CHINA BOYS: How U.S. Relations With the PRC Began and Grew. A Personal Memoir. Nicholas MD Platt. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nicholas MD Platt
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456603588
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the Asia Society. It is dedicated to the other “China Boys”––those professionals from State, the CIA, and the Pentagon who built the US.-China relationship link by link over the years since Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger laid the foundation. Dramatic accounts by the president and his national security advisor document the early groping that removed the daggers drawn between China and the United States. Journalists, and now historians, daily add more critical analyses of the events that started the key international tie of the twenty-first century. It is time for the working level to weigh in––to enrich the grand narratives and answer questions about the evolution, the texture, and the consequences of events.

      President Nixon and Henry Kissinger cut the State Department out of their balance-of-power diplomacy with the Chinese in the period leading up to the Beijing breakthrough and during the Liaison Office years that followed. The bureaucracy grumped that we had been relegated to deal with the “nuts and bolts” of the relationship: trade, investment, sports, culture, education, and scientific exchange. In fact, my colleagues and I were happy to be in Beijing at all, fascinated with domestic Chinese politics, life in China, and the dynamics of the first interactions between Americans and Chinese, whether Olympic athletes, orchestra maestros, members of Congress, airplane manufacturers, bankers, scientists, or inner city youths.

      Over the years, our “nuts and bolts” fastened together the structure of U.S.-China relations, in the process creating an economic imperative that replaced the original strategic rationale after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989. The size of the structure has become enormous. Two-way trade exceeds $400 billion, unbalanced in China’s favor. By 2007, U.S. direct investors had pumped more than $60 billion into China, and the Chinese have begun buying into our economy. The year Nixon went to Beijing perhaps fifteen hundred Americans visited China. Now, every day, five thousand people are in the air traveling to and from China. U.S. universities have trained hundreds of thousands of Chinese students. Chinese composers write operas for U.S. companies and hit scores for American and Chinese films. Hundreds of millions of Chinese watch their stars on National Basketball League Television each week. In August 2008, millions of us tuned in to the Beijing Olympics.

      These practical daily ties bind the two peoples, societies, and economies. They also give the relationship a weight and a depth that help prevent lasting damage from domestic politics in either country and from the accidents of history. These ties are the contribution not only of the prime movers, Nixon and Kissinger, but also of the early managers of the “nuts and bolts” issues––Secretary William P. Rogers, Ambassador David Bruce, and the Foreign Service professionals who served them. This book will describe how it all began.

      It will also address other questions. What possessed a youth from New York’s Eurocentric Upper East Side to study Chinese in the post-McCarthy era? How does one learn an Asian language? What do we know about China during the Cultural Revolution, and how did we learn it? Does the Cultural Revolution mean anything now? Were Foreign Service professionals aware in 1969 of the impact that fighting between the Chinese and the Russians was having on U.S.-China relations? What role, if any, did Secretary of State Rogers, so openly and painfully disrespected by Nixon and Kissinger, play in preparing and accompanying the president to Beijing? What were the pressures on Americans and their families living in China in the early seventies? On a personal note, did a fatal road accident near Beijing also kill a promising career? When the People’s Liberation Army and the Pentagon sought each other out after Mao’s death and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, what issues and emotions were involved? Finally, how do we build on the structure in place to keep both the United States and China secure in the years to come?

      Notes on Sources

      This memoir is based on a lifetime of notes taken, diaries written, and letters home preserved by careful parents and returned after their deaths. Taking good notes was part and parcel of many of my Foreign Service assignments, and I became addicted to the practice, finding even now that I cannot listen carefully unless my hand is moving on paper. Dutifully, I destroyed or handed in notes that were truly sensitive; but I kept many others in the belief that someday I might write some history, the subject I loved the most as a child and still do now.

      The result is this volume, peculiarly my own to answer for. No one else bears responsibility of any kind. I drew on a number of books to make sure I had the context right and my facts straight. Brandon Grove’s riveting Behind Embassy Walls helped me capture the first weeks as an A-100 Foreign Service trainee. We were classmates, and his example also helped me persevere with this memoir. John Holdridge’s Crossing the Divide and Marshall Green’s contribution to War and Peace with China were solid reference points by former bosses who supervised my work during years in Hong Kong, Washington, and Beijing. Window on the Forbidden City: The Beijing Diaries of David Bruce, 1973–1974 was especially helpful in documenting Liaison Office days. The Diaries quote fully from reports that I wrote for Bruce’s signature, placing them in the public record and obviating the need for me to get them cleared. Naturally, I had to read the memoirs of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, if only to assure that the ant tracks I traced did not wander too far off the broad paths set forth by those who had moved the world. I read Nixon and Mao: The Week That Changed the World to make sure that Margaret MacMillan had not written my book. Happily, my perspective is totally different, although I was pleased by the extent she drew on oral histories from key colleagues like Winston Lord, produced by the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training. About Face by James Mann helped me with background on military relations during the post-Nixon years.

      Other key sources first and foremost included my wife Sheila, a devoted diarist herself, who shared the life of which I write. The Three Tigers, sons Adam, Oliver, and Nick Jr, added pungent comments of their own about my writing skills and our family experience in Mao’s China. Mary-Hart Bartley, my executive assistant during Asia Society days and still, helped me put together the final chapters of the China Boys saga. Peter Frost, the notable Asia studies professor at Williams College and the University of Mississippi, who won perseverance awards for reading not only one, but two of my drafts, provided scholarly insight and encouragement. I am also grateful to Columbia University’s Rachel DeWoskin, author of Foreign Babes in Beijing, who saw an early draft and added a valuable, younger-generation New China perspective.

      This volume draws only on material relevant to my experience with China. There is more, much more about experiences in Washington, Africa, the Philippines, and Pakistan. I will get to them if I live long enough among people who are interested.

      The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training deserves my special thanks for choosing this memoir as part of their ADSTDACOR Diplomats and Diplomacy Series, allowing me to join treasured colleagues and bosses in the telling of their tales. I am indebted to their caring and careful editor, Margery B. Thompson, for her patient guidance.

      China Boys


      Choosing Diplomacy

      Early Asians

      I met my first Asian at St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire. A chubby, homesick new boy, who still sang soprano, I reported for football practice on the lowest club team one day in mid-September 1948. Placed with the heavies in the middle of the line, I found myself standing next to a young Asian man, older and smaller than I. We eyed each other warily, both looking ridiculous in the football equipment of the day: leather helmets with drooping doglike earlaps, high-winged shoulder pads, and bulging pants. He announced quietly that he was Ben Makihara from the Seikei High School in Tokyo, then blurted out, “I don’t understand this game at all! I just don’t know what to do.”

      “Well, our job here in the middle of the line is to knock people down,” I replied helpfully. “There are three ways to do that. We can just charge straight ahead, or you can lie down on the ground and I can knock someone over you, or I can lie down on the ground and you can knock someone over me.”

      “Oh,“ said Ben.

      We used all three methods during the season, becoming life-long