How To Fix America. BSL JD Dickens. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: BSL JD Dickens
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Социальная психология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780615437996
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way with the Constitution of the United States. Also local government organizations such as counties, parishes, and cities could develop laws that addressed their needs so long as the laws did not conflict with the Constitution of the United States. The Supreme Court of the United States has the final say of the legality of state and local constitutions and laws.

      These two basic bodies of Social Contracts have become the standard known all over the Earth as the Greatest Social Experiments ever conducted by the human race. Whether or not these instruments do hold total balance to all of America’s achievements is but a sound foundation that can be labeled as evidence for perhaps much of the accomplishments, wealth, and stability of the nation, and is the best claimed “evidence,” that can be associated with the principles and functions of these Social Contracts. There is other “evidence” that would present itself within this debate that the will of the people, their sheer determination, work ethic, dreams, desires, and cooperative spirit have also played perhaps the most important role in the success and accomplishments of this Social Experiment. Then let us not forget the final “evidence” to support the rationalization that this Great Social Experiment takes claim to such success. This evidence is called the Natural Resources to which this nation holds a debt of gratitude as is found and promised in great abundance. And thus - just as is found within this evidence of the written word - that abundance was promised to all mankind - the abundance that God himself told the World would not lack for if only they follow Him in faith. Therefore, I have delivered to the reader not simple evidence, but even better testimony to the very essence of this nation’s success and accomplishments.

      Each time an Angel comes forth in the Holy Scripture - the first line, the first Contract they offer to the person they deliver a message is, “Fear Not!” Therefore, I have to ask the reader, “What is our public collectively afraid of?” For the anxiety we can count in this nation is completely unfounded and confusing to anyone gaining wisdom. I don’t say this in any form of arrogance, for I, too, from time to time find myself fearful of things beyond my control. We are only human, fear is a part of being human, otherwise the angels would not have had to inform anyone to, “Fear Not.” However, we can take the advice of the angels, we can manage our fear, we can take steps to overcome our fear - and thus play out our part of the Contract offered by the angels. We can do this to please God, and at the same time please ourselves and beyond which we will be more free to pursue happiness, build upon our Common Wealth, secure our gains, and work toward greater freedoms, improved liberty, and thus fix what is ailing America. How about this: we can even take steps to perform the greatest miracle of all, and God leaves that miracle to humans, that miracle is Belief, not simply belief in God, but also the belief in ourselves. For simply fixing America, is a lesser understanding of what freedom and liberty are all about or supposed to be within the foundation of this or any nation, and that is to fortify our spiritual foundation. Anything less is Nationalism.

      Chapter Two: Forming a New Set of Social Contracts

      Now that the reader is contemplating a new direction in life, such as managing our fear, controlling those aspects of our lives that we do have control over, placing our understanding of the often confused meaning that is the burden upon the public to gain wisdom for sculpting new forms of Social Interaction, perhaps it is also time to contemplate a new set of contracts with a new set of beliefs within ourselves. Finding that the current Social Contacts were formed by mortal humans with their own set of mistakes and even naivete, all of which we can find our own imperfections as well. All of this is simply yet another situation of “Fear Not.” At some point in time we have to witness the failures and imperfections of the current Social Contracts, identify the specific failures, and begin the debate on how to repair these failures and forge improvements to the contracts - even if we simply draft a rough document to hold out in front of the public, in an attempt to gain their understanding. If we gain the public’s understanding, then we need to seek the public’s agreement so that ratifying steps can then be taken. Perhaps ratifications that through oath, preserves and protects the public and their common wealth rather than the protection of the document alone.

      If a nation is holding a document that has crucial errors or loop holes that mask the flaws, and the holders see the document as too sacred to alter, then the nation is stuck in a situation in which the people are limited as to opportunities for progress. Patriots cannot and should not hold the document as too sacred to alter. For which generation after generation produce the evidence that the Common Wealth has eroded to the habits of feeding the statistics of poverty or worse the perception that we are better off than other nations, therefore there is no accommodation for the disability to improve.

      While the United States is perceived throughout the world as the world’s best social, economic, and political environment, our citizens need to become actively involved in requiring our government to reexamine our constitution so that the citizens are no longer hampered in their ability to improve. This country needs lower taxes and less government. We need less complicated laws and fewer of them, holding to the limits of what can be enforced. Examining the tax laws and insurance laws alone will very quickly allow one to see that our government has over-complicated our lives, and we need intelligent change.

      If some readers find the current Social Contracts to be the perfect documents then let’s seek debate or even argument that there are better alternatives, at least on paper for now, and later forge arguments and debate the scenarios that intellectually counter and encounter the dimensions of measuring a government that has evidently over-stepped the boundaries of the stated contract in agreement that there would be “No Taxation Without Representation.” There is only one way to accomplish Taxation Without Representation, and amazingly it was the very Tax that caused the founders of our nation to be in outrage. For now, hold this thought and store it later for a full explanation. The real question at hand is Representation, and we have to ask, “is the state of affairs in which this nation finds itself - being the deterioration of liberties and the decay of our common wealth.” “Are these conditions the result of, not enough or too much representation?” Personally I find representation to be the main issue, the main focus of this nation’s concerns, and I believe that I can offer solutions that may not perfect representation, but they are solutions that will improve our chances of once again being a Republic of Represented People, at least to a greater margin than “We the People” have witnessed of late.

      Chapter Three: Expressions of the Term Limit

      During the last half of the twentieth century, and primarily as are result of President Roosevelt's death in office, the use of term limits was exercised by the congress over the executive branch of government. This came about due to the exchange of power to the Vice-President who was Truman, who found himself in a cloud of responsibility from which issues such as use of the atomic bomb had been withheld from Truman. Thus for whatever reason, our Congress sensed a need to limit the term of the Office of the Presidency. Now that to me is an odd attempt to solve a problem, that was not at all related to the problem of not allowing the office of the vice-president to work closer with the president, especially on issues of great importance, like the use of atomic weapons. It was as if the Congress was attempting to regulate death, as if no president should ever die in office. Humans pass away all the time and never on any particular schedule, regardless of their power or stature in life. The important thing is to ensure the “need to know” is always expressed to all persons working within the chain of any command.

      Therefore, I see no reason to limit the term of office for the presidency. Perhaps constitutional law should be revised to enforce the positions of power that the tax payers are paying for be required to treat the various offices in line of events of deceased leaders to be required to keep those in successive order informed with regard to various issues under consideration and function of the various offices of government.

      As for term limits for the Senate or the House of Representations, again I see no reason for term limits to those posts. Though this is often a cry from the public, seemingly a limit of other states’ Legislators to be limited in the duration of their office does not in a real sense, would one way or another really change the representation that the public wishes to gain. For this reason, one of the main motivations among conservatives of other states was the hope for, in example, the eventual removal of say a liberal senator or congressman from another state. True