Mayday! Mayday!. Lowell Psy.D. Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lowell Psy.D. Green
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456601591
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slip by without anyone anywhere asking if that is really such a great idea? Think of it. We are being told that the creation of an Asian city is superior to a Canadian city—IN CANADA!

      Imagine France boasting that Paris would soon cease to be a French city and instead become a British one. Or a Spanish city. Or any city other than a great and proud French city.

      Asians have contributed greatly to Canada and will continue to do so, but do we really think so little of Canada that we cheer when one of our major cities ceases to be Canadian and becomes Asian? Don’t you think we should have some second thoughts about the wisdom of this?

      Let’s put the shoe on the other foot.

      Let me ask you what these same joyful, dancing, “let’s have a New Canada” revellers would say if a good chunk of the country were to rejoice at the prospect of fewer blacks? Or fewer Asians, or East Indians?

      Imagine, if you will, residents of the Bahamas whooping it up on a Saturday night because they had just learned that, thanks to their government’s policy, blacks would be a minority in their country in just a few years!

      What do you think Jamaicans would say if their government insisted the country would be considerably improved if they cranked up the white population?

      Imagine the turmoil in Saudi Arabia if the sheiks one day announced that by 2031 Christianity would become the majority religion!

      If native Bahamians objected to becoming a minority in their own country, would that be because they are racist? Would it be racist if Jamaicans rebelled against a government that insisted on imposing, for example, a Canadian culture on them? No more reggae!

      Imagine the American talk show hosts if Americans awoke one morning to read headlines that declared that very shortly New York City would become the first Mexican city outside Mexico.

      Sort of puts things in a different light, doesn’t it?

      Would we blame the Saudis for insisting on maintaining the Muslim faith? Or would we praise them for steadfastly refusing to abandon their way of life; their culture? Just as many praise Quebec for proudly maintaining both its language and distinct culture.

      Which brings me to this question: What do you think the reaction would be if Quebecers awoke one morning to learn that by 2031 francophones would be in a minority in their province?

      What do you think the reaction would be if someone were to claim that within a few years Quebec City would become the first British city outside Britain?

      Can’t you just hear the protests?

      The Only Culture Worth Saving

      The question of whether Quebec should be congratulated for preserving its culture was never more clearly answered than when Julius Grey, a constitutional lawyer who has defended the right of Sikh students to wear their ceremonial daggers in classrooms, sided with Quebec authorities who kicked Naema Ahmed out of French-language classes when she refused to doff her niqab. “Accommodation should not lead to separation,” said Mr. Grey. (Margaret Wente, “Two solitudes and the niqab,” The Globe and Mail, March 12, 2010)

      The same article quotes Patrick Lagace, a well-respected columnist with La Press, who explained Quebec’s position best when he stated, “In English Canada you have multiculturalism, but in French Canada you can have your differences but please do become a Quebecer.”

      Even leading left-wing feminist Heather Mallick, who on the CBC website called Sarah Palin’s supporters “white trash” and questioned the virility of Republican men, has defended Quebec’s right to remove Ms. Ahmed from the classrooms. In a recent TV interview Mallick assured us that “even as a feminist” she believed Quebec had a right to insist that newcomers not isolate themselves from the mainstream and that such action was definitely not a racist act.

      It’s only racist, apparently, when English Canada decides it would like to preserve at least a few vestiges of its language and culture— Christmas concerts in our public schools, for example, or a few jobs for unilingual Anglos.

      In Quebec it’s pretty clear: If you are going to move there, you’re going to have to become a Quebecer. But if anyone suggests that anyone who immigrates to Ontario or British Columbia must become Canadian and integrate into the mainstream the racist label is quickly slapped on.

      But let’s not get sidetracked here.

      The issue in Canada is not about race or colour. This has always been a multi-ethnic country and always will be. Only a few cretins and idiots care about race or colour. Thank heavens colour doesn’t matter to anyone with half a brain anymore. Besides, let’s face it, people whose faces look pretty white to me are perpetrating most of the world’s problems these days, including right here in our own country.

      Race is irrelevant. Colour is irrelevant.

      What is very relevant is the tidal wave of immigrants of all races and colours flooding into our country with no understanding of the obligations placed on citizens of a democracy, no knowledge of English or French, few (if any) required skills and no knowledge of Canadian heritage, history, values, traditions or culture. And—at the risk of sounding even more politically incorrect—it is also true that many immigrants landing on our shores these days have no intention of making this their permanent home and thus have absolutely no loyalty to their community and very little interest in taking part in anything outside their own cultural interests. For many coming to Canada today, this is a place where they hope to make a pocketful of money one way or another before heading back to their native land as a big cheese.

      And let us be very blunt and politically incorrect here. Some of the cultures immigrants are fleeing from these days are just plain godawful. Many of those we are supposed to welcome to Canada come from cultures that treat women terribly. Gays, dissidents and heretics are murdered, democracy is unknown and, perhaps most disturbing, many of those flocking to our shores these days have been taught from childhood to fear and hate the West. It is not by accident that there were even reports of dancing and cheering in more than a few American and Canadian streets as the airplanes plunged into the twin towers!

      Thanks to our multiculturalism policy, all of these cultures are equal under Canadian law.

      And let’s continue to tell the truth. In far too many cases immigrants arriving at our shores today come with the full expectation that they will receive immediate health care, education for a multitude of children, and government support for elderly relatives. Well before they arrive, most are fully acquainted with every social benefit and right available in our country but with no understanding of what their responsibilities might be. You can hardly blame them.

      The entire immigration industry—from government officials to the truckloads of immigration lawyers and pretend lawyers making fortunes from it all—falls all over itself to inform newcomers of the golden benefits that are their right to demand. And they do demand!

      Google “immigration” and you will stumble across page after page of information apprising prospective immigrants of the services available. From second-language training to welfare, to free legal counsel to free health care. For those in Third World nations it must truly sound like our streets are paved in gold. The land of milk and honey and government largesse.

      You will be hard-pressed, however, to find any information concerning what will be expected of new Canadians. In researching this book, I checked out literally dozens of websites posted by immigration agencies and lawyers but never once stumbled across the word “responsibilities!”

      All of the problems inherent in those facts are exacerbated by our multicultural policies that not only advise newcomers not to integrate into the Canadian mainstream (except in Quebec), but actively aid and abet ghettoization!

      The Floodgates
