BURCH, R. M. Colour Printing and Colour Printers. London, 1910. Second edition. $250. New York, 1910. $200.
BURCHELL, William J. Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. London, 1822-24. 2 vols. Large folding map, 20 hand-colored aquatint plates (5 folding). Contemporary calf. $15,000.
BURCKHARDT, John Lewis. Travels in Nubia. London, 1819. 2 folding maps. $2,000.
BURDICK, William. An Oration on the Nature and Effects of the Art of Printing. Boston, 1802. The earliest book on printing history with a U.S. imprint. $1,750.
BURGESS, Anthony. See Kell, Joseph.
BURGESS, Anthony. Beds in the East. London (1959). $250.
BURGESS, Anthony. A Clockwork Orange. London (1962). In dust jacket with price of 16 shillings. $10,000. New York (1963). $850.
BURGESS, Anthony. The Doctor Is Sick. London (1960). $400. New York (1960). $200.
BURGESS, Anthony. The Enemy in the Blanket. London (1958). $350.
BURGESS, Anthony. Honey for the Bears. London (1963). $250. New York (1964). $150.
BURGESS, Anthony. The Right to an Answer. London (1960). $250. New York (1961). $150.
BURGESS, Anthony. Time for a Tiger. London, 1956. Author’s first book. $1,000.
BURGESS, Anthony. The Worm and the Ring. London, 1961. (Suppressed.) $1,150. A revised edition was issued in 1970.
BURGESS, Gelett. The Nonsense Almanack for 1900. New York (1899). Wraps. $200.
BURGESS, Gelett. The Purple Cow! (San Francisco, 1895.) Author’s first publication. Illustrated. 8 leaves. First state of first printing (printed on both sides of leaf) on rough China paper. $350. Second state (printed on one side of leaf only). $125.
BURGESS, Gelett. Vivette, or the Memoirs of the Romance Association. Boston, 1897. Author’s first book, aside from The Purple Cow leaflet. $150.
BURGESS, Thornton Waldo. Old Mother West Wind. Boston (1910). Author’s first book for children. Pictorial tan cloth. $450.
BURGOYNE, Lieut. Gen. John. A State of the Expedition from Canada . . . London, 1780. Large folding map, 5 folding plans. $10,000. Octavo. $4,500.
BURK, John. The History of Virginia. Petersburg, 1804-16. 4 vols. $3,000.
BURKE, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France . . . London, 1790. First state title page has “M” in imprint date immediately below the “D” of Dodsley, instead of slightly to the right. $3,000.
BURKE, James Lee. The Convict. Baton Rouge, 1985. Cloth. $4,000. Wraps. $350.
BURKE, James Lee. Half of Paradise. Boston, 1965. Author’s first book. $2,500.
BURKE, James Lee. Neon Rain. New York, 1987. $300.
BURKE, James Lee. To the Bright and Shining Sun. New York (1970). $1,250. (Huntington Beach, 1992). One of 400 signed copies in slipcase. $175.
BURKE, Kenneth. The White Oxen and Other Stories. New York, 1924. Author’s first book. $250.
BURKE, Leda. Dope-Darling. London, 1919. (By David Garnett, his second book.) $350.
BURKE, Thomas. Limehouse Nights: Tales of Chinatown. London, 1916. $750.
BURKE, Thomas. Nights in Town. London, 1915. $200.
BURKE, Thomas. Verses. (Guilford, 1906.) Author’s first book. Wraps. One of 25 copies. $1,500.
BURKE, Thomas. Whispering Windows. London, 1921. $350. (More Limehouse Nights in the U.S.)
BURKE, W. S. (compiler). Directory of the City of Council Bluffs and Emigrants’ Guide to the Gold Regions of the West. Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1866. Folding map. 32 pages, plus ads, patterned cloth. $6,000.
BURKE, William. See Memoirs of William Burke . . .
BURLEND, Rebecca. A True Picture of Emigration. London (1848). Wraps. $450.
BURLEY, W. J. A Taste of Power. London, 1966. $300.
BURLINGAME, H. J. Herrmann the Great. Chicago (1897). 43 figures, original chromolithograph wrappers. $400.
BURNET, Bishop [Gilbert]. Bishop Burnet’s History of His Own Time. London, 1724-34. 2 vols. $1,000.
BURNETT, Frances Hodgson. The Drury Lane Boys’ Club. Washington, 1892. Blue wraps. $750.
BURNETT, Frances Hodgson. Little Lord Fauntleroy. New York, 1886. Illustrated by Reginald B. Birch. First issue, with De Vinne Press imprint at end. $2,500.
BURNETT, Frances Hodgson. The Secret Garden. New York (1911). $2,000. London, 1911. 8 full-color plates by Charles Robinson. $1,500. New York (1987). Illustrated by Michael Hague. $100.
BURNETT, Frances Hodgson. That Lass O’Lowrie’s. New York, 1877. Author’s first book. First state, with illustrator’s name on title page. $150. Without name, second state. $75.
BURNETT, Peter H. Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer. New York, 1880. $400.
BURNETT, W. R. The Asphalt Jungle. New York, 1949. $1,000.
BURNETT, W. R. The Goodhues of Sinking Creek. New York, 1934. $200.
BURNETT, W. R. High Sierra. New York, 1940. $750.
BURNETT, W. R. Little Caesar. New York, 1929. Author’s first book. $6,500.
BURNEY, Fanny (Frances). Camilla: Or a Picture of Youth. London, 1796. 5 vols. $2,750. New York, 1797. 5 vols. $2,000.
BURNEY, Fanny (Frances). Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress. London, 1782. 5 vols. $3,000. Boston, 1793. 3 vols. $1,500.
BURNEY, Fanny (Frances). Evelina. London, 1778. 3 vols. $17,500.
BURNEY, James. A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. London, 1803-17. With 41 maps, charts, or plates. 5 vols. $17,500.
BURNEY, James. History of the Buccaneers of America. London, 1816. 3 maps (2 folding). First separate edition. Large-paper issue. $3,500. Ordinary. $1,500.
BURNHAM, Daniel H., and BENNETT, Edward H. Plan of Chicago. Chicago, 1909. Illustrated. Leather and/or cloth. One of 1,650 copies. $1,500. Full vellum. $2,000.
BURNS, John H. Memoirs of a Cow Pony. Boston (1906). Illustrated. Pictorial cloth. $1,500.
BURNS, John Horne. The Gallery. New York (1947). Author’s first book. $300.
BURNS, Martin. The Life Work of “Farmer Burns.” Omaha, 1911. $150.
BURNS, Robert. Poems Ascribed to Robert Burns. Glasgow, 1801. $750.
BURNS, Robert. Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Kilmarnock edition, 1786. Author’s first book. $60,000. Edinburgh, 1787. Second edition, first issue, with “skinking” on page 263. $7,500. Second issue, with “stinking” on page 263. $4,000. London, 1787. $1,750. Philadelphia, 1788. $1,500.
BURNS, Robert. Tam O’Shanter. London: Essex House Press, 1902. Illustrated, colored by hand. Stiff vellum. One of 150 copies on vellum. $1,750.
BURNS, Tex. Hopalong Cassidy & the Riders of High Rock. New York, 1951. (By Louis L’Amour.) $1,000.
BURNS, Tex. Hopalong Cassidy and the Trail to Seven Pines. New York, 1951. (By Louis L’Amour.) $900.
BURNS, Tex. Hopalong Cassidy, Trouble Shooter. New York, 1952. (By Louis L’Amour.) $800.
BURNSHAW, Stanley. Poems. Pittsburgh, 1927. Author’s first book. $250.
BURPEE, Lawrence J. The Search