very few space ships which were built at the approach of an impending catastrophe. Mars is a perfect example of how a planet could die off. Or, for instance the entire planet was drifting away from its position and heading toward a star or another planet, or a star could have increased in size and swallowed all the planets surrounding it, a scenario many scientists predict the earth will go through six billion years from now. Curiously enough, the old bible is full of references to hellish flames caused by the Armageddon. A collision of two large planets is somewhat similar and might very well be the source of burning in fire found in the bible. Another possibility of incineration, which is as hellish as the first one, is a nuclear warfare. Twice this century humanity came close to facing such a horrific end. Either scenario could offer an explanation of why we have lost touch with our origin. (As a secular person, I do not find anything holy in the bible. Though, I do find in it references to an alien civilization. The Armageddon was one of them. Noah ark is another one. Knowing what we now know about stem cell engineering, it would be possible to save the DNA of many creatures and transport them on a space ship from one planet to another. Actually, the story of Noah is fascinating for another reason. Of all animals, we happen to be the only one that befriend other species and take them in as pets. We are also the only one to tame and train other creatures to serve us. Why other animals did not develop this skill? Is it possible that most of us are animal lovers because we happen to be from another planet and we grew attached to our terrestrial cousins out of curiosity?) The answer for the second question will have to do with what was stated earlier. It seems as if our species has being leading a dual life and has not been able to shake off completely its entomological and arthropodal origin (relating to insects, arachnids…). This is why to this date, as individuals, as small groups, humans do not behave in the same manner as they do when they belong to an advanced civilized society. This is what happened to us when we first landed on this planet. We know what takes place when any state