Nichols Consulting is also able to assist with factual witnesses especially “factual” witnesses that are brought under hearsay exceptions that are typical in these cases.
How will Nichols Consulting assist in the cross-examination of alleged victims?
We are told that defense attorneys have nightmares about cross-examining children in alleged sex abuse cases. Moreover, where multiple victims are alleged, defense attorneys lose much sleep.
With the assistance of Nichols Consulting you will be prepared for this critical part of the trial. Clearly, the cross-examination of children takes on a totally different psychosocial dynamic than the typical cross of an adult complaining witness.
Nichols Consulting will lead you, step-by-step, through the cross providing questions and followups that fit into the defense theory of the case and trial strategies.
If I should need an expert or rebuttal witness, will Nichols Consulting help me?
Yes. Often attorneys will call us seeking an expert witness. As previously mentioned, defense experts are often not needed when the case is properly prepared, however, there are a number of situations in which bringing a defense expert is appropriate. This is often true when the state has opened a door that the defense wishes to rebut, or often a well prepared defense will include having a defense expert prepared and available in case the cross of the state’s expert does not go as planned.
While Nichols Consulting has worked with experts of national reputation, often a local expert is more appropriate. In such cases Nichols Consulting will locate and prep a local expert to provide a science-based presentation one which is very difficult to cross.
Is Edward Nichols available to provide expert testimony?
Edward Nichols has retired from the provision of expert testimony and dedicates his full time efforts to expert consultation. However, in the rare case that Nichols Consulting is unable to provide you with an efficient and appropriate expert for your case, Edward Nichols may consider providing expert testimony. Similarly, he will consider providing expert testimony in a case that holds a promise of creating significant caselaw.
How will Nichols Consulting help me with defense factual witnesses?
In false allegations cases the psychosocial dynamics are essential. Ignore them at your client’s peril!
Our national research indicates that juries astutely pick up on body language, dress, choice of words, presentation styles, and a host of psychosocial factors.
These factors are no secret to departments of social services and social workers who have been “preparing” the state’s witnesses for years. They are trained to “prepare” witnesses.
Nichols Consulting will assist you so that you are playing on a level field!
How will Nichols Consulting help me with research?
Our legal and mental health professionals are authorities on the current legal and psychosocial developments that impact on false allegations. Employing Nichols Consulting puts these data at your fingertips!
How does Nichols Consulting assist in the preparation of opening and closing statements?
Our national experience has taught us two important lessons: Child sexual abuse defenses must be proactive in every respect; and the entire trial from opening to closing statements must hold together with both internal and external consistency.
Nichols Consulting will assist you in orchestrating all of these dynamics within the context of your opening and closing statements. We will learn your style and preferences and structure the content and essential dynamics into your style. We understand the psychosocial dynamics that are often critical to the child sexual abuse defense.
How will Nichols Consulting help with jury selection?
The strategies for the selection of an appropriate jury in a child sexual abuse case are unique. The general public has been falsely “educated” by the social work profession regarding the subject of child sexual abuse. Nichols Consulting has the social work expertise to detect such “education”, or other life experiences, that should disqualify a juror.
The proper selection of a jury often means the difference between a conviction or hung jury, and most often, between a hung jury and an acquittal. Nichols Consulting can give you this advantage!
What if I’m on a limited budget and only want a limited amount of services?
Our service delivery protocols are designed to provide you with the services you want in a timely and efficient manner, within a reasonable budget. Most often we are able to meet these objectives.
How do I get Nichols Consulting to help?
Give us a call at [607] 5638707. We maintain normal business hours [Eastern Time]. When you call you will speak to Edward Nichols as soon as possible. He will assess your needs and answer any questions you may have. This is a gratis consultation.
FAQ’s For The Accused
I’ve been falsely accused of child sexual abuse, what should I do?
This is a broad question, however, there are several important steps that should be taken in every case: [1] Retain a competent and affordable lawyer with specific training and experience in the area of allegations of child sexual abuse; [2] Educate yourself about false allegations; and [3] Have your situation assessed by Nichols Consulting, the national consulting firm founded by the author of this book, Edward Nichols.
Does it make any difference if I’m innocent? Can’t a good defense team help anyone?
Everyone is entitled to an effective defense. Everyone is not entitled to the services of Nichols Consulting. Nichols Consulting is a proven effective consulting firm, founded by a social worker, that can effectively assist those who are falsely accused. We therefore restrict our services to those who maintain their factual innocence.
How do I find a competent and affordable lawyer with specific training and experience in the area of allegations of child sexual abuse?
This is a critically important step in defending false allegations. That is why Nichols Consulting assists those falsely accused to find the right attorney, as a public service, with no charge.
By simply calling Nichols Consulting you can access the most sophisticated and comprehensive referral service of its kind. We have no “list” of referral attorneys. Each case is assessed individually and each attorney is assessed in the context of your case. Understanding the exhaustive process that we undertake on your behalf will help you to understand the importance of using our referral service.
Each request for an attorney referral gets the individual attention of our chief consulting expert, Edward Nichols. He will interview you by phone and assess your individual needs within the context of your case. When indicated, Mr. Nichols will consult with our panel of attorneys. Nichols Consulting employs consulting attorneys who stand ready to provide services and share their national expertise in the area of false allegations of child sexual abuse.
Once a profile of your needs is developed, our administrative staff begins the process of contacting qualified attorneys in your area. Each attorney is then interviewed by Mr. Nichols. Following the interviews and consultation among the Nichols Consulting staff, a referral is made to you.
What criteria does Nichols Consulting use in making an attorney referral?
We assess the level of an attorney’s experience in the context of our assessment of your case. This not only includes years of practice, but also, the number of false abuse cases, the number of trials, the number of favorable outcomes achieved, the number of pleas